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Everything posted by 2cents

  1. I just watched this last night. It is really good. I personally wouldn't do the juice diet because we're low carb/high protein folks but I love that they found a diet that is healthy for them and worked. I also liked the pass-it-along thing that was going on. :)
  2. No uniform and wouldn't want one. We school in our pj's and it's all good! :)
  3. Regis University has a reputable online/distance program. The school is over 100 years old and is located in Denver, Colorado. :)
  4. That is so funny! Love the picture of the chicken standing at the door!!! :lol:
  5. Really glad I scheduled/planned and kept to the plan. I'm also glad I kept great records. One of the things I regret is staying in a coop that was toxic. I wish I had left sooner than I did. Live and learn though. :)
  6. Selling food out of the home can be risky. There may be a license requirement. Some states do allow cottage food industry but you'd have to check with your state. Also be prepared to provide a list of ingredients for the product.
  7. I'm just getting over a horrible cold with sinus infection too. What finally worked was talking to the pharmacist and buying a non-presc. decongestant that is BEHIND the counter. Turns out the ones out in the counter don't have a decongestant ingred that you can get if you ask the pharm. (it is a controlled substance now). You don't need an Rx but do have to ask for it and show your ID. I also use a nasal spray right before using the Neti because it was the only thing that would clear up a path for the neti to do its work. Also used Musinex. Good luck! sinus probs are awful. :(
  8. I'm wondering what could happen if your neighbors want to get in too. Reminds me of an old Twilight Zone show "The Shelter" about neighbors who try to break into another neighbor's fallout shelter during a bomb scare.
  9. Can 2 children in the home participate in the live class for one level price or does each child pay? I looked all over and it didn't seem to be addressed on the site. :)
  10. Seriously!! Someone who is mean enough to spend time trolling people's blogs and leaving nasty comments needs to get a life. Delete it. :grouphug:
  11. We did the 2 middle school Spanish courses for our girls through Florida Virtual and that counted as HS Spanish I. So my youngest will finish 2 HS years of Spanish before she is even in HS but it will count as HS credit especially since we're having them take Spanish III as well. We've found that the FLVS MS Spanish I & II has been a great basis for jumping into HS Spanish II and even the FLVS Spanish teacher recommended skipping Spanish I since they did well in MS Spanish. It is a great way to get that language requirement done early and leaves more time for the student to take another language if they want to.
  12. I think the show really shows the obsessive aspect. With many of the profiled on that show I think it borders on a hoarding compulsion. Seriously...who needs a closet full of soda or 96 bottles of antacid? I think the amounts are disturbing. That said...I could probably use 96 bottles of aspirin...hummm....:lol:
  13. I think the obsession has to do with that TV show that has extreme couponers getting $1000 of stuff for a couple of bucks. They make it look easy. We coupon, but only for things we'd normally purchase that go along with our diet (high protein). We focus mostly on cleaning products, shampoo, laundry soap and non-food items. Those are the items that used to jack up the cost of my grocery bill. Many coupons we can't use because of the sugar or wheat content but avoiding those foods isn't what is saving us money...it's the sundry items. :) I guess if some folks get a kick out of spending 30-40 hrs a week on coupons that is their thing. It doesn't bother me...unless they steal my inserts. If they want to dumpster dive then that is ok too. Not my bag - but to each his own. ;)
  14. I coupon and that makes me see red! She is a thief pure and simple. If I go out to buy a Sunday paper and pay for it, I want to get the whole thing! Inserts and all! What could she possibly think justifies that behavior?? She need a BOGO deal on some time in the slammer. :angry:
  15. I never use pass/fail. The way I see it, they have to pass the classes and there is no fail in my homeschool. I put grades on transcripts and they are all good because of my mastery philosophy (basically, they work at the subject until they are doing A grade work). I didn't include drivers ed or several of our outside sports and arts in the transcript unless it could directly address a requirement.
  16. I have to agree with this. I'm one to break the rules too and honestly if I was the niece I would have wanted to include all the people who I cared about. But perhaps this manicure is going to get a little rowdy and she doesn't think auntie will appreciate that scene (that is very understandable). I think you, your daughter, mom and auntie (and anyone else making fruit boats) should make those boats super quick and then go and have a nice lunch and manicures yourselves. Just tell the niece that you all needed some fun down time too and it is her choice, you either join in with the bridal party or do your own thing. I think the bride will see it your way. ;)
  17. I've seen a lot worse. Some of the worst grammar and spelling came from my son's 5th grade Montessori teacher. It was frightening!
  18. You need to call the local Elder Abuse Agency ASAP to have the situation investigated. Make sure you tell them it is an emergency and there is a good possibility that her welfare is in danger. Also, have your mother and her sisters file for temp conservatorship pending full conservatorship. Make sure that the courts know it is an emergent case so that they schedule a hearing quickly. It sounds like the police did not handle this correctly or didn't understand the situation. Good luck with this! Been there and dealing with family elder abuse is a sad situation to deal with.
  19. A friend of mine had this a couple of weeks ago. Sounds like you have the 'windows recovery virus'. You can read about it and how to get rid of it at: http://www.precisesecurity.com/rogue/windows-xp-recovery/ Your files are likely NOT LOST. They are just hidden. The virus clicks the 'hidden attribute' in the properties of the folders. My friend just turned hers back on by unclicking the box. The site above was excellent for helping my friend and get rid of the virus. Good luck with your computer. I think people that write these viruses should be jailed for a long long time. So frustrating!!!
  20. I'd recommend that before committing to anything at all, you start spending a lot of time with the young man to see if you are compatible. Work in a lot of situations that would replicate a learning environment as well. If you decide to go for it, make sure all the learning goals and behavior expectations are mutually agreed upon.
  21. Yes! This same thing has been happening to us more and more when we buy from Amazon. These tiny unmarked cars show up with a non-uniformed person who runs a package to the door. We're hesitant to open the door to unknown persons so this is bugging me. We're getting a headboard soon so that should be an interesting delivery. I'm gonna be real annoyed if that headboard is tied to the top of a clown-car!!
  22. Sooooo Exciting!!!!! Can't wait to hear the news!!! :D
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