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Everything posted by 2cents

  1. We test around the 2nd week of March which may be just a little ahead of many schools so we get ours back in around 4 weeks. Only one time it took right at 10 weeks and I was panicked but that only happened one time.
  2. I personally hesitate to strong-arm a larger child in public because on-lookers get odd about it and it only gives the child an audience. I think one of my daughters only tried something like that one time and I told her I was leaving and she needed to follow. She refused and I left (hid behind a book shelf and peeked on her). Once she lost sight of me she came running pretty quickly. I only told her that it was fortunate she came along because I didn't want her to think it was a game. Normally, this isn't something I would recommend if there is traffic or other potentially dangerous situations nearby. However, I'm not saying I wouldn't, as a last resort, pick up a child and bodily haul them out if all else failed. Whatever you do, just make just sure you adhere to your consequences. :grouphug:
  3. Instead of going to emergency, is there a neighborhood emergency clinic nearby that you could go to? They may be less busy and be may be able to take some films if needed. Our ped has an after-hours number to call. I'd call the ped to see if they think it can wait or if he needs to go in immediately. Hope the little guy is feeling better soon. :(
  4. Well maybe depending on how you do it. We slotted it for 3 days a week on Tues and Thurs & Friday. We read half on Tues (about an hour and half), half on Thurs (same time) and did experiments on Fri. The experiments usually were easy and fast. I did supplement with UnitedStreaming videos and Netflix but I don't count that in the time. For us, the total per week was about 4-5 hours at most for that book. So I guess that could be an hour a day but it didn't feel like it when it was done in larger chunks of time. Mine seems to get more out of it when we broke it up less. Hope this helps!
  5. That is why I color my hair myself these days. The smells at the salon really get to me too. We saw Pirates too and dh asked if we should see it in 3-d and I vetoed it because 3-d stuff makes me so sick (worst migraine sick) if it is long enough. I have an astigmatism and it makes it hard to get the 3-d all the time so I have to try hard and I think the concentration/strain is what triggers the migraine. DD gets sick at 3-d too. Migraines are HORRIBLE things. The only good thing about a migraine is when it is over you feel GREAT! :D
  6. I get some migraines that are triggered by seasonal allergies and drops in barometric pressure. The biggest trigger though seems to be diet and I always experience a huge improvement when I go very low carb and eliminate all wheat and sugar. Even the seasonal allergy and pressure headaches are markedly lessened when I stick to my diet. I try to stick to it as much as possible.
  7. :iagree::iagree::iagree: Giving permission could be a slippery slope.
  8. I'm confused. Did the meds make you do a sleepwalk kind of thing. Only instead of sleepwalking you sleeporderedcurriculum? Oh my! That is some kind of homeschool dedication! :D I wonder if I could borrow this sleeporderingcurriculum thing when dh gets the Amazon bill? :lol: On a serious side though, that is pretty scary that it could affect you like that. I'd steer clear of those meds! ps-What curriculum did you get? :D
  9. Awwww....that made me tear up! I don't know what I'd do if anything happened to any of my kitties. I'm so happy her kitty returned safe. Thank you for posting. It is so nice so see news like that for a change! :001_smile:
  10. I'd love to have an adjustable spiral binder but it is so expensive and Staples does it cheap. I'd love to have an ipad too. I just got one of my dream items this weekend-a Bamboo Tablet so that I can freehand write on the computer. I'm connecting it to the big TV. This way I can show diagrams and algebra problems on the big TV instead of using the whiteboard and pens (they are giving me headaches). I like gadgets so this will be fun!:D
  11. Now that is interesting! Is there a reason for that? I'm guessing it is because they would have to really concentrate on what they're writing and maybe that makes it sink in more?? I'll tell the kiddos that they should consider themselves fortunate that I haven't tried this technique on them...yet. :lol: I agree with the above poster about the math notes too. I personally found that concentrating on note taking in math took away from concentrating on the actual process taking place. As long as there is a cd or book to refer back to, I personally wouldn't require note taking in math.
  12. Our Golden was a dominant personality nipper too as a puppy. One of the books I read advised holding their muzzle closed with your hands after they nip. It is a dominant position for a human to be in and psychologically the dog is uncomfortable with it. Don't do it aggressively and be careful not to let them bite their tongue but just hold the muzzle (mouth) closed until they appear uncomfortable. It will help them associate that feeling with their nipping. It worked wonders for us. I would also discourage you from feeding the dog in the crate. You don't want to do anything that will encourage the dog to become protective of the food. Dogs will 'claim' their crates. Our dog was very food aggressive when we got her and that can be dangerous to the owners and to other pets. We immediately started hand feeding and then gradually worked it up to feeding in the bowl with our permission while we had hands around her. That worked. Food aggressiveness can lead to some bad bites. As far as the energy level, you might get a KONG. It is a hard rubber toy that has openings for treat dispensing. You fill it with nuggets and the dog keeps busy getting the treats out. Stimulates their brains. We had a KONG and our dog got the treats out way too fast so I got a tip on some dog boards. Fill the KONG with Peanut Butter mixed with some treats and freeze overnight. The KONG will last forever, dog is super busy with it and the cold soothes puppy gums! It was one of the BEST tips I'd ever received! This is a KONG: http://www.amazon.com/Kong-Classic-Dog-Toy-Large/dp/B0002AR0I8/ref=sr_1_4?s=home-garden&ie=UTF8&qid=1305981733&sr=1-4
  13. I'm so sorry to hear about your FIL. :( I think that feeling disappointed is totally understandable so whine away! But I think you made a very unselfish decision that was for the good of your family and you are a great mom for that. :grouphug: Next year will come soon enough and it will be a great experience because you will be fully prepared and won't have the distractions or concerns that would be happening if you went now. :001_smile:
  14. One of our cats tries to get out but we found that she just wants to eat grass. We bought some 'cat grass' at the pet store (didn't want her eating the lawn grass because of treatments and potential bugs) and keep that on the lanai for her to munch on. It helps a little but not completely.
  15. Did Latin with DS but with DD's we are doing Spanish. I am going to do Latin Roots but our foreign language is Spanish and in the future Mandarin. Anyone is welcome to join me in my tent. I'm serving Margaritas and killer Quesadillas! :lol:
  16. I spent more when I first started. Now I know what I like and have been able to hand down curriculum from college son so that helps. I still spend a lot but it's cheaper than private. :)
  17. Awesome! I love sites like this!!! Thank you!!!
  18. 2cents


    That is how I taught mine to read. Both girls used 100 Easy Lessons and were reading by 3. This is why I like 100 Easy Lessons. It just made more sense to me to learn the sounds along with the letter names. They immediately learned blending too. More efficient!
  19. 8th and 9th for next year. We school about 6-7 hrs a day with an hour break in there.
  20. I voted to take him. I think the time differences are IMO not nearly big enough to penalize him. I'm into punctuality too but when it comes to something like this (in the home) I would give more leeway. He made what looks like a good effort and that's what I would focus on. :)
  21. We can't let them drink from the hose because we have reclaimed water for lawns and it isn't safe for drinking.
  22. I wouldn't know a troll if it came up and bit me in the behind so...I just want to say that I'm glad your dh is home safe and sound and I hope that you both can talk about what happened and find some peace. ;)
  23. DD 13 is my 2nd 9th grader. I'm thankfully not stressed like I was with DS. DS was the first and he made it through HS just fine. :D
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