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Everything posted by PrincessMommy

  1. Your youngest is 15 - I would definitely look at getting trained for something you can do at home. Milovany does something like this with college transcripts for the deaf (I think???). She works it around her dh's job and kid's hs schedules. PM her and ask her about it. Also, my dd's psychiatrist seems to have a "receptionist" that works from home. She does all the scheduling either by phone or internet... and probably any billing stuff. There's no receptionist at the office though, so I'm assuming it's some nice at-home work she does for several independent doctors. I would not rely on a pastor's job unless you were part of a denomination which takes care of it's pastors in some way (Lutheran, Episcopalian, EO). I personally think that kind of job is as unstable as what he's doing now. I know, and have heard of, several who got the boot from their churches, and because they were non-denom. they were on their own. It's nice he's got a temp. job. It sounds like a nice way to use his skills without making it a career. That's just me though.
  2. $4 for kids meals at any place but McDonalds is unheard of here too (at least the last time I checked). Restaurants charge more than that for desserts. But yes, when they go off the kid's meals it really changes the eat-out budget.
  3. okay, I'm still picking my jaw up off the floor - $65 for a family of 6!!?? I'm moving to your area! but to the original question. I'm with you. The waitress was great to offer...but the staff saying no because the catfish was expensive?? Sounds like a lame excuse - and just makes them look cheap.
  4. Glove box here in the mid-atlantic too. I've also heard Glove compartment - and maybe some in my extended family call it that. Don't really know. It's not the kind of thing we discuss when gathering for weddings and funerals. :lol: Besides those two - is there another option?
  5. I agree... There's a lot of other places in the world that would be easier targets. However, with the Ebola scare and what I've read from "The Hot Zone", it seems horribly easy to get a deadly virus into the US...esp. if your group is filled with people willing to die for their cause. Heck, Ebola Nigera was already here - 45 min. from my house! and it was only sheer luck that it didn't pass from monkeys to humans that time. As of the time of the book, the drs. couldn't explain why the most deadliest strain of Ebola only killed monkeys and not the exposed humans.
  6. you guys are great. I really appreciate the support. I was able to compose a nice text saying it would be nice to see her and the kids (which is true), but this weekend wouldn't work with such short notice. She was quite gracious about it. Totally shocked my dh that I would do it. Honestly, right up until the time I sent it I was trying to figure out how to say yes without totally feeling walked all over. Coming back and reading what you guys said really did help me to take the plunge and say "no". I'm probably going to delete a few things here that are too much detail. But, I did want to say thanks so much.
  7. I really appreciate everyone's input... really I do. I know you guys have been trying to encourage me to set boundaries. I've read and re-read this thread. I'd probably be writing the exact same stuff as many of you have if it were someone else. But, since it's my family I know the dynamics and it makes it different. I don't see any way around this conundrum without coming out the loser in the long run. I talked with my dh and he agrees....I'll just look like a selfish twit to my family if I say no. They'll try to avoid visiting me in the future because I had the audacity to say "no". Saying yes, will make them all happy, happy, but I'll be kind of sad about losing a nice weekend with my sisters. I mentioned it to my local sister and it was clear that she just didn't get it... why in the world would I consider saying no? She didn't say that out right...just clear that was what she was thinking. Apparently my niece had also told her about 2 weeks ago she was coming up this weekend. :glare: Family drama - -they're a laugh a minute, aren't they! Can I go be a hermit now????
  8. yum...yeah, that is just a weird statement... and so insulting. I may not agree with a lot of people but I certainly don't think some people have better voting power (Christian women in his view). He's saying that women can vote only as long as men he disagrees with are allowed to vote. And then what??? Sheesh. Weird and creepy.
  9. that's so tough. My heart goes out to you. :grouphug:
  10. Yup... that's what makes me concerned when things happen here to make people mad. You're never too big to fail. I was wondering when the Sonlight Poof would come up! That one I remember, even though I was never a member there. I happened upon the HS Library (and the forum that just proceeded it) just when the Poof happened. A lot of very hurt people from that so it was talked about a lot.
  11. I remember the flame room! I thought it was a good idea... I don't think I participated though. I remember Ellie and Dharma too (although I didn't remember her screen name, but I remember her from another board). I can't even remember my own screenname from there! LOL. Yeah, I'm aging myself.
  12. Me too.. I didn't leave for anything in particular... I just drifted away.
  13. Veg source was another board not associated with wtm. Since it was a vegetarian site (it had many different types of forums, not just homeschooling)... posting recipes and talking about meat eating was considered rude. I left before the "scandal", but I've gathered, from references over the years, that it had something to do with the verboten topic. I have no idea what the crockpot kerfuffle is about.
  14. Are you under a lot of stress... if I'm stress it gives me terrible neck pain. I had it for nearly a year when we moved because of the stress. I've since heard that neck pain is a common problem for women under stress. Using a foam memory pillow helped a lot, but so does a really deep massage. Two of my dds would do this for me but they have both went off to college last week. I hope you find some relief.
  15. We've done just that with our most recent van. it's not the greatest, but it will take 7 people where they need to go if needed. My kids are slowly moving out so I know in about 3-4yrs I won't really need a van. I'd go for it...esp. if you can get it for less than 10K. Good luck.
  16. were you able to take it for a short period of time? What was it like going off of it (did you have to slowly come off - or cold turkey?)
  17. Ravin, I will have to try that one and see. The sugar amount just kills me... but I love Nutella so much.
  18. In my defense I did buy LowCarb version. It was nasty...nasty stuff... we hates it. Went out and bought the "real" stuff - for the kids, of course. But, they've all left me for college.
  19. oh man, isn't that the truth. I stay away except at Christmas time.
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