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Everything posted by 2cents

  1. I already put one through homeschool HS so it is what we'll do for the other two as well. My son did 9th at home and after that he was dual-enrolled in college for 10-12. In order to get the free tuition and qualify for Bright Futures I kept him as a dual-enrolled homeschooler until I graduated him in 12. It was a fantastic deal and he did well with that plan so it is probably what our girls will do.
  2. OK, I have a whopper. I almost wasn't believing my ears. My son is going away to college and a friend said she was worried about him because someone might want to sell him drugs and since he was homeschooled (even though he has spent the last 3 years going to a local college) she apparently thought he wouldn't know what to do. :confused: Seriously!!!???!!! I simply told her, "He would say 'no' like he would anywhere else. Has nothing to do with educational choices. It is common sense." I was flabbergasted. It isn't like I kept him in a bubble all these years. :blink: There really aren't any smilies that can do this justice.
  3. Well, college is super expensive but I can't discourage it. I spent years working in jobs where I was expected to do as much as the promoted degree holders and make less. I also so less qualified degree holders promoted before myself. Finally, I returned to college and finished the degree. No more problems after that. It is important IMO.
  4. There's got to be another place you can stay. This is an intolerable situation and she sounds unstable. Have you tried contacting the local churches? Many times they can help you out or refer you to places that can help. Also, you should visit the local aid office to see if you can get emergency aid and get on a low cost housing list ASAP. This situation is becoming steadily more unhealthy for all of you. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:
  5. That was hysterical! :lol: We were relieved to see there were other dogs as obtuse as ours. Our dog spent a good 5 min trying to pick up her milk bone with a tennis ball in her mouth. She finally figured out that if she dropped the ball she could eat the milk bone. :)
  6. Ok...your last comment had me ROTFL! :lol: We just found a feral about 2 weeks ago and I had the little guy at the vet the same morning-asking the same question about rabies. Vet told me not to worry. I have to confess though, the same things kept running through my mind that you've brought up. He is going for the shots next week. I'll feel a lot better once he is all vaccinated.
  7. We just found a kitty in our yard a week ago. He is a tiny feral and it looks like we're keeping him. He was abandoned by his littermates. They were seen and are now nowhere to be found. Never saw the mom cat. We're suckers for strays. He has been to the vet and he is so sweet and has made himself right at home. It is unusual behavior for a feral at approx. 12 weeks. He's a keeper. In your case, if you can't keep him, I'd opt for a no-kill shelter or rescue agency. That way the little guy will have a chance at a home. Even fixed cats that are released still have a comparatively short lifespan and it is a very hard life. Good luck with your decision. :)
  8. I'm kinda wondering if she has much experience with children in general if she is making comments like that. :001_huh: I think I'd have to address the issue with her head on because I wouldn't want her making clueless and insensitive comments like that around any of the homeschoolers. She might really find out how 'out of control' some of those homeschool moms can be. I've been around some of those and that isn't pretty. ;)
  9. That's just WRONG! Doesn't that UPS man know that the rule is that they must stop at the homeschool houses?? :glare: :lol:
  10. I hadn't heard about the dry food thing either until our boy cat had his crystals drama. I was feeding a really good dry too. Since then, I've heard our vet telling others to put their cats on wet too because of the crystals. Our vet is a cat only vet so she sees a lot of urinary crystal cases. Apparently it mostly affects males because they have a longer urethra. The girl cats don't have the same problems as much. I personally like the dry better (easier) but since we've done the wet our crystals cat has had clear urine samples. It was such an awful experience that I just keep them on wet. We were very lucky and dodged a HUGE vet bill by not having to have surgery. Now I'm a little neurotic about his potty habits. :) Adding: Our vet recommended Fancy Feast or Friskies. Mine only like FF. Vet also said NO fish flavors and NO gravy types. She said the gravy has ingrediants that the cats don't need and don't process well. I can't remember what the ban on fish flavors was about.
  11. My ds is going to University of Central Florida in 2 weeks. Dorms open on the 19th. It is coming up fast. We have some of his supplies but plan on getting most of what he will need when we get there. I'm going to make him a special cake and we'll all go out to eat at his fave restaurant the night before. UCF is about 2.5 hrs away so it isn't so bad. It is close to Disney World so we'll see him when we go there. We have annual tickets. I'm still sad that he won't be at home. :crying:
  12. Oh my! Poor kitty! My boy cat had a urinary obstruction a couple years ago and he almost had emergency surgury. As it was, he spent a night in emergency with a catheter. We were VERY lucky that he recovered without the surgery to shorten his urethra. The vet said that the boy cats especially should not have dry food. For some reason it leads to the crystals. We only feed Fancy Feast Classic now and no fish flavors. No gravy canned either. We had to force feed our sick cat for awhile because he didn't want to drink enough to keep the urine flowing after the catheter was removed. We also wanted to dilute so it wouldn't sting. We had to have dh roll him in a towel and I used a syringe (without a needle) to put water and pureed cat food in his mouth. Don't do this with them on their backs though or they can choke. Just little by little squeeze from the syringe into the side of the mouth. You won't need to physically open their mouth because when they feel the wet on the side of their mouth they will generally open up and you can get some more in. It takes awhile but it is what we had to do when my guy wouldn't eat. It is vital that they get enough fluids to flush the crystals and heal. No more dry food. They love the stuff but it isn't good for the boys. Hope this helps and your furbaby feels better.
