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Everything posted by PrincessMommy

  1. I tried diet tricks and Sea bands and they didn't help. That's not for people with Hyper-Emesis. Maize :grouphug: :grouphug: Its so hard. I did Tigan (I think that's what it's called), Zofran, and Phenergen. They all worked okay. I still felt awful but I didn't barf as much.. I hated the groggy feeling... esp. with littles running around. I guess that was better than barfing 24/7 with littles :crying: Hang in there.
  2. I agree. While it doesn't sound like the diaper gift party was such a big deal I'm not happy about the trend towards more excess. No amount of "that party was a blast" is going to convince me this is a good idea. And certainly no amount of guilting ("jaded about a new life"...really???") will either.
  3. me too! I have slept alone when dh took the kids someplace without me many years ago. It.was.wonderful. However, most women I know don't sleep well when their hubby is away.
  4. okay, sorry... I'm using the wrong terminology. none of her stuff has ever showed up on my Newsfeed...both before I started "following" her and after. yeah, I don't get the point of following either. But there was someone I was following with whom I was not "friends" with and his stuff was always showing up on my Newsfeed. I never got notifications that he had posts/shared. I'm now friends with him and the only thing that changed is that I can comment on his posts. I guess hers is different because she has it set that way???
  5. I'm still pretty new to Fb and I'm still trying to figure some things out. 1) is there any way to see who has been looking at your profile...esp. non-friends - if you have it open to non-friends.? 2). I have a friend on FB and I noticed that her updates were not going on my timeline (is that what it's called). At first I assumed it was because she was never on FB, but I went to her page and there she was sharing away. So I figured I had to "follow" her...and did. Now she still doesn't show up on my timeline but I'm constantly getting notifications that she has updated her status or shared a link or some such. BTW, she's an uber-poster. :001_rolleyes: yes, occasionally it's interesting and I 'like to keep up, but I don't need the constant notifications. Is there something I'm missing? Why doesn't her stuff show up on my timeline like everyone else? Thanks in advance for helping...
  6. I'm sorry about the loss of your cat.
  7. I love this! Gentle hugs as you continue to recover.
  8. I cook it in the crock with some of my fav. bbq sauce, onions, and paprika (and some water). Then I just slice it (as best as it can be sliced) and save the juice. The next day I make my own pulled pork bbq LC sauce...mix it with some of the reserved juice and little bit more of the store-bought bbq sauce. Of course, it can all be frozen too. That's about all I know to do with it. I'd love to hear about some more ideas.
  9. LOL - yes that is true. They actually have a more relaxed dress code than my dd's Christian school last year. But, I don't want him thinking that the culture of 2 working high-powered Harvard parents bringing their kids to school in Bently's and BMW's is normal either. We've visited both schools. I was actually totally ready for school #1 when we went to #2... it's just #2 has a thinking outside the box culture which appeals to me.
  10. Thanks.. my son has visited #2 and really liked it - of course! They had a class where they were building stuff. Just his cup of tea. I happen to know someone with children in both schools. Haven't had a chance to sit down and talk specifics, but both are happy with their choices. I'm hoping to talk more with both in the next week or so. I'd also like to see if I can talk with some other families - esp. from #2. I need to call the school about it, but they seem very open.
  11. Backstory: my youngest (13 in a week) son has been in a Montessori school for 4yrs. Before that we had homeschooled. He's been a struggling reader from the beginning and has been tutored off and on since about 2nd grade. We had him tested last year and then he did the Wilson prog. for a year and gained 2.5yrs of reading!! whoot! In the testing they basically threw everything but the kitchen sink into the accommodations. They told me at the time that that is because the public schools are SO reluctant to give anything that they ask for as much as possible just so a kid can get something. I worried this was a mistake since we don't have any intention of ever sending him to public. Well, that came home to roost last month. He was not accepted into the priv. school our 18r old just grad. from. They said it was because they couldn't do his accommodations. We ask for a meeting so we could explain that we never expected it, nor do we think our son needs all of them anyway (and some we can do at home)... we assumed (obviously wrongly) that they would want to meet with us first before casting us off. They still haven't gotten back to me. And perhaps it's a blessing in disguise. It's a very traditionally minded, college prepatory school - with a bigger emphasis on liberal arts (rather than STEM). My son deals with anxiety related to his dyslexia. He was already a bit worried about keeping up (esp. with writing). He's great at math and loves to build anything. So we've found 2 schools that will both work with our son where he is. School one: is more of a traditional school meeting the needs of kids with LD (there's actually a couple schools like this in the area). They said 65% have some kind of LD/accomodation and the others do not, most of those are siblings. We met the 7th grade English