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Everything posted by PrincessMommy

  1. Congratulations. Thats really good news. You said test score...what kind of test did you take? I must have missed that in your earlier post.
  2. :grouphug: that's awful. This week has been pretty bad for me too. I was so tired last night I could barely stand...I just assumed it would mean I'd sleep better. Why do I always fall for that. :confused1: :cursing: . I hope you get some rest. Tonight, I'm going to have some wine and a benadryl. I don't care how tired I feel.
  3. Ugh..I hate nights like this. I've been up since 2:30. Way too much on my mind and an all day class tomorrow that is 1.5 hours from me. Knowing I have to get some sleep to be functional stresses me out more..and here I am at almost 5 am. I even took rescue remedy and my herbal sleep aid about 2 hrs ago. I'm still wired and over thinking stuff. Should have taken a benadryl before I went to bed last night.
  4. I ran into a similar stuff after my mom died. My sisters and I could grieve honestly. I can't really be honest with my aunt and dad. It also just didn't feel right to dredge up the ugliness with them anyway. Like I'd be beating them when they were down or something. It was helpful for me to acknowledge that what I was grieving for was what will now never be. I kind of knew, long ago, that my mom would never have the proverbial "come to Jesus" moment about her actions, but it didn't really hit home until after she died. The finality of that was what made me sad about my mom's passing. There's not really a lot of people you can explain that to, in my experience. My friends and church people were giving the usual condolences and would ask me how I was doing - even months later. It was jarring.. Especially when someone would first explained how hard it was dealing with their beloved mother's death and they understood. (???) It felt awkward and heartless after that to say, "I don't really miss my mom." KWIM? Just remember, being honest about someone's actions is not unforgiving.
  5. So very sorry. :grouphug: Take care of yourself.
  6. wow..it's been a long time since I read a book that grabbed me from the very beginning. I had a few that captured me after a chapter or two and then I couldn't put down...but nothing that was as fast and furious as that. I'm going to follow...
  7. Agreeing with others... I can't believe the drs. are hounding her about this. It is her choice. This makes me mad. The doctor is bordering on being cruel. I know it is too soon as things are raw...but I highly, highly recommend that everyone read "How We Die". The author (a doctor) discusses his own personal epiphany (after some horrible experiences) that doctors often do more harm than good at the end of life. This is in part because they themselves are hounded by the hospital admins. if they lose a patient. Anyway, I can't emphasize it enough.. it's a very helpful book as we all face these issues with our loved ones. Be your mom's advocate... and love her. It can't be easy to say no in the face of such promises. :grouphug: edited to add the book link.
  8. Happy belated birthday. I hope it ended up a nice day.
  9. So sorry your kids have to deal with that...it is so hard when people are cruel..and so much worse when it's a parent
  10. Very cute The one I remember from here was the hair removal for men amazon reviews someone linked to...I about died laughing from that one....sadly I've lost the link. I can't link from my tablet but another one with funny reviews is the banana slicer...
  11. At the very least I would get her husband's contact information so when this happens you can call him directly. He's probably overwhelmed and breaths a sigh of relief when she goes for her walks, but he probably doesn't realize that she's causing problems in the neighborhood. You may want to gently suggest some outside help for him.
  12. whoa! Seriously?? That's a new low for hsing conventions. What on earth does she think she'll be bringing to the table? I'm embarrassed for her.
  13. I read it and my problem was the way her message was presented. Very passive/aggressive..back-handed complement. "I'm glad you don't dress like those *other* girls." Honestly, It reminded me of a certain parable about a guy thanking God he wasn't like those sinners and tax collectors. ;) I can't speak for Joanne, but that's really what rubbed me the wrong way. And yes, sometimes when someone goes out of their way to *publicly* compliment someone what they're really doing is sending the "other" people a message. Not always, but it does happen...and that's the way this piece comes across *to me*.
  14. yes, but even so... if he was doing more research, let's say about gun types or something, that would probably come up on his computer searches. He would look guilty without understanding the circumstances about the search. Can you imagine what Stephen King or Crichton's google searches would look like??!! ;)
  15. oh sorry I was clear. I am disturbed by the police (and school) reaction. I would, however, like to learn more about it all before passing judgement that what they did was wrong... but on the face of it, it's very disturbing.
  16. sorry for such a long title... but I hate teasers. Here's one article: http://washington.cbslocal.com/2014/08/28/police-teacher-placed-on-leave-for-authoring-fictional-book-of-the-largest-school-massacre/ This seems very disturbing. here's another article http://dailycaller.com/2014/08/29/this-week-in-teachers-who-write-school-massacre-fiction-and-want-to-stab-some-kids/
  17. Has anyone else read Mike Rowe's response to his Ice Bucket Challenge http://mikerowe.com/2014/08/not-throwing-cold-water-on-a-cause/ I thought he made some very important points. I agree with others who talk about the showmanship of this. I'm pretty uncomfortable with that. As a Christian I'm instructed to do my giving in secret. But, I realize, of course, that not everyone participating is a Christian- but it still rubs me the wrong way because it doesn't seem like they're doing it to raise ALS awareness - just get a little more screen time. I think this challenge is a boon for sociologists studying our society's thirst for attention.
  18. I know how miserable a sinus infection can be...I hope it goes away really soon. Yay! About getting your disability.
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