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Everything posted by PrincessMommy

  1. that's wonderful. Congratulations
  2. I voted Star Trek... definitely. Haven't read the other responses so I don't know if this puts me with the cool dudes... probably not.
  3. I do not know...but people can be very rude. I remember once someone checking fb on their cell during a funeral they were attending...oh the perks of having the choir in the back.
  4. perfect timing for me too. My grandson has discovered the stairs and that seems to be all he wants to do right now. It's getting old. I have those same stairs too.
  5. another Sudaphedrine lover here. You have to go to the pharmacist and get it from behind the counter - don't get phenophedrine, which is available in the cold/allergy aisle. It's not the same. My 2nd choice for when the congestion starts migrating down to the chest is Mucinex.
  6. I think doing something for the benefit of your children is not petty. As a private person, I think wanting more privacy is very important - esp. considering the circumstances of where you live.
  7. I would probably interject "yeah, I you told me that before, it's a great story." and hope she gets the "hint". Honestly, I hope it does work for you. My dh does it all.the.time...and seems to think it's my fault that I don't want to hear it again...and again...and again.
  8. Sounds heavenly... I'm ready to move from my neck of the woods...the stress and traffic are getting to me.
  9. Oh wow...how awful for everyone. Prayers for comfort and some bit of peace for all the families. My dad used to race motorcycles when I was very little...He stopped before I had any memory of it. .. I'm sure my mom was relieved.
  10. I had a LEEP before my last was conceived...had my fastest labor ever (5.5hrs) and home birth. I've never heard about cervical scarring before so I never knew it could be an issue.
  11. So glad to hear surgery went well... take it easy and let your family pamper you... hey! When did you move to MN.? Sadness...we've lost another east coaster.
  12. No, you're not the only one. I didn't like Outlander and don't see the appeal. I mean, I don't particularly like romance novels and I'll admit, I am a prude - so this plays in it as well for me. It's one thing to have a sex scene here or there--but my word! It's almost every-other-page and it goes on and on for pages! Seriously? What about plot. I've been told that the other books it isn't quite so much, but I don't really feel like finding out...I was so put off by the first book. And, like I said, I don't really like romance--- I really wanted to like this one because its about time-travel and Scotland... And yeah, I am surprised at how many women give that spanking scene a pass...but then again. I don't get why women loved "50 Shades of Gray" either. From what I've heard about that book, it seems pretty demeaning to women. I wish I could find it but many years ago there was a meme about the movie Titanic (and maybe others too) about the doubled standard....(ie. mean guys can't cheat on their girls, but pretty sweet girls can)
  13. oh my word!! I can't imagine someone actually saying something like this to anyone. How heartless.
  14. Agreeing with others to take it to social media. That's just awful that they take advantage of other people's sorrow.
  15. It may also depend on where you live in the US. I've discovered that different areas have different start dates. That said, I still live in the area where I grew up. We used to start school the day after Labor Day, but now it starts in late Aug. There are a lot more day's off than when I was a kid. Most of them are administrative days off rather than religious/state ones (when I was a kid we got off Jewish Holidays and MLK day - plus *both* Pres. day - now it's just one day).
  16. I hope KK is doing well and recovery is quick.
  17. my son is losing a neighborhood friend the end of this month. He was in tears when he came home to tell me.
  18. In nearly 29yrs of marriage we've owned 16 cars. Probably 4-5 of those went because of accidents (not mine)..but we also buy used clunkers and drive them until they're dead or won't pass emissions. We just got rid of our big family van :sad: That won't be replaced as our days of needing a big 12passenger van is over. :sad: :sad:
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