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Everything posted by PrincessMommy

  1. thanks everyone. I'll try all these until something works! I had thought about painting over it, but wasn't sure what would be best. I was thinking white out! LOL. Thanks for all the suggestions.
  2. My daughter got black grease from a door hinge on her graduation gown. It's cheap polyester...feels like plastic. I really don't think I can use an iron to soak it up with a papertowel. When she was given the gown by her school they were pretty anal about it not getting dirty. They said it needed to be unwrinkled (it was in packaging) so suggested hanging them in the bathroom. Well, it got caught on the door hinge. Ugh. I tried some clorox bleach paste last night. It helped a bit, but it's still there. Anyone got any other ideas? It's white (of course :rolleyes: ). The grad. is in 2 weeks, so I've got time to try some other ideas.
  3. yes, it is quite common for a loved one to pass when no one is around. It's still hard, because we want to be there for them.
  4. :grouphug: You are doing a good job of helping your mom. You can call hospice again if you need to talk through what she's doing. Also, you can see if they have 11th hour volunteers if you feel you'd like another person there. Some hospices have this and others don't. It can be very scary to watch a loved one go, and so much of what may or may not happen is unknown - until it happens (like your mom aspirating). I'm a hospice volunteer, I've done 11th hour vigils with families... but still I needed to call the hospice nurse myself when I needed reassurance that what I was doing was right, when sitting vigil at my mom's bedside. Lots of hugs and prayers.
  5. I have no wisdom to offer, but wanted to give you a :grouphug: I hope someone contact you.
  6. Now see, I was bothered most by that than anything else. I have a different perspective. I know people who have gone through life not caring what others think ....and there's a pile of hurt people along their path. There's a point where "not caring what other's think" becomes toxic... and it didn't seem like the author had much balance to that.
  7. LOL - you'll just have to do it the old fashioned way and quote... with a "like" underneath. :)
  8. Thanks for the link Dawn. okay, I'll say it... that is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. If someone said that to me I'd think they're a total uncommitted flake. The article breaths - not married, no kids, young adult. I'll take Matthew and Mirilla Cuthbert's brand of happiness any day.
  9. oh dear... I hate confrontation. I hope it works out well...and good for you for tackling it now. I wouldn't be able to sleep with it hanging over me.
  10. So far we haven't had anyone walk. Thank God! I have one who claims she's going to walk, but I also secretly hope she changes her mind - or lets of us off the hook. I despise these types of things too.
  11. We never did anything special for a certain grade. But most years we had a book burning night (gasp!).. Of course, it was only the consumables but the kids loved throwing those books onto the fire.. We'd roast marshmallows too.
  12. Thanks everyone...this is very helpful info. for getting me started. Amy, thanks for the tip about Dell vs Lenovo.
  13. I am seriously thinking of moving from my old trusty desktop to a laptop (PC not Apple - sorry Apple lovers) I have a tablet, which I enjoy, but it has its limits. I want to get one used because I don't want Window8 and because I'm cheap. :) I don't plan to lug it around.. it will be my home computer. I'll use it occasionally for school stuff, when I occasionally take a class. I'll use it for surfing and doing some writing... stuff for church, household organizing, storage, and hospice. Nothing major. My hands are big, and one thing I've always struggled with laptops is the smaller keyboard. I guess I could get used to it after a while. And, of course, I don't really want a postage stamp for a screen. Since I am a complete novice at this I assume I should get it from an authorized dealer. But, what should I be looking for? Places to start?
  14. very nice. I looked through it and she doesn't say what ages/grades she teaches.
  15. I agree... I think granite is over rated. We have it in this current house, but I don't like it... It's also old (along with the kitchen), but I don't know how it would affect the resale if I go with Formica over granite. This is not our forever home and we knew it moving in. I'm expecting another 3-6yrs here.
  16. Is having the perfect home possible? IMO, that would include location too. I know someone who did, but then her husband lost his job and they had to move. She still mourns that perfect, house to grow old in, home many years later. But, I've never lived in the "perfect" home. We've always had to compromise somewhere. I've never been completely satisfied ...so what does that say about me??!!
  17. Or an elderly person who can't do stairs anymore. We lived in a split level when my grandmother was elderly. I so wanted her to come and stay with us for a while, but we couldn't work around the stairs/bathroom issues.. and didn't want her stuck in one place all day long.
  18. 1-3 are some of the reasons why we moved 2yrs ago. Although dh's commute wasn't so bad -everything else seemed far away. But, the things I dislike about the new house aren't really the house... I don't like the backyard - it's on a hill... pretty much unusable - but it backs up to woods and a creek - so that does help. And the neighborhood. I hate to be a snob, but these are not my people. They're much more pretentious and upper-middle class. And, with the exception of a few, they're not very friendly...sometimes I feel like I'm back in Jr. High school. :huh: Hate the HOA... do not move into an HOA neighborhood!! Ours in in an uproar right now,. When we moved in everyone said it was great and very laid back HOA. Well, they must have had a change in who is running it. It's becoming more oppressive. We got a "love letter" from our HOA telling us our mailbox is leaning and to fix it. I went out and looked and looked and scratched my head. (I wish I could get the photos to work here)...because in my estimation, it isn't leaning - even a little bit. Crazy. Most people I've talked to are not amused by these letters.
  19. Several years ago we had a large pin oak removed from our old house and the tree stump ground... it was $1800. We had a smallish (still almost as tall as our 2 story house) bradford pear removed and stump ground for $700 at the new house last year.
  20. There will be activities and stuff all day on the mall. If you like live music and stuff then you should enjoy it. I've only been downtown 2x for the fireworks. We park away and walk the rest of the way in. Metro is crazy that evening when everything is done. Anyway, I don't think we got there before 8pm the last time we went and we didn't have trouble finding a little spot to sit down and watch the fireworks. There will be security you have to get through. Bathrooms (port-a-potties) are gross and disgusting by the end of the day, but not much you can do about it. Lines are long for them too. It's not unusual to get a thunderstorm most evenings that time of year, so come prepared to get wet too. I'm not sure any of the museums are open since it's a fed. holiday. You should check. But, you can definitely go to the Tidal basin, and the Reflecting pool. Probably to any of the outdoor type memorials (Lincoln, Vietnam War). You could walk along with C&O canal. Or go up to Great Falls (both sides are nice). Spy Museum is fun (costs money). It's downtown ... and the food around there is pretty good. If you have your car and want to go about an hour from Washington, then 4th of July weekend is a BIG weekend for Gettysburg. Maybe check out the activities up there. It will be beastly hot and sticky that weekend. It's almost always miserably hot then, although my personal prediction is for a slightly cooler than normal summer. Okay, that's what I can think of for now.
  21. wow, I thought they finished off the Lewis series... should be interesting to see what they end up doing with it. I really enjoyed Endeavour last year. Pemberley - it's got to be good, right? It's PDJames! I don't think this was part of the Mystery! lineup, but I hope they bring back Silk. That was a very well done series. And I sure do wish they'd do Vera on PBS, but alas.
  22. Thanks, Tap, for your perspective. I appreciate hearing from the other side of the counter. The thing is, I often get an automated reminder from the pharmacy when it's almost time to refill a prescrip. Ya know, the computer calls your phone and says "Someone in your household has a prescrip. that is ready to be refilled. It is important to take your medicine.... please call the pharmacy for a refill..." How hard it is to have a computer send me a message saying "There has been a problem with a prescription for someone in your household. Please call the pharmacy at your earliest convenience." ??
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