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Everything posted by 2cents

  1. I'm a homeschooling INTJ. and I am an obsessive homeschooling scheduler/planner. and We have worn something other than pajamas at least 2 days this week.
  2. That's too bad. I've seen that sort of thing before. He did add a lot more this year and I got a lot of emails promoting them. Sometimes less is better. I hope it gets better for you because it is a lot of money and you have every right to expect a quality product.
  3. Sue-thank you for posting this. I get emails from Landry and have been tempted by the classes but the cost is quite high so I'm very interested in hearing about the pros and cons. You mentioned one of my pet peeves-that being disorganization. I would have a real problem with that too. Let us know how they respond if you can.
  4. Same here. I like a nice thick layer so I can get it nice and smooth.:D
  5. Either way, I'd be taking him to a vet. If it turns out to be something that can be treated within your means then you can do that but if he is suffering and treatment is prohibitive then he needs to be humanely relieved of his pain and suffering.
  6. 1. How long have you been homeschooling? 12 years 2. Which homeschool philosophy(ies) do you use? Mostly secular classical. 3. Why do you homeschool? I can provide a better quality education. 4. What was your biggest waste of money in homeschooling? Probably Rosetta Stone Homeschool Latin-it was an older version and never did work right. 5. What was the best money you have ever spent? Discovery Streaming & Lit Lessons From Lord of the Rings 6. Which curriculum/curricula did you want to love, but didn't work for you? Some of the Great Courses-but it was a long time ago and vhs. I think we'd like them better now that they are dvd. 7. Which curriculum/curricula did you end up loving that you thought you wouldn't? A Beka Mathematics (before higher maths) 8. What is your best advice to anyone just starting out? Make schedules and stick to them. Don't jump around with curriculum choices too much. 9. Which mistakes have you made with your olders that you will not repeat with your littles? A little too much 'quantity' instead of more focus on 'quality'. 10. Anything else you want to share? This isn't a "real" poll, but I still feel compelled to have an other!!!! :lol: Don't feel you need to 'socialize' via coops. Socialization will happen with or without a coop and socializing with mainly homeschoolers is IMO not much different from 'socializing' in public school. Focus on a variety of experiences and exposure.
  7. We did dissections but none of the colleges ever asked about it. We recorded LAB on his high school transcript though so they may just have seen it there and wouldn't question it. We did however have foreign language questioned and even though it was on the transcript, we were questioned about it and verified it via FLVS. I thought that was odd.
  8. 1. Focus on quality not quantity because, “Education is not filling a bucket, but lighting a fire.” ~Yates. 2. Don't feel you need to work at 'socialization'. Meaning-don't feel you must join groups or coops to make up for not being in a traditional school setting. Socialization will happen with or without a coop. 3. Resist the urge to hop around trying every new curriculum that is suggested. Try to stick with what works or at least give it a good try before moving on. 4. Make a schedule or plan and stick to it. Keep good records. This will be invaluable when you are generating transcripts etc. 5. Don't feel you need to justify or defend your reasons for homeschooling or your curriculum choices.
  9. Those are totally cute! I wish I had youngers and a party to go to. I'd bring these in a heartbeat! :thumbup:
  10. Every science coop we did when the kids were younger were horrible wastes of time. Now we do serious science at home and also do High School hs science museum classes. No coop classes for us.
  11. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: Start fresh. We've all done things that we regret in the heat of the moment. It's done and the only thing you can do it look at ways to move on from it. Each child is different and what works for one doesn't always work for the other. My suggestion would be to forget about the grade levels and focus on what he can do and work slowly up from there. Keep it short so that you both don't feel overworked and just spend time reading and doing things together that you both will enjoy. I think that limiting tv and video is a good idea. He needs to be redirected to things that may encourage him to focus on school. Don't beat yourself up. Just have a talk with him and move on. :grouphug:
  12. Yes! Yes! Yes! I would NOT plan any meetings with that woman at all-ever. IMO just write a letter and certified mail it to her with what this poster has said. That way you know she got the info and you don't need to see her. I'd be sure to make it very clear that you no longer want any contact whatsoever with them and they are not to approach your children.
  13. Yes! This! That gal & her child both sound unstable. I'd stay so far away from them. Crazy-alert!!!
  14. We fostered. That is how we added another cat to our household. Couldn't foster after that. I have problems giving the fosters back. :lol:
  15. This sort of thing can happen with any animal. In cats, it is usually the sign that something is wrong. If the litterbox isn't kept clean or if there is a UTI they will urinate inappropriately. Males that are not neutered may start to spray and that is a huge motivator for getting them neutered ASAP. I've had 3 males and 2 have never done any inappropriate urinating or spraying. One began to pee in the sink and I immediately started watching him. In less than 30 min he was obviously in distress and in the hospital with a UTI. Fortunately, with diet changes he is a happy kitty and no more problems. So really, what I think people may think is a 'bad habit' , 'naughty behavior', or a 'learned behavior' could very well be the way our pets are trying to tell us they are having a problem. In my cats case, the vet explained that UTI feels like shards of glass when they urinate. The sink surface was cool and helped a little with the pain.
  16. I'd get the cat! Check out the shelters for one that is older and possibly de-clawed (it would have to be indoor cat if it is declawed). I'm not an advocate of declawing but clipping nails and furniture scratching would not be a worry in one that is already declawed. An older, short hair female would be a good choice. Dogs require a lot of training/retraining and do have accidents. Cats LIKE to use their boxes. The only thing is that the boxes must be cleaned regularly. Good thing is that there are lots of litterbox choices and some practically clean themselves. :) Pets are fantastic for children. Some of my best childhood memories revolve around the pets we had. I hope you get her a furry friend. :thumbup: ps....the furbabies have a way of working themselves into your heart. You may find that her new friend is yours too.
  17. Did you supply the colleges with a transcript? Are they questioning that? Fortunately, we didn't run into this problem. Ds only provided transcript that I generated and his ACT scores. They should only need your transcript that you as the 'school' provide. It is my understanding that GED is not necessary at all. I think you are getting a run-around.
  18. We don't do a lot of memorization. Our focus is on understanding. I sometimes think that too much emphasis on memorizing gets in the way of really digging into a subject. :)
  19. Key Lime Pie! but I guess that take a few hours. Hummm....what about Lime bars. Same as lemon bars but using lime.
  20. If it hangs over their property line they are legally entitled to take the apples and even to cut the tree back. Look on the bright side, they didn't butcher or kill the tree by cutting it incorrectly. You might look into hiring a good arborist to trim the tree so that it will grow predominantly on your side of the fence. We did this with one of our trees so that the neighbor wouldn't be burdened with picking up leaves and excess shade etc. ok...just figured out that it is overhanging a common area and the assn won't let you prune. That is CRAZY! I'd be so mad at the assn and I'd prune anyway and dare them to do anything about it. ;)
  21. Well, my dh's grandmother used turpentine to 'cure' a severe hangnail. I didn't work. She eventually lost the toe. I've also read that during the dust bowl days a little turpentine was added to the damp cloths that were used to cover the nose and mouth during a duster. It was supposed to help prevent dust pneumonia. Didn't work there either. I suspect this is like a lot of other quack remedies that at best did no harm but many times created more problems. I would be very very skeptical.
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