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Everything posted by 2cents

  1. They do have those in some places. We had one when we lived in Colorado. We personally never used it but some of my co-workers had used it. The facility was in a hospital and they had a drop-off for sick children whose parents had to work. As I remember, the cost was high but it worked for some of the parents and they ran a brisk biz. We also had a local daycare that advertised 24 hr care and they catered to those parents that worked overtime, deep nights and odd hours.
  2. I'm so glad you said something! He could have really damaged your house. Why do people think it is ok to do stuff like that???!! Last week our neighbor had some men over to clean up his yard and since he has too many cars (long story...very angry neighborhood assn too) he had them park their wood chipper right in OUR driveway. This was the last straw and I told the chipper guy he had to tell neighbor to move one of his cars and get that thing out of our driveway. I couldn't get the car out! Grrrr! I think neighbor is miffed I did that but he is too cowardly to say anything to me. ;)
  3. Been there. I worked f/t until we had dd 1 and ds was in a private school. Dh and I never argued over who would stay home though. It was just calmly decided based on what we had going on at work an which one of us could rearrange the schedule. We were also lucky that we both had very understanding employers. It was always something we had to deal with though and I always dreaded hearing rumors about colds, pink eye, Fifths etc. going around at the school because I knew what was coming next. When I began staying home and homeschooling, I quickly realized how fortunate I was. It was such a relief not to have to deal with that. I feel badly for those parents that feel stressed out about how to manage care for a sick child or unexpected weather days. :(
  4. My daughter loved the Warrior Series at that age. Here's some info- http://www.amazon.com/Warriors-1-Into-Erin-Hunter/dp/0060525509/ref=ntt_at_ep_dpt_6
  5. The cobra apparently has a Twitter account and is tweeting. LOL! Some of the tweets are funny! How do people think of these things??!! :lol: http://twitter.com/BronxZoosCobra
  6. I think it is good manners to only take one serving (no matter how much is avail). If there are any leftovers after everyone else has been served AND if invited to have more, then taking another serving would be ok. It sounds like the hostess miscalculated her food and panicked when she saw a larger serving. IMO she could have handled it discreetly but she may have been a little stressed out after planning a meal and realizing she may not have enough food for everyone. I wouldn't hold it against her. ;)
  7. When I was in college, we got extra points for finding textbook errors in a statistics class I was in. Found out later the instructor got $$ for turning in the mistakes. I found 4 or 5 in the textbook and scored some extra class points. :001_smile: I found some errors in a SAT review workbook I recently did with the girls too. The level of disappointment varies with the amount of errors I find and their magnitude.
  8. All 3 of mine (college, 8th & 7th) LOVE this game! :)
  9. We don't use Scholars but that kind of thing would really annoy me! It sounds like it may be time for you to start making some calls and emails! :glare:
  10. Not secular, but I didn't find the religious portions something that I couldn't overlook. Some of the seminars can get a little preachy though so you might need to sit in the back if you want to make some quick exits. The curriculum hall is IMO the best part of the convention-there is everything you can think of to look at!
  11. :( She had such an interesting life. When I think of 'Hollywood', she is one of the icons that immediately pops into my mind. She will be missed.
  12. I always arrange my items on the belt. I also make sure the scanner bar is down too (helps make things go a little faster). I also try to group things together that will make a 'bag'. I don't think it is a compulsive thing. I just like to be as quick as possible when I go to the grocery. I organize my grocery list according to the store layout too. I even time myself to make a game of it. I really don't care for grocery shopping so any way that I can make it fun is a good thing.
  13. I worked with CPS and this unfortunately this wouldn't meet the criteria for a home visit. Personally, I think the baby is being neglected but CPS tends to respond to endangerment and immediate life threatening issues. Is there a way you can find out who the ped for the child is? Maybe you can alert the primary physician? Since you and others are arranging visits on a consistent basis, it is time for an intervention and the mother needs to hear your concerns. The mom may be depressed but she has a child and doesn't have the luxury of not facing her responsibilities. Time for a reality check for so that mom and child can get the help they need. Good luck with this.
  14. Being on SSI doesn't preclude earning a wage or having other benefits. There are limitations to the amount that can be earned but it can be quite generous and working is encouraged. It is also very possible that the money may have already been reported and worked into the benefit budget. You would have to have more info before being able to really determine if this is a fraud situation.
  15. I'm so sad for you. BIL sounds like a truly horrible horrible person. Even with the stress, it is wrong what he is doing. It says a lot about the rest of the family that they just blindly believe what he says without giving you a chance to explain. If it were me, I'd seriously consider selling and find another dream home...far away from toxic relatives. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:
  16. Oldest does his own laundry. We do the girls laundry but they have to fold and put away.
  17. This sounds just like my x-sister! That kind of unpredictable obnoxious behavior is just one of the reasons we stopped having contact with her. We suspect she has mental issues but she would never admit it and our lives are too short to spend being abused by her. I feel sorry for your dh's co-worker.
  18. :iagree: AND I would NEVER do business with him again or with family period. I made that mistake once and it was a lesson learned.
  19. Spring Break for mine this week. It is soooo nice having him off for the week!
  20. I have a tester come to the house and she gives the girls the SAT (that I have sent to her via BJU) and after the test, she sends it right to BJU Testing Services for scoring. Testing takes 2 days 4-5 hrs with a lunch in there.
  21. I did Explode The Code for both girls and it was a nice transition.
  22. You might try gargling with hot (as hot as you can stand) salt water 3-4 times a day and see if that helps. This always helps us when we have sore throats.
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