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Everything posted by 2cents

  1. I saw this on Netflix streaming. It is terribly depressing but people need to know that this sort of abuse continues in the world. I wouldn't recommend young children see it. It may be ok for older High School though. It was such a sad movie. I wanted to reach into the tv and take Soraya away from that horror. :(
  2. Here you go... http://thewelltrainedkitchen.wordpress.com/2006/10/26/quivers-legendary-cinnamon-rolls-courtesy-of-jean-quiverof10/ I loved these! I gotta say that I recently tried Pioneer Woman's Cinnamon rolls and they were divine too! The icing on PW's rolls is a little different but very tasty.
  3. We have plus. I use it all the time! It is a great tool that adds a lot to our weekly plan. I usually put videos that go with our plan of the week in the 'my content' area to have them handy. There is more than just videos. We've used the clipart and graphics and there are some interactive games as well, and much more. I wouldn't pay the prices for it unless I used it consistently though because it is expensive. We use it almost daily. Another thing, check to see if your school district offers it free to schools. If that is the case you may qualify to have it free. Only thing about that is that it may not be full access. You'd have to check that out. :)
  4. Having been in a group comprised of those types of personalities at one time (new hser) I tend to avoid them now. But there are still times I run into them. I just act politely and friendly because there is no reason to act otherwise. I just don't let myself get talked into any of their projects which would put me in their company for long periods of time. No drama, just nice and polite and move along. :)
  5. We didn't. We identify most by remembering that in the word preposition you have the word position.
  6. That would freak me out! :eek: I'm with the others-take it to the police. Just to be safe, be hyper-alert when you are out and about. If you get anymore letters that look like that, I'd probably not open it and just take it right to the police.
  7. FYI for anyone interested. The annual Westward Ho! Cyberbee event registration closes December 15th. The wagon train travels from Feb 7 to March 11th. I’ve done this once before with my children and we had a great time. There are interactive fireside chats and fates that spell either fortune or doom. It is a great educational adventure. My girls are doing it again this year. Here is the link and some info from the site: http://www.cyberbee.com/wwho/index.html Dear Pioneers and Scouts, Load those wagons........kiss the kin goodbye.........get ready for adventure, drama, comedy, tragedy, and fantastic learning as we hit the Oregon Trail and head out west! Back for its eighteenth year, this simulated journey allows classes to travel the trail as part of the Westward HO! Wagon Train. In classrooms across the country, collaborative families, based on real families from America's past, make daily decisions (travel and fate scenarios are provided by the project moderators) that will influence their safe arrival in Oregon.To all the brave souls that join us... Godspeed and safe traveling. Yore Faithful Wagonmistress, Darlene
  8. You've got to check out the Forestiere Underground Gardens! I saw a tv documentary on this place and have wanted to see it ever since. It sounds amazing. http://www.forestiere-historicalcenter.com/index.html Nevermind :( I just noticed it is closed for the season. Bummer! It looks so cool!
  9. :( That is heartbreaking. I just read yesterday about the dr's stopping treatment and was having a difficult time wrapping my mind around that. I wasn't ready for this sad news. :(
  10. My 13 yr old dd just read your post and said she would love to be a penpal to your daughter. :) Let me know if this is something you'd like to do.
  11. This happened to me after I took my caking classes. Now I make cakes from scratch only. Recently I made some cupcakes from a box and they tasted very chemically and fake to me. That's the only time I've ever had something like that happen to me though.
  12. I think you should contact the first hospital to complain and inform them that the cost of the 2nd doctor and hospitalization will be deducted from their bill! (That should pretty much obliterate that bill). Aside from charging you for not doing what was needed, they could have further injured your child. I would be making my displeasure very apparent and their bill would, at the very least, be disputed. I'm glad your daughter is doing well. It sounded like a very scary ordeal! :grouphug:
  13. Leftover meatloaf for me. Grill cheese sandwiches and jello, strawberries and whip cream for the student body. The assorted school mascots get the leftovers. :D What is special about today? We finished school early and we're all on track. I don't think anything is missing at the moment. :)
  14. My poor guy needs crutches. I can't get him to go anywhere except falling backward. :confused:
  15. Awesome!!! I'm so happy for her and all of you!! What a great holiday gift!! :party:
  16. I'm doing it with a brush up on US History. The class is free and online via UC Open Access ( http://www.ucopenaccess.org/course/view.php?id=82 ) and the text is 'The American Pageant' by Kennedy, Coben and Bailey, Houghton Mifflin Company 2002. We are also using k12 Human Odyssey for world history. I also use Science Explorers for some of our science.
  17. Welcome! I have an 8th grader too so opinions from you will nice to have. :)
  18. Oh no! It sounds horrible and scary! I hope it is over soon and she can just get as far away from him as possible. If all she gets out of this is her sanity and safety, then she has won. Nothing else matters. I'll be keeping her in my thoughts. Please let us know what happens. :grouphug::grouphug:
  19. :grouphug::grouphug: I'm sorry you are having such a hard time. I don't know if this will work for you, but when mine were really young I had baby gates - all. over. the. house. :) It was gate city, but it saved my sanity, kept older child's projects safe, kept pets out of the kitchen etc. I think I had every kind of gate known to man and I loved them all. :D Another possibility, do you know any teens in the neighborhood that could do some mommy-helper hours for you. I had a wonderful teen next door that helped me with both youngers when they were babies. She was another sanity saver and worked only for food and fun with our family. She was a great kid. I always see teens that are looking for babysitting/moms helper jobs on the YMCA community board but maybe you have one in your neighborhood? Just be sure they are helpful and that you aren't adding another child to deal with kwim. Hope things get better for you soon. :grouphug:
  20. Sounds like a hellish coop I used to attend. I recommend that you sit in the class and be constantly in eyeshot of your daughter. That is the only way you can be sure of what is happening. If you see the bullying begin, you need to intervene right away and let the other kids know that you are watching. Let the other moms know that you are going to be an active presence too, so no monkey business from them either. If it doesn't get better soon, I'd consider finding another coop. Life is too short to put up with mean people and the anxiety is not good for your child. :grouphug:
  21. Buy a gift for the boy. He has nothing to do with the living situation and is just a kid. Get him something so show him that you value him and are glad he is there. :)
  22. None of us can stand that song. It is such a Christmas downer.
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