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Everything posted by PrincessMommy

  1. I think brainwash isn't quite right a description. I think what you may mean is parents who who are very controlling about their faith. I've always tried to raise my kids with my faith (and that has changed too)...just as you described. I think the key is to always be open that other ways of thinking or being a Christian and they are just as valid and wonderful. Mainly the "only" people - can't use wine for communion, only wear dresses, only use the KJV, only homeschool, etc. etc. etc. I think the key too is that there is no hard and fast rule to raising our kids to keep the faith. I wish there were.. really I do. I've seen too many kind, gentle Christian parents have their children turn away from the faith. It's just as heartbreaking. The other thing out of our control is what other Christians say/do to our children. My kids are older and some of the things they've told me that Sunday school teachers or other Christian parents have told them will make your toes curl. My 23yr old dd went for about 3yrs to a small Christian school specifically for kids with LD. It was a great school and gave her the tools she needed to succeed in a traditional high school and in college. But, just last week dd told me that her teacher once told her that all girls should act dumb so they can catch a husband !!??! I was flabbergasted! OMG!! And she was telling this to girls will terrible self-esteem issues because they had learning problems!! What the was she thinking?? One piece of advice I got about 2yrs ago concerning parenting is to talk to God about your kids more than you talk to your kids about God. So my advice from someone who isn't finished yet is to love your kids and pray for them.
  2. that would be infuriating. One only needs to look all around and see it's totally untrue. Good grief...there are plenty of serious Christians who suffer terribly.
  3. in the context of how you describe it it doesn't sound excessive to me. One at dinner and then another glass a hour or two later just isn't that much to me.... and I only drink about 1-3x per year (and then it's hard cider or hard lemonade).
  4. I'm in a similar situation. I took some classes way back in the early 80s :laugh: So, i'm starting over again because so much was forgotten. I'm moving slowly (turtle paced). One thing I have really disliked, after watching my older kids go through this at cc and then myself last year, is the reliance on "group projects." What's with that??!! Maybe it's just a community college thing, but I hate it. It is SUCH a waste of time and not at all like the real world workforce (if that is their thinking). elegantion - with whom are you taking your online courses? I'm thinking of switching to mostly online myself because getting out of the house at class time is difficult.
  5. Awful... I can't imagine the pain. Praying.
  6. wow!! How exciting. Congratulations. Hope you have lots of help at home.
  7. I've heard the same thing about China... they even do it INDOORS! Nasty, nasty. And, it's not just spit - but a hock and a spit. Shutter. so gross.
  8. I so agree... that is so nasty.. I don't want to step in your bodily fluids people! gross.
  9. definitely helps with relaxing & muscle soreness. I use it in a big tub- about 2cups worth so it sounds like I'm not using enough from what other's have said.
  10. First sit-down and have a cup of tea. Take a moment to take a deep breath and collect yourself. Then tack lo e t he mess. What an awful thing.. do you have a shop vacation? I'm bet that would work well. Many hugs.
  11. yes, definitely with elderly people. My mom would hallucinate when she had a UTI... it was scary, but then such relief that it was easily corrected.
  12. that does sound like fun. Congratulations!
  13. All my children were born out of hospital. 1 in a Birth Center and 5 at home. I *loved* having home births. Surely, there's got to be a homebirthing WTMers group here? Call your midwife, read good books on birth stories. Know what to expect. They'll probably have some good resources.
  14. yes too. We keep them for about a week to make sure the item truly works but then it's open season for our son. i think we have a couple of "robots" in the basement made from large discarded boxes. :laugh: I think they need to go now that it's been about 6 months.
  15. I don't know if others believe that but I've never heard it before.
  16. I think insurance tells people not to admit to anything and to wait for the police... but the fact that no one came to her aid is just awful. What is wrong with people!!?? If the company who owns the truck contacts you I'd definitely be mentioning this to them that this is a reflection of their company.
  17. I think you've hit on what I couldn't quite articulate.
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