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Everything posted by PrincessMommy

  1. I didn't realize he was fighting cancer. So very sad.
  2. I like them too for the same reason. Don't know why others don't have them... time, privacy issues...who knows.
  3. yup - online applications. My dd (college) has applied to about 18 jobs and no luck so far. She did get one call back but they wanted her to work nights when she specifically stated on her app that she has classes every night :glare: She has a connection at another job she's applied to, so she's hoping it might produce something. She's pretty discouraged. Son (college) last year got a job at the local big grocery store. I think he just got lucky. This year he's doing an internship.
  4. I think this is why. All though it would be good manners to say gg (good game) before leaving.
  5. I would cool the house down to a comfortable level for sleeping, the turn it off. But. I don't know if I'd open the windows because of my seasonal allergies.
  6. I'm so sorry. May his memory be from everlasting to everlasting. :grouphug:
  7. thanks for the update. Still praying. How scary!
  8. I wish we lived closer. I think we'd get along swimmingly. Most of my friendships related to my kids have also waned over the years. I do have new friends, but they aren't connected to kids (most are single, no kids types - funny that). And, they're friends but not "bestest friends", if you KWIM. I'm more a loner, so I've come to be okay with not having a kindred spirit friend. I also live in an area where people tend to move a lot. So, when I do make a good friend, they move. After a while I gave up on having that lasting deep friendship. Anyway to the OP: I weave, am active at my parish (sing in the choir, go to the women's prayer group,). I've just recently given up on hospice care because I'm too busy. I also am taking a class this summer at the local cc. I do babysit my grandson - but I put that under the "parenting" umbrella.
  9. We had about 120 invited (I think just under 100 attended).. which I don't think of as "large". The thing that was completely insane is that I had the reception at my parents house! What was I thinking??? And why did my parents agree to that insanity??!! There is no WAY I would ever, ever, ever agree to doing that at my home. My dd had a bit over 200 people- it was VERY stressful. That is too large to me. - but we have a big family. Over 100 were family members (and not distant relatives). My Son-in-law is a priest's son - so you can't invite the parish without offending someone... and it was a smallish parish (50 people - adds up though). The of course, clergy friends, etc. ,etc. etc. It was crazy. Oh and he is an only child - so this was it for them. Ours was almost all family and theirs was almost all church friends. I told my other kids they're not allowed to marry a PK. Anyway, if *I* get a say I'd do less than 100 too.
  10. Do boots count? Back when I got my first "real" job, I saved up and saved up and bought a pair of cool boots for over $120 from 9West. That was 30yrs ago!! OMG. I feel old all of a sudden. Sigh. I loved those boots and had them well into my marriage and having kids.. they lasted a long time. I don't spend that much on shoes anymore. I don't think I've ever bought shoes for over $70 since then (and 70 is stretching it).
  11. "Far from the Madding Crowd" is wonderful - esp. as an audio book (Nathaniel Parker is the narrator). "Tenant of Wildfell Hall" by Anne Bronte is lovely too. It never makes it to any Classics list because she's not as well known as her sister. I don't know if it's available in audio. Did you only want British lit.? If not..... "The Good Earth" is lovely too The Kristin Lavransdatter series is wonderful. "A Tree Grows in Brooklyn" "Heart of Darkness"
  12. I enjoy TED talks too.. I can't remember specific ones... sorry. but the one with the one with the guy who studies brain scans and discovered that he had the brain of a psychopath. Very interesting. Made me really think about this from as a Christian (what if someone's sin is because their brain is wired badly). Also, then there was one recently from a paleontologist talking about the end of the dinosaurs. Gosh, I'll have to go watch it again. He talked about evidence that it may not have been a asteroid that killed the dinos. I also enjoy NPR's TED hour on Sundays.
  13. I got 23. But, honestly, I hate these types of lists. Who decides these things?? There are some on the list I don't plan to ever read such as "The Lovely Bones" & "The Great Gatsby" for example. So, I don't feel bad that I'm on the lower side of things. Why only some of Austen & Tolstoy''s works? No fair, I read "Brother's Karamazov" which is not on the list. Makes no sense. I've read "Moby Dick". I'd like to know why it's on the list other than the fact that it's old. More than 1/2 of the book is outdated science information (Whale phrenology anyone???) . That's a couple months of reading I'll never get back. Ugh. How about "Portrait of a Lady" - read that - it's old - and awful. LOL What about "Don Quixote"??? - it's old - and awesome!! It's withstood the test of time much longer than several others on the list. speaking of which, "The Davinci Code"??!! What the heck?? It's pulp fiction. Why don't we add a Barbara Cartland book too then??
  14. yes, me too. Cat - this was a nice idea. I was thinking the same thing earlier about all these sad and worrying things happening to members here. I wonder if there's anyway to make a Memorial sticky for those from our group we have lost.
  15. Yes, I've tried both a new battery I had here on hand and taking out the old one and putting it back in. I told them I suspected it was the connector. They said it wasn't worth it to fix the connector and sold me a wall batter charger. They never diagnosed it - so yeah, I don't trust them either. Since I was here last I found two places MUCH closer to me (not sure how I missed them the first time). I'm going to try to go to one tomorrow and see what they sy.
  16. I have a refurbished Samsung Galaxy II that I've had less than year. It stopped taking a charge over the weekend. I tried more than one charger, so I assumed it was the connector. Took it into a shop (which was a pain to get to), and they told me that it's not worth it to fix the connector.. they sold me a battery charger that plugs into the wall. I've let it charge for about 3hrs, but the phone shows no charge. :cursing: :crying: . What would I do to try and figure out what's the matter? Is it even worth it to try and figure out anyway? The exact same phone is $150 at my carrier. I guess I just hate the idea of throwing it away. It just seems like such a waste.
  17. Thank you everyone. I haven't approached him yet about my concerns. I think that will be the first step.
  18. My dh was in a car accident last July and got a concussion. He still doesn't remember anything from the accident or just after. I've noticed that his patience is worse than it used to be - but really only in the last few months has it become noticeable. It's not horrible, but it seems to be getting a little worse with time. Could that be a symptom of the concussion even though it seems delayed? Could it be age related? (He's nearly 60). I'm concerned because, if it's a little worse now, and then a little more worse in a year... and so on. Yeah, it's scaring me. Do things related to a concussion get progressively worse? Or should I be looking at something else? He's always been rather mellow-dramatic/ drama queen... not the calm/"steady-Freddy" type (I'm the phlegmatic one). So, the fact that he over-reacts to a situation isn't totally unusual - it's just that before it didn't usually come out as anger. It was a side-impact injury - if that makes any difference to the medical people here.
  19. oh my goodness! Thank you for letting us know. How awful for everyone. Very thankful no one was killed. Praying for a speedy recovery for your mom.
  20. I am so very sorry. :grouphug: Praying for you all.
  21. So sorry for your loss. :grouphug: May her memory be eternal!
  22. I got 100% - although I couldn't get all their names (the test says it's okay if you recognize them but can't remember the names, just put what you know about them). I usually said where I knew them from (Tony Blair = British PM). I also get De NIro & Pacino mixed up but I got it right this time. I expected a good score, actually. I have very good facial recognition. I can't usually get a name, but I can pick people out that I know from somewhere when I run into them randomly. I can usually pick out where I know them from too - although that's getting harder as I've gotten older (is the connection high school, old youth group, one of our old churches, homeschooling, or one of the kids many activities from the past?)
  23. We enjoy Longmire. It's pretty tame compared to the other. We also like Masterpiece Mystery.
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