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Everything posted by 2cents

  1. That is great news! I have four kitties and they sometimes fall asleep in the strangest places. Practically none will come when called unless they really want something so we used treat training to get them to come when we need a head count. A few days of shaking a treat box and they learn to all come running. We also have bells on all their collars along with vet and ID info. :)
  2. Yes! I have red on right now! When I was doing martial arts, I used to match my toes to my belt color. :lol:
  3. It would make me more angry than actually hurt. We don't allow picky eating in our home. If someone doesn't like what is being served, then bummer for them. They need to fix themselves something later (but that isn't even allowed on a regular basis). If someone isn't eating they need to explain their reasoning completely and nicely.
  4. Very interesting! Kinda explains why some of the jobs I've held were more satisfying than others. Thanks for the link!
  5. I had to take the Myers-Briggs for a govt position several years ago. I'm INTJ which explains a lot. ;)
  6. http://adisney.go.com/educational/2002/store/77A83VL00.pdf Here is a Teacher Guide for the Disney Mickey Cartoon. :)
  7. For my PB frosting I use unsalted because the PB already has salt and you don't want the frosting to be over salty tasting.
  8. We never did the timeline thing either. I wanted to but the kids didn't relate to it. They felt they didn't need the whole visual timeline activity stuff and that was good with me. ;) It's never been a problem.
  9. My son used his state ID card to take his tests. You can get it from the Dept of Motor Vehicles. Call them before you go because he will need certain forms of verification (birth cert etc-can't remember what we needed).
  10. I print out a lot and found that we save $$$ by refilling our ink cartridges. There are kits out there that explain and provide the tools for doing this. :)
  11. This deal is on freelyeducate.com today. It is a $99 value. The books are gears toward younger new readers. I signed up because it has a collection of Spanish readers that my girls can use for Spanish translation practice. I got the full year for free too. :) http://www.freelyeducate.com/2011/01/heres-a-coupon-code-to-get-a-membership-to-mightybookjrcom-free-99-value.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+FreelyEducate+%28Freely+Educate%29&utm_content=Yahoo%21+Mail
  12. Mine just finished day 2 of Westward Ho! (NOT THE CYBERBEE VERSION OF WESTWARD HO!) They love it and wanted to do more! That is a great feeling!!! Heads up on Cyberbee Westward Ho: (a vent) We were going to do it with the group on Cyberbee but decided not to because the site is having numerous computer problems that the Westward Ho facilitator doesn't seem to care much about (long story-involves receipt very unhelpful/rude emails). A few years ago there was a change in facilitators. I did it once before the change and the project was great. I also was denied access to the teacher helps part of the site because they do not allow homeschoolers (claim they cannot verify status) and would not address my questions and offers of verification about that issue (this is a new change). Anyway, I compiled resources from the net and made a lesson plan and half size textbooks with the fates etc. and I think it is waaaay better. It is 10 weeks instead of the 5 on the Cyberbee site and that gives us a lot more time to dig deeper. Honestly, I really didn't need the teacher helps but it was the principle of the thing. Another real stickler was the site's instability. I didn't want to take a chance that we would continue to have broken links, 404 and other access issues. Frustration was not my goal for the study. Honestly, I have very little tolerance for people that can't get their acts together especially when it impacts others. Vent over. :D
  13. This! My own sibling took my mother out of hosp early when she should have been in rehab and then called me to come out and provide full time care. Even told me to leave my children in daycare. Couldn't go and offered to find another solution but was hung up on. Found out later this was part of an elder financial abuse problem. This was our first clue.
  14. What has always helped me is getting off wheat and sugar. Whenever I slip up and go back on it, the horrible headaches and joint aches start up again. I've been off it this time since the end of Dec and haven't had headaches since about a week after I started. This is a relief because I used to get really debilitating ones. :)
  15. Spent the morning making the school schedule for next week and worked in the test prep too. It's done and I'm happy!!!
  16. Our costs didn't increase in terms of texts for subjects like math and science because we always paid a lot for those particular subjects. For history, language arts and some of the other electives it has become less expensive because they are doing more FLVS and College Opencourseware. For outside classes it has become more expensive because we need upper level courses and teacher accountability that we don't find at many of our local coops. We've found good courses at the museums and local businesses instead. So, it is a mixed bag for us-some stuff costs more-some less. :)
  17. I go to WW meetings. There are always about 2 or 3 men in the group. It is nice to see men participating. They really add a lot to the conversations and it is nice to see that men struggle with some of the same issues. Our WW guys are valued members. :) My dh doesn't want to go to the meetings though. He is doing the Atkins diet and he is happy with that. Our meals are basically the same except that I am restrained by points and that makes portions smaller but I have more food choices.
  18. It is my understanding that the Govt was uneasy about outright slavery abolishment for economic concerns more than human rights concerns. For example, the South was responsible for major cotton exports to Britain and the Federal Govt was worried that angering the South could result in a conflict with Britain that they were not prepared for. Economic concerns for both the North and the South were the driving forces for avoiding abolishment. After the Civil War, the govt. was able to take advantage of their winning position and at that point slavery abolishment became part of the reconstruction plan.
  19. I have to agree with the others. 3rd grade is ify in terms of notetaking and homework. I do think that at that time they need consistent reinforcement of the concepts being taught but that doesn't necessarily mean homework is the best tool for that. What I truly believe is that whether a child is in public or private, the parents need to be actively involved and not assume that the school will be able to focus one on one with each child. There are just too many. It is the nature of the setting. Unfortunately, in the institutional learning setting it is very difficult to focus on each child as a individual and giving homework puts some of that responsibility on the parent. But it is also true that there is a growing population of parents who resent the homework burden after what they see as a long day of school and they may suspect the teacher is foisting off his/her responsibility to the parent. So now you see schools trying to minimize the homework. A couple years ago there was a lot of hot debate about the homework issue. I think public schools walk a fine line these days.
  20. I'd let it go. But you are right about it being deceptive and probably a copyright infringement (especially since her copies are not just for personal use). She should have asked permission from you (at least) to see if you would allow her to photocopy. I suspect she knew you would object and just delayed return of the books. I don't think you were supposed to have seen all the copies. You are the owner and the agreement was that she was only going to show the books to her supervisior NOT reproduce them! Under the circumstances, I would not allow her to take anymore of your books.
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