teacher,which was great since this is the area our son is weak in. She said she gets them at all levels and works to bring them up to speed. It's a bigger school so he'll probably have about 15-20 in his class. The said their grad. class had 24 this year. But, that also means they have more extra stuff that a larger school can do (like after school sports). He's going to go and visit next week for two days during their summer school program. As for the atmosphere... it's definitely higher end. Perhaps it's where the school is (one of the most expensive zip codes in the country) but I definitely get that upper crust feeling, which I don't like. School two: Very different. Much more like homeschooling in school with friends. I'd say it's quite close to an unschooling style.. Learning is kid directed. They can work independently on a topic, or with groups, or one on one(or 2/1) with a teacher. They do have subjects and "classes" - like history, science, math with appropriate teachers. The head of school is a strong advocate (militant almost) of this style of learning. He's very anti-traditional school which he thinks is killing kids creativity and love of learning (can't disagree - esp. in publ. school sector). He's also very anti-labeling. He says it boxes kids in, but for my LD kids a dx. actually was a relief for them...it wasn't that they were "dumb" (my kid's words) but that they had this disconnect in the brain. They don't do grades (even for high school - they kind of do it for transcripts but reluctantly). They also have a big emphasis on the arts: performing and graphic. While that's great, and certainly important aspect, it's not something we aspire as a career. There are things I like about both and things that have me concerned. I really like #2, but at some point our hope/goal is for our ds to enter the world of higher education. Sometimes he WILL have to do something he doesn't really enjoy and get it done, whether that's a term paper or just real-life stuff like taxes. The school is very hippy-loose style of learning and atmosphere. But I'm worried it might not be quite rigorous enough to bring him up to speed (esp. on writing) and prepare him for college. The schools only 5-7yrs old, and this year they had a grad. class of 7. So no real way to know how kids are doing after K-12. It will be a leap of faith (not unlike beginning to homeschool back in the day). If he were in 4thor 5th grad I'd definitely do it and take the change. But, he's going into 7th and, if it doesn't work, important time will have been lost. It seems like #1 will definitely prepare our son for life outside of K-12 in the society we live in now where a college degree is mandatory. But, I don't know - there's something that holds me back. It's like it's the easy, sure fit route...but maybe not the best route. Does that make sense?
  12. This is very helpful information. I don't use it. I do know someone who did use it pretty regularly up till about 5yrs ago. I'd say he not exactly unpleasant, but he really doesn't have a lot of motivation in life either - unless you want to talk about gaming.
  13. costs vary widely depending on where you live & how big your pool is. I would easily spend $300-$500 on chemicals a year. We did all the maintenance ourselves but if we wanted someone to come out and open our pool it was a good $200-250 for them to pour chemicals in, start up the filter and pull the LoopLoc off. YouTube helped me out tremendously. Our pool came with the house, so within a year or two of moving in there was a constant breakdowns. That kind of maintenance was a killer. Everything seemed to be at least 1K. We lived there long enough to have to buy a new cover as well as 2 liners. (it was vinyl rather than gunnite). Our season is only about 3-4 months, but really the kids would only use it for about 2. By Aug. the evenings are getting cool so the water would cool down and they didn't want to swim in it...or they'd swim for about 5 mins and be done. I came to hate spending all the money on a pool that was hardly used. It was just a money pit. Anyway, we moved 2yrs ago in part to get away from the pool.
  14. I agree. In fact, I don't think you're under any obligation even if you had SOLD it to him because it's been a year. It's his now.
  15. :grouphug: hope this evening is peaceful.
  16. I picked Chik-fa-la but we also like 5 Guys. It just depends on if we're in the mood for chicken or burgs. I do like Panera- but I don't consider it to be fast food like the others. But even so, we still go to Chik-fa-la more often
  17. that sounds very hard. :grouphug:
  18. I've stepped on a frog barefoot too. .as well as a slug.. both are gross and I'm not sure which was worse. I used to own a pool. The stuff I had to pull out of the returns, after falling in and spending the better part of winter slowly bloating and rotting, will make your stomach curl. Fun stuff.
  19. This is very true. I'm always surprised by people's participation in threads such as ones about how much money a family makes or other quite personal information.
  20. I don't recognize anyone IRL here. I would want to know if someone recognized me.
  21. So glad you're doing so well considering the accident you were in! Thanks for checking in.
  22. I do not have experience, but I wanted to say that I don't think you're nuts. Many hugs as you traverse this sad path.
  23. How did you know he went to the hospital? I didn't know Moira was battling cancer and now I had no idea about ThatHsDad.. I feel so clueless and out of touch. :confused1: :confused1: Maybe I just don't read the right threads. :crying:
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