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Everything posted by 2cents

  1. Hi! Received this link in my mail today. It has tons of free books and some are audible as well. http://etc.usf.edu/lit2go/ From the email: Lit2Go — a collaboration between the Florida Department of Education and the University of South Florida College of Education — supports literacy by providing access to recordings of historically and culturally significant literature. The extensive collection of hundreds of audiobooks, stories, and poems, including classics such as Alice in Wonderland, Aesop's Fables, and A Tale of Two Cities — all for free on iTunes.
  2. :grouphug::grouphug: This makes me so sad. :grouphug::grouphug:
  3. I've purchased and don't get the CD's. Waaaaaa! :glare:
  4. :thumbup: I'm so glad it is working out! The chocolate orange ganache filing and orange buttercream sounds divine! I want to go to the wedding toooooo! So I can have a piece of that cake! ;)
  5. Hope you feel better soon! :sad: Here are some I have watched... The Boys: The Sherman Brothers Story- Really interesting! About the two brothers who wrote most of the Disney songs. Monster Quest (A show)-There are 3 seasons all on steaming too! It is all about the strange animals/creatures that are reported worldwide. This crytozoologist tries to find evidence. My youngest is addicted to this series. Amargosa-This one is about a woman who dances ballet and paints and moved from New York to Death Valley, CA. She fixed up the theater and puts on plays. Exit Through the Gift Shop-I am only halfway through but it is interesting too. About graffiti artists. Radio Bikini-About the atomic bomb testing on Bikini Island. It was interesting. I only wished for more info about the continuing effects.
  6. I live on a dul-de-sac and we like being able to see up both street entrances and we have more parking space in front and the back lots are larger. If you can swing it and the price is a good deal, it would be very tempting. When the economy is on an upswing, you might be really glad you did. :D
  7. We did Colonial and mine were close in age to your dc. I think you could easily age adjust. The reading content is not overly complicated and it is high interest IMO so that makes it great for youngers too. There are lots of crafty/visual projects that are great and easily adapted as well. We had no problems and it stands out as one of most interesting units we've ever done. As a previous poster said, be sure to check out the sample downloads. Hope this helps! :)
  8. White chocolate sounds good! I might look into that. I also like the strawberry preserves suggestion too. :) Thanks for the help!
  9. Oh my! A month is getting on short notice if you have no info. Getting some of the supplies alone could take a week or two if you have to order them. Wedding cakes take a lot of lead time and thought. If you're feeling you can't make the cake on such short notice, you should just let let her know asap or if you want to give it a go (she would be lucky imo) then she needs to get serious about giving you the info you need. She hasn't exactly kept you informed so I wouldn't feel bad about backing out at this point. That invitation...well, that is kinda strange too. Good luck!
  10. Looks like I'm making a camouflage cake for a Relay for Life event. I'm doing a buttercream camo pink effect on the outside and a pink and white vanilla marble effect for the sponge. I need ideas for a filling though. I don't want to do Bavarian cream because it has a yellow tint (the one I use does anyway). I am not keen on fresh fruit. I want it to be something that will be white or in the pink color range. Any ideas for? I'm having a brain drain on this! :confused:
  11. We used the chemistry and medicine books. I have to agree with what the others are saying about them not being a complete curriculum. However, I think they make great add-ons. The medicine book was fascinating! :)
  12. This sounds just like what dd would love! nmoira-that is such a cool thing your dh did. I bet your dd was thrilled! Thank you all for the great reviews. :D
  13. OH man! I've never received a sample either and I get their catalogs all the time! Bummer! :glare:
  14. :grouphug::grouphug: Are they renting? If they are, maybe a call to the home owner would quickly discourage them bringing the dog back. I feel bad for you. Knowing that dog is around would be hard to deal with after what it has done. Good luck with the petitions!
  15. Not sure who mentioned the program but my daughters took a Scratch class at the local science museum. They loved it! They made videos. It is still a program they play around with now. It was a hit! :D You can get it free at : http://scratch.mit.edu/ I thought there was a free or low-cost online class that was geared to homeschoolers out on the net somewhere too. You might find it by google.
  16. My dd1 is asking for this and I am wondering if anyone has any opinions on the game. It looks good but I'd like to know what others have heard. Thanks! :)
  17. 12+ It doesn't seem that long! :D
  18. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: I agree with poster about the therapist. Someone you can talk to that will keep you strong when you have to deal with her. I'm sorry you had to go through that. :(
  19. Fortunately nothing in the nose but we had to have the ped dig a lego out of dd2's ear when she was younger. Yeeek! :eek:
  20. I've always been an advocate of mastering the why and how. That is why I specifically stated that maybe some other wtm poster could explain that. You must have missed that part of my post. As for your question about how I came up with 1.316. That is what you get when you 'round' off the answer. 1.316*10^17 is what you get when you use a calculator (or more specifically: 1.316217e+17). ;)
  21. For this, I personally would start using the process of elimination. The answer for both is 1.316 so they just want to know what power of 6 to use if you want the same answer you get with the problem of 36 with an exponent of 11 (1.316). They could just ask, 'to get the answer 1.316 to what power would you have to raise 6? So, this is where I would just use the process of elimination to come up with the correct answer...unless there is a formula. Maybe another poster can help with that?
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