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Everything posted by 2cents

  1. We had a subscription a loooong time ago. I got fed up with not seeing the supporting material for many of the videos and the kids quickly lost interest too. Maybe it is much better now.
  2. So relieved that she is in better hands and they are taking it seriously. If you drive over please be careful and keep us posted! :grouphug:
  3. I hate that fundraising stuff. When ds was in private school we were asked to do it too. It made me angry because we already paid huge tuition. I used to buy the junk from the neighborhood kids just to be nice. But now I don't even know these kids and the only time their parents want to talk to us is when the kid wants $ for fundraising. Last time I paid for a pie I never got! Now I don't buy any fundraising stuff. Yeah-I'm still bitter about that pie. Really wanted that darn pie! What a ripoff. :glare:
  4. I felt for you when I read this. :grouphug: Please know that this is only a forum and many of the things you read may not accurately reflect what is really going on. I've been hsing for many years and have read a lot of recommendations/opinions and some is worth considering and some is useless to me. It all depends on your own journey. I've taken one through hsing and he is in college and doing very well. He was my 'test case' and he is fine. He lives in a dorm and hasn't had any problems fitting in and conducts himself just fine in social situations. We tried coops and found they didn't work for us so ditched them and went for more structured classes offered by museums and other outside businesses. That was our personal decision. We did dual enrollment too. We didn't set out to specifically LOOK for social interaction. It just happens naturally. Please don't let some of the things you read on a forum cause you to over-analyze and stress. Proceed how you and your family feel is working best for you and always be cautious about things that cause you to doubt yourself. Homeschooling is really not as hard as this thread may appear to make it. ;)
  5. :iagree: This one is my all time fave! I love how Bradbury describes the scenes. It is such a good eerie tale!! I always think of it when I see a carousel.
  6. All 3 of mine had palate expanders. They never had any complaints or pain. The other problems we had was when I tried get that tiny key in they teeny tiny hole in the expander at the top of their mouth. Lots of gagging and frustration until I got the hang of it. The little one's palate expander saved us from having full orthodontics because it made room for her adult teeth to come in properly.
  7. With all due respect to the op, I can't do coops. ;) My reasons have all to do with the fact I don't want to spend my money or my time on fluffy or disorganized poor classes that are taught by moms that may be well intentioned and knowledgeable but unable to manage crowd control. Unfortunately the coops I've tried haven't met with my expectations nor those of my children. We don't go to coops to experience other teachers or people. We get that from our life experiences and the classes we take from the museum. I've been to many coops and I've been hsing for over a decade and I used to be very pro homeschooling everything but time has taught me to look at all other options and not be afraid to stray from the crowd.
  8. I use Celuclay for paper mache projects. Just add water and you're in business. You can get it at craft stores and probably at Target or Wal-Mart too.:001_smile:
  9. This same thing happened to me. For as long as I can remember my sister exploded on us and acted erratically and my mother just ignored it. My mother took the abuse and expected me to do the same. I finally realized this was my mother's way of avoiding confrontation. After years of doing the same thing I realized I didn't need to excuse my sisters bad (toxic) behavior and certainly didn't need to be around it. I told my mother this and that caused problems between us too. She felt that if I stood up to it that it would affect her. Even though I told her that my decision had no influence on how she continues to deal with the situation, she was angry with me. My mother froze me out and as a result I limited and then finally terminated contact with that part of the family. I have no regrets. My decision has been empowering.
  10. That's a good point! I kinda forgot who his primary audience was. :001_smile:
  11. I respect your feeling on this but I am not at all religious so my opinion comes from my experience working in the social service and legal fields. I wish people could all aim for that 'higher standard' but that isn't a realistic expectation and in the case in point the man had already shown a lack of intent in that direction. So in the interest of what is best for the patient, I think perhaps divorce may be the best option if it can ensure that she gets the care she needs. For PR to recommend the man be true to his vows would be pointless because he is so far beyond that and if he couldn't do that then you look at the next best option to protect the interests of the patient. It might have been nice if PR were to clarify that he wants to see people honor their vows BUT if that is not going to happen THEN divorce is an option.
