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Everything posted by PrincessMommy

  1. Agreeing with Susann... lcfreinds is a great place for encouragement and information. LC works best for me, and I find it fairly easy if I can get over the carb cravings. My sis lost over 100lb on Atkins and has now switched to Paleo. Another resource is the book "Wheat Belly" or Gary Taubes' youtube video's on "Why we Get Fat." Not LC but no wheat.
  2. Whoops!! I just realized it's Tuesday. The holiday threw me off and I had my grandson today. I'm way behind. Let's inspire each other with our crafting and hobby stuff. +++++++++ I've just been working away at my bamboo scarf I shared in last week's thread. Hopefully, I'll finish it this week and move onto the next idea. My sister has two new grandbabies coming this fall, so I need to get to work on some blankets. I haven't even started thinking about Christmas. :scared:
  3. how do you know it's that particular meaning? I asked her what it meant once and she never answered me. I had to go look it up. Someone could still adopt the phrase even if they're not Jesuit (or Catholic) - right?
  4. yes, I had one shatter and it was probably 10-15yrs old (it happened about 5 yrs ago). To be fair, I'm sure it was my fault. It was in the hot oven and I pour tap water into the dish (can't remember why), and the thing shattered.
  5. well, if its the thread I'm thinking of I don 'think so. I had some "likes" in that thread too and they seem to come up in my notifications.
  6. ] don't forget the humidity! For some reason it's been unbearable this past week. Usually end of Aug. is nice. Ugh. I've felt like a roasting pig every time I move (and I have air conditioning). I'm always pining for another place. I'd love to live in the PNW or the mts. of TN. Have no idea how good these places are, and I doubt I'll ever get to live in either place, but one can dream...
  7. I just remembered the "Book of the Dun Cow" by Wangerin. I read it years ago, but it was quite good. I've just added "Wool" to my holds list at the library.
  8. Whatever you use, you MUST comb with those special combs at multiple times a day until you see no more lice/nits. That is one of the best ways to avoid re-infestation. I did the chemical stuff but didn't do the combing, and those critters came back! And i got it too! ugh. No one wants to comb mama's hair :glare: And what a pain it was to comb my own. The usual place is behind the ears and back of the head (they like warmth), but you should definitely run a comb throughout the hair. If you have boys, give them a buzz cut.. it's is TOTALLY worth it. I would also buy some Neem shampoo. It is a lice repellent... it won't kill them, but they don't like the stuff. It's not very nice smelling, but it is natural. It got mine off Amazon. Good luck.
  9. Does the landlord know the neighbors? If so, is there any way he can intervene? I would definitely tell the landlord about the incident, just in case you have to explain why the vines aren't as trimmed there. I'm sorry that happened. I'd be very stressed out about it too. What a terrible way to welcome someone to the neighborhood.
  10. then again you may find a kindred spirit. I think Farris getting involved is weird, insulting, and opportunistic. I wonder how your friends would feel if a German lawyer came here to America to change one of our laws.
  11. I agree to a point... I think the gov't has every right to enforce their laws, but the raid, as it was described, seems to have gone WAY over the top. Was there any evidence that the family was violent and/or had guns in their possession?
  12. PJ - yikes!! I would cry if I lost 15 yrs of correspondences. I was up in the middle of the night with insomnia. I checked gmail and it worked! Then within about 3-5 mins gmail only froze up... and would not come back. So I closed all my tabs and shut down the computer. This morning I opened up gmail on Chrome (I usually use Firefox) and it seems to be working fine so far. I'll try Firefox a little later to see if that's part of the probl. But I'm going to wait until Its more convenient for me.
  13. I asked my husband if he got any unusual emails from me and he said he didn't. It's very frustrating. Still can't access my account.
  14. :glare: I went out for about an hour tonight, came home and I got a message from gmail: I've tried for the last 1.5 hours to get in but no luck. I was right in the middle of a craigslist transaction too. has anyone had this happen before? Did it really take 24 hours to get access again??
  15. i appreciate this thread. spoiler alert!! I'm currently reading Divergent, but having I'm having to continuously suspending belief. I mean the main character is part of the fighter (military) faction, but they don't train her?? they just tell the newbies to get in the ring and "fight"? Everyman for himself. That doesn't seem like the way military's train. And, I'm stuck on the idea that they get one chance to pick a faction and if it doesn't work - you're factionless. There's just too much that seem unrealistic rather than something that maybe could happen. I keep wondering if the author is a teenager. I guess I should go check. But, they're hugely popular, so I keep thinking that maybe I'm missing something. Then again, maybe I should just move on.
  16. okay, so in the private sector if we are unhappy with something or it's failing and we continue to buy the product, that will encourage the company to change the product? It's one of the reasons the Soviet Union dissolved... they kept propping up failing gov't run businesses. Besides, I've heard that suggestion for the last 25yrs, since I started learning about homeschooling, and I know people who did just that (sent kids to public to be part of the solution). The schools have not changed for the better in that time. How much time do they want?
  17. Brother Cadfael series by Ellis Peters... Also, the Jane Austen Mystery series are quite light. Gilbert Cunningham series by Pat MacIntosh are light and historical. James Herriott books., although not mysteries, are always a hit. "Over Hill and Dale" by Gervase Phinn are the hilarious true experiences of a newly appt. school inspector in the English Dales. There's a second book, which is also good. Not mystery, but definitely light and fun. For the guys Tony Hillerman series are good... modern police, but not gory or racy (at least the ones I've read). They're Western too.
  18. I haven't tried anything new recently... but I'm loving this thread. Very inspirational.
  19. Assateague Island is great. We camped in the Nat'l park (there's also a state park) and the horses will come up to your camp site. The only thing is as the summer progresses they get more aggressive, expecting food, etc. Have you been to WV? I know it's west, but that state has some lovely camping areas - Monongahela, Dolly Sods wilderness area, Seneca rocks.
  20. slr - oh please don't say that. I'm sure yours is absolutely lovely. Mine is a warm-weather shawl, it's supposed to be light and airy. MTS - that is a FUN video.
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