  13. The cat people one was interesting and the kitten on the tummy of catwoman was kinda cute-I'd never do it but it was interesting. The basketball was funny. The nude one and the hockey one and the gun ones were IMO disturbing. The tree one is a little scary-I hope she got down from that tree ok! No photo opportunity should ever include hoisting a hugely pregnant woman into a tree!
  14. Well something sorta like this happened when I made a marshmallow fondant covered cake. They didn't do the 'ewww' thing, but I did notice there were neat piles of fondant on the plates after they ate. The dog ate it and had no complaints. :lol: In your case, I'd have just told them that means there is more for me and they can join in if they are hungry. If not - the kitchen is closed and disrespectful behavior will not be tolerated by anyone (including dh!). I'd expect them to at least try and if after a good try, if they still don't like it then they can make a pbj or something else.
  15. With an extra 7 hours, you could finish very quickly. My girls started HS Spanish 2 around June 15 and they put in 10-12 hours a week and will finish around the middle of September. That is for both semesters. So a year in approx. 3 mos-spending 10-12 hours over 5 days a week (about 2 hrs a day). That is one course. I think if you spend that much on each of yours, you could do the about the same. I'd plan on doing some on the weekend so that your load during the week isn't as heavy.
  16. All of my 3 have taken/are taking FLVS courses. That is a very full load you are looking at. The time spent on the computer can add up and I agree with the other poster that 2 at a time is a good idea. That is what we do too. It allows you to focus all your attention on finishing those on the accelerated pace and then you can take two more. You'll still do the same amount in a year but it is easier than juggling 4 FLVS classes at once-and all they entail (teacher contacts, discussions, team projects, labs etc.) How the courses work: You'll have all you need on the FLVS site. Your work will be saved and submitted as a file (rtf) that is attached via an assessments page online. You generally will have discussion and projects that you'll do with other students and that is done via email (flvs) or telephone and submitted to the teacher. The science classes do have labs. It is also helpful to know Powerpoint because you most likely will be asked to do presentations. The Spanish class will require you to submit audio files of your translations and that is easy. Everything you will need to do is explained in a welcome call and a tutorial that you will be required to watch. Being on Pace is very important but if you accelerate you'll never have to worry about that. AP classes may have a text that will be mailed to you along with a return envelope to send the text back when you finish the course. You'll take your AP test at a local High School-just call the HS and tell them you are FLVS and they will schedule you for the test. You will also have a transcript that you can access at the FLVS website and that is handy for providing along with college admission paperwork and recordkeeping. FLVS doesn't give a HS diploma but that is something your homeschool parent educator can generate. I can't think of anything else right now so if you have any questions, just ask. :) We really like FLVS. The instructors have all been very nice and extremely helpful. Hope this helps!
  17. The soft-paw tips worked well for us when our kitty was going through a scratching stage. They do come off as the nails grow but it is only a small inconvenience. You will need to be able to handle the paws in order to apply them (some cats don't like this). Vets will apply a full set under a mild anesthesia. I usually applied our set and had someone distracting kitty with a feather or food. Once you get the full set on you'll only be applying those that come off once in awhile so it isn't bad at all. They come is several colors and have holiday set too! You can have a stylin' kitty AND save your rugs. :) http://www.softpaws.com/
  18. We run it through our TV too. I use a wireless connection.
  19. I use clumping litter and scoop it into a gallon size ziplock and seal. It eliminates any odor and is easy to dispose of. Depending on how much kitties eat, I use a gallon ziplock every 2 days.
  20. I have picky potty kitties and I have to scoop several times a day because they each want clean boxes. We have 3 boxes and it seems like I'm always scooping. It is ok because it keeps the furbabies happy. :)
  21. Dec is a great time to be at Disney World! We live in FL so we have annual tickets and Dec is our fave time. You should try to see the Osbourne Family Lights at Hollywood Studios. At EPCOT they have a fantastic candlelight processional and choir with a well-known narrator. It is always very good! The Magic Kingdom has Mickey's Very Merry Christmas that is a lot of fun. Our fave place to eat in EPCOT is Teppan Edo in Japan. At Hollywood Studios our #1 is Sci-Fi Drive In and #2 is the 50's Prime Time Cafe. In the Magic Kingdom we like Tony's Town Square. Must See shows: Magic Kingdom Electrical Parade & Hollywood Studios parades. The fireworks display at EPCOT is FANTASTIC! Outside the parks: Walk around Downtown Disney because the Lego shop is a must see! Downtown Disney also has the T-REX Restaurant that is a great place to eat if you have anyone interested in dinosaurs. We never get tired of eating there! Here's a link: http://www.trexcafe.com/
  22. Well, your dh says that the charter is too good an opportunity to miss out on. This kinda infers that hsing would be less of an opportunity. You should dig up some of the stats on how well hsing students have done and let him know that the opportunity YOU are offering him is much to good to pass up! ;) :grouphug:
  23. First thought: Where is the thing that ate half of the opossum? 2nd thought: Hope it comes back and eats the rest so I don't have to deal with it.
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