  12. In answer to the original question about purposely trying to be obnoxious when people ask what I do, the answer is no. I have been hsing long enough to feel very confident in my knowledge and abilities. If someone asks what I do I just tell them I'm a home educator and if they were to ask what I did before that I would tell them as well. It is just a question. If someone were to be snarky with me, I would confront any of their questions directly but as far as trying to outdo them - no. It isn't worth my time or effort. ;)
  13. Yep! I know the origin. I haven't seen 'oh the kittenity' though. I probably wouldn't use it though. Just a personal preference.
  14. I love that song! My parents had the Peter, Paul & Mary album and that was one of the songs they sang. We had a lemon tree growing up and I used to pick lemons and eat them with salt. I still love lemons with salt but it is bad for the teeth. :)
  15. I'm not a fan of PR but I really didn't get the impression he was advising divorcing a spouse with Alzheimers. He was responding to a question about a man who was already cheating on a spouse with Alzheimers. He said... I personally take it to mean that since the man in question had already abandoned his wife (mentally at least) and moved on and it would be more honest to all concerned that he divorce but make sure she is provided for. I actually tend to agree with this. IMO if a man (or woman) isn't fully investing in caring for a spouse (mentally and physically) then they need to be honest about it. Dealing with Alzheimer's is a huge responsibility and if the spouse is distracted and not fully on-board with the treatment and care it can lead to disaster and harm to the patient. I want to believe that is what PR was trying to convey. Divorce actions would offer the Alzheimer's spouse certain guarantees of protection for ongoing medical and other expenses that may not be available from a spouse that may have an interest in spending that money on other 'distractions'. A divorce action involving an Alzheimer's patient would also insure that the court appoints a guardian to represent the patient. In the interest of long term committed care, divorce may be the best option in this case.
  16. I would not offer to pay. You warned her. In view of the insurance questions she asked earlier, it is suspicious. If you offer, you are indicating/accepting a liability. Let insurance deal with her.
  17. 5 indoor here. 3 was supposed to be the limit. #4 was added because of our failed Humane Society fostering (couldn't turn him in when he was old enough). Then there was a starving feral that was in our backyard. His mom and sibs abandoned him and we trapped him and now he is fat and happy and #5. I'm calling that our limit! We go through cat food and litter like crazy! :D
  18. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: I have no words...it is so heartbreaking. I hope that by some miracle she pulls through and gets the help she needs. This is so tragic.
  19. Our girls outgrew their allergies but they were only contact allergies and didn't involve their lungs (consulted an allergist). Dh was allergic too. We never would have had a cat except a good friend had a stray that we said we would try to keep. We fully expected to have to give her up but several years later-and a few more furbabies everyone is allergy free. I wonder if it is some kind of exposure immunity? Wiping kitty down with a damp cloth of distilled water helps a lot too. The distilled water supposedly neutralizes the protein that causes the allergy. They get it on their fur from their saliva when they clean themselves. That is why regular wiping down helps so much. We used the Allerpet too with great success. Hope something works for you. Always wash hands after petting and avoid letting kitty lick hands. Keep them out of bedrooms too and off furniture that the kids sit on too. Hope this helps!
  20. For lunch: Lavash bread pizza Errand: Need to by dd2 new tennis shoes Something new we started this week: Classes at the Science Museum :)
  21. It is officially dead when the cost of repairing it and the frequency of repair work makes it more advantageous to purchase something newer. Repairing anything that is wrong or makes it unsafe is IMO a must. Repairs are so expensive now and it seems like cars just don't last as long as they used to. I personally think that is by design. :glare: If they don't get you in repair work-they'll drive you to getting a newer car.
  22. I'm sorry you're dealing with this. I hate being sick and what it does to my schedule. :( Well, I have to say it isn't always the entire fault of the parents or the children. I have a public school friend who was always stressed out about how many days her girls missed (they have asthma so colds are more problematic). The schools sent home threatening letters about how many days they missed and were generally uncooperative. The high school also encouraged kids to go to school sick by offering incentives (less testing) if they missed less than like 3 days. I know the daughter of my friend went to school sick many times because she wanted out of the testing. Another friend of my son who was in high school did the same thing. Personally, I would have made the kids stay home but then you are dealing with a sick AND now resentful teen-not a good combo at all. Another unfortunate reason for sending the kids sick is that some parents cannot get time off of work or their back-up plans for daycare fall apart (for younger grades). I feel most for these folks. They are in a real difficult position.
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