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Everything posted by PrincessMommy

  1. End of Summer means about Labor day or when the kids go back to school. If I meant mid-Sept. I would have said "Mid-Sept". Yes, I know too that technically "summer" ends on the 22nd... but if you live in the northern parts of North America, it may not be feeling very summer-like this week - I have trees beginning to change here in DC area. Sounds like that person is being snarky to me.
  2. Thank you. She's actually doing amazingly well. By the time she got into the ER she was fine - a miracle really. But, it was very scary beforehand. Thank you for your experience. After today I'm willing to take it to another level if it will help avoid the ER.
  3. Mom here with a 17yr old dd who went to the ER for an asthma attack this morning. :crying: The allergy shots made a HUGE improvement for my dd. But, the shot she is taking is only 1x per year and she took it in the spring. I'll have to get the name of it as I don't remember it. Her problems peak in the spring and fall. More than one person after church today told me that their allergies are off the charts bad right now. So, whatever is exploding outside, combined with an older/musty church that uses incense set her off badly. If you suspect it's something outside, then don't let her sleep with the windows open (my dd doesn't or she wakes up feeling miserable). Washing the sheets regularly and using a newish pillow make a big difference for her too... we haven't gone all the way to allergy covers for the bed, but we do use something for the pillows. I'm considering removing the carpet in her room and replacing with hardwood. The thing is that is a very expensive and drastic change. I don't know how much benefit it will bring. Allergy testing for my dd didn't help much. It came back that she was only allergic to mites. Well, there's definitely *something* outside that sets her off in spring/fall but it didn't show up on the tests. So, I don't blame your dd for avoiding the tests. The HEPA filter in her room, in addition to one in the main part of the house, helps. She keeps hers running nearly 24/7. Taking Claritin helps - but after reading some replies here, I may see if she wants to switch, at least during the worst months. She's also on daily doses of Advair, Singular & and then a rescue inhaler. The thing I've found after dealing with this for about 5 years is that no one person responds the same way to allergens and meds. And, what works during one season may fail during a particularly bad season for your child. :grouphug:
  4. I have a dishwasher and I live in the US. Now that college kids are back at college I'm down to about 1x per day, sometimes 2.
  5. I just saw the part about driving in the snow. I can't speak to the Sonata but the Santa Fe is great in the snow -but it's more like an SUV anyway, so it should be.
  6. We have a 2006 Santa Fe and have been very happy with it. In fact, we're in the market for another car and I asked my mechanic about his recommendations. Hyundai was one that he said they've been impressed with lately. My only complaint about the Santa Fe is that it's a gas hog. But, it has over 100K on it and it's still going strong.
  7. I'm glad you were able to find the Harry Potter book via the library! Woo hoo! I need to turn my attention towards Christmas too. However, I've got 2 grand-nieces coming this fall and my new DIL's b-day is next month.
  8. I take the Raspberry one. I add it to OJ. It tastes better that way than with water. I take it 2x per day about 1/2-1 tsp each time. I usually take it after lunch and then late in the day - around 7-9pm. I've tried more than that because my restless leg isn't totally helped by this, but it was TOO much for my system (TMI). I think I'll try the baths with epsom salts... I love taking baths, and take them nearly every night, so it's not big deal for me anyway.
  9. I take Natural Calm via Amazon. The reviews there are quite helpful. For depression there's other natural vit/supplements you can take in conjunction with Magn. While a bit outdated, the book "Mood Cure" is a good place to start your investigation.
  10. yup, my experience too. My mom made it clear she was not interested in being a "babysitter". My mom saw it as some form of enabling... seriously. She never really helped out a lot, and was always rather distant... not doing much with her grandkids unless it suited her time table. My dd and her husband just had their first. I babysit 3x a week. She's still in grad. school and neither of them make enough to have decent day care. Dgs's other grandma does it 2x a week (for now - she has a bad back). I love that I am part of my grandson's life, and I am growing closer to my daughter in the process (she's always been a bit of a loner).
  11. my experience exactly. The only thing is that they will often emphasize doing an online rating of their services. I gotten the impression they get some kind of "adda-boy" from positive ratings - not sure if it's monetary or what though.
  12. being the parent of older teen/young adult children is THE HARDEST part of parenting. I'd take a house full of diapers and crying toddlers any day. Many ((((hugs))))
  13. checking in and hoping the OP is on the road to recovery. Much prayers.
  14. I had a LEEP done about a year before getting preggy with #6 (he's 12 now). Yeah, not a fun experience. What I remember was that the procedure was uncomfortable, but that the recovery was much longer than the doctor suggested. Ugh. I hope you have a better luck with recovery. My cells came back normal too, and I just had to have paps more often for about 2-3yrs just to make sure they didn't come back.
  15. I was going to ask if she was one of the Gorgon sisters too.
  16. Agreeing with the others. Seeing a therapist is a good first start. Stay away from facilities unless you are a danger to yourself or your children. Your therapist should be willing to work together with your Dr. concerning which meds. would be most appropriate for your needs. I would look at prescrip. meds as a good short-term solution to a bad situation. After you've leveled out (and it can take a few weeks/months) then start educating yourself about nutritional issues related to depression & anxiety.
  17. home made taco meat. It's easy to whip up in 30 mins and if you make bulk you can freeze the rest. Then it's easy enough for older kids/dh to prepare all the fixin's they like. for every 1 lb of meat use: 1 onion chopped, 1 clove garlic, drain off fat--then add: 1.5-2tsp. chili powder, 1 tsp. salt, 1/4 tsp cumin, 1/4 tsp red peppers flaked, 1 tsp oregano, 1 can (14oz) of tomato sauce (more or less depending on your family preferences). another one is meatloaf. If you double it you can freeze the leftover and dh can warm it up another day. Just serve with cooked potatoes - or if you want (don't feel guilty if you're dealing with stress) just use boxed mashed potatoes...they've come a long way.
  18. thanks... we were just discussing the 50th anniversary episode last night, but I didn't know when it was happening.
  19. We have a foam topper on our bed (it's attached to the mattress). I would never buy another one. By the middle of the night you have a concave where your body is, and it's like climbing out of a hole to get out. Engaging in tEa feels more like a wrestling match with the bed. I have a friend who has injured her back and had a memory foam (which she said she paid $4K for - so its definitely one of the good ones.) and she can't use it because she is STUCK in bed when she lays down. The bed is not firm enough for her to roll onto her side, then use her arms to slowly get up. My dh couldn't sleep in our bed when he injured his back after a car accident. Those two experiences alone had decided for me that the next bed will be a traditional mattress. Thanks for the link to sleeplikethedead... great looking site for real reviews.
  20. I voted: "I am a "not defined by the above terms" Christian and cannot say it from memory" I could say that *used* to be able to say it from memory. I'm sure it was the one I learned for Confirmation in the Methodist church way back in 7th grade. Then attended churches that "had no Creed but Christ" tradition. Became a Lutheran after many years, and we said the Apostle's creed. As an Orthodox we only say the Nicene-Constantinoplitan Creed (un-altered). I haven't tried the AC from memory in a while and not sure I could do it without some prompting.
  21. Hi Everyone.... I hope everyone is on better track than I am. I've been terribly distracted from doing anything this past weekend and have nothing new to show. Perhaps later this week there will be some movement.
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