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Everything posted by PrincessMommy

  1. MD is nice, but I would not recommend Montgomery Co (where Bethesda and Rockville are). Unless you like lots of traffic and a high COL and taxes. The traffic isn't as bad all the time like in No.Va, but it can still be frustrating (and claustrophobic). I'm ready to move...but it's just not practical for our family right now. Frederick & Ellicott City are both very nice places. Actually, all of Frederick Co. is quite nice... and still close.
  2. I think what has been explained is quite good. My only addition is that I would clarify (because it is often misinterpreted this way) that EO are not Universalists. That doctrine/theology was rejected more than 1000 years ago. Jesus clearly teaches that there are sheep and there are goats. It's just not our business to decide who is who. As far as I know there are only 2 people whom the Church has condemned to perdition - Judas and Arias. Everyone else we leave in God's hands and pray for His great mercy and love to shine on them. In a nutshell... we don't believe in "sola" anything. Not Sola Works, not Sola Faith, not Sola Scriptura, not Sola Tradition. It's always "both/and" not "either/or" for us. We want the "fullness" do not whittle our faith down to the most simplest factor: FWIW, Sola Scriptura is a fairly new philosophy and when parsed out and unpacked really doesn't hold up to scrutiny. How many different Protestant traditions claim "Sola Scriptura" but have very different beliefs? Ok, sorry - when totally off topic.
  3. so... how was it? Weren't there a few more than Mamaraby planning to watch it?
  4. my sis lost over 100lbs after she turned 40. I lost (and gained) 20-30lbs throughout my 40s. I'm now 50 and I'm finding it harder. Do it now.
  5. I didn't see a poll... but I agree with this.
  6. To me it speaks of the wasteland that is writing in American entertainment (Hollywood). Anything that is good across the pond they just take and regurgitate. It is one thing if it happened every once and a while, but it seems to happen far too often. Of course, the Brits did take Wallander & Maigret and remade it themselves.
  7. okay, I may give it a try... I was worried the gruesome parts would be particularly long and graphic.
  8. I wonder what it is about that because I am the same way. I like back scratches - although not light...and enjoy a good deep massage. Yes, light touch just makes my skin crawl...and lately my husband has been given to lightly brushing his fingers across my back as he walks by me at the computer. He was deeply offended when I complained. In his defense, how do you tell someone that they're creeping you out without offending them?
  9. The only other things I've seen him in recently besides Broadchurch is the one where he played the lawyer who defended an pschyopath. He went free only to go and kill Tennant's wife and... .well, I don't know actually because when I saw that coming we decided it wasn't for us. It looked promising, but I didn't want to go through scary torture of women and children scenes either. Don't remember the name. I'll have to go check out his IMDB list and see what he's been up to.
  10. I agree. Why??? why?? Makes no sense... and I'll admit I'm rather disappointed in Tennant for taking it on. Did he really need the money and exposure to an American audience?
  11. If you want something somewhat family friendly what about ballykissangel? I'm not sure I spelled it right...darn tablet. Hamish Macbeth is wonderful fun, but may not be on netflix. For a nice miniseries...how about Our Mutual Friend. Lovely adaptation of Dickens. Good luck...hope everyone is feeling better soon
  12. You've described me exactly - including my husband feeling rejected. Mine is very emotionally needy and my dislike of touching causes friction in our marriage. He thrives on PDAs and I cringe from them. Sigh. yup, definitely made to feel like it's all my fault...but that's also part of the way I grew up too. I've always just assumed it was because this was how my family culture was when I was growing up, abuse as a child, and my experience with maternal rejection. When my kids were younger it was very easy to be touchy-feely with them (I did not want to be like my mom :closedeyes: )..but it's hard with adults.
  13. I'll add a vote for vinegar. Great deodorizer - and cheap too.
  14. Hey! This is my superpower too. I guess two people can have it at the same time - just not in the same house. ;)
  15. Don't feel obligated to have it at your house. I'd go out before I'd do that. Yeah, it's not as good as having a home-cooked meal but there's also a lot less aggravation.
  16. Except with foreign policy and war. Also many libertarian ideology would not be compatible with conservative politics on things like porn, abortion, and prob. marriage rights.
  17. so sorry for your loss. May your mom rest in peace
  18. If you're children are still young you should jump at it if given the opportunity. I always wanted to move a way from here (still in the same county I grew up in), but dh was firmly planted. Now the kids are grown/growing up...grandkids coming... I would still love to pick up and move away, even if it were only for a short time (like Milovany). But, it would mean moving far away from my kids. If it's something you've wanted to do and your family has the means, then don't live with the "I always wished we could have ....." So, if you're going to do it - do it now.
  19. Yes, I was recently dx with Hashimoto's and discovered that there are certain diet restrictions. Gluten is one - but since you have celiac you're already taking care of it.
  20. thanks everyone. I called the mom. They're not particularly religious- per her words. She recommended we show up late. Didn't seem to give me an "out" to only show up for the party, so I didn't push it. What is multiples of 18?? You give someone $72 instead of $75?
  21. My son was invited to a Bar Mitzvah and this will be our first experience. When I was looking at the fine-print yesterday and I noticed that it starts at 9am and goes until 5pm. It does say the party portion is from 1-5 but doesn't say anything similar about the service...so I am left to assume that the service is from 9-12:30ish? That just seems like a very long day. And...of course, it's complicated. My son is at a new school and doesn't know all the kids well yet, there's a rule about inviting everyone in the class if you're going to invite more than 50% (it's a small school), we have family in town that weekend, and apparently this kid doesn't have a lot of friends. I asked son about the boy and he said he knew him but not well..he was okay with going, thinking that some of the kids he knows better will be there. I was leaning towards having him go until I saw how long it was! He'd be gone all day. We might send him with one of our phones (he doesn't have one yet)...but I don't think either of us want to go to the service since we'll have family here. Is that even appropriate?
  22. I tend to agree with the first-impressions idea, but then there are those with social issues that never make a good first impression -- but they may be wonderful people once you give them a chance. So, I wouldn't want to live by that. Besides, if we're always waiting for the perfect fit, we may never find a friend. I think it's great, Garga, that you went ahead and became friend/acquaintances with those people. Even if at the end it didn't turn out to be a life-long friendship, at least you tried.
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