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Everything posted by 2cents

  1. Sitting with my sister and brother under the kitchen table watching the first man step on the moon. My whole family was huddled around this tiny B/W TV. It was magical! :001_smile:
  2. Our son went to cc for his first 2 years. Saved a lot of money and now he is leaving for dorm-life this fall. I think it can be very valuable to go to cc because he saved money (even though he had 100% Bright Futures Scholarship) and he is more mature. He has very clear goals and is unlikely to be overwhelmed by the independent college lifestyle.
  3. Tuna isn't very good for cats BUT for attraction purposes it is one of the best. They love it!
  4. #10-One is a 50 cent piece and the other one is a nickel. :lol:
  5. Personally, I would have taken the dog right to the vet. Behavior like that is not at all normal (the passing out) and there is no way I would delay seeking medical intervention. My pets are like my children and I just couldn't wait.
  6. Graded Spanish Reader: Primera Etapa by Justo Ulloa, Leonor Ulloa 2x First Spanish Reader: A Beginner's Dual-Language Book (Beginners' Guides) (English and Spanish Edition) by Angel Flores Pre-ordered: The Manga Guide to the Universe [Paperback] Kenji Ishikawa
  7. We start between 7 and 7:30 here. It is so much better to get things done early in our house because we like to have more time in the afternoon. We have wake-up kitties that make sure we are up early to feed them - better than an alarm clock. Can't hit snooze with that furry pack on a mission. :001_smile:
  8. This reeks of scam! There is no way I would want to deal with someone like that. Creepy alert!
  9. We've done Jason but as a unit study. We have a regular science curriculum. I think it could be a stand alone but I personally would have to add more. We just like to do it as a break in the routine or as a summer science.
  10. I am! I've been schooling in the summer too but it has been lighter. I love fall and the new projects! I'd guess a lot of WTM'ers feel the same way. :)
  11. First off, it is too late now but you should NOT have signed anything under duress. Since you did though, you might consider talking to someone in the upper levels of Whole Foods to explain your position and how you were treated. If you were not allowed to leave until you signed the forms and were not charged or detained by law enforcement that is a huge problem and I think you need to report that! Were the police called? You need to find out if any police reports were filed and you need to have copies of what you signed.
  12. I plan on the computer then print out the assignment sheet for the week. I have links we'll use on the computer so I have a pdf of the assignment sheet running in the computer background so that we can pull them up during our studies.
  13. Oh yes! This would make me so angry! I think DH should have consulted you and included you in any conversations before you both make the decision. Decisions about education are ones that parents make IMO.
  14. BS in Business Admin. that got me a job in social work. Go figure. :blink:
  15. I'd consider it common knowledge. At least I hope they are still teaching about this in the schools.
  16. One of my cats got something like this (seemed to appear overnight too). The vet said it was related to an ear infection. I thought that was wrong but put the drops in his ears and within a couple of days the little sores went away.
  17. Educación Española: Spanish Instruction (for grades 6-8) :001_smile:
  18. This. I think he needs to be out of the situation right away. I'm so sorry that you are dealing with this. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:
  19. Mine are in FLVS High School Spanish 2 and it is fabulous! The teacher is great and they are learning so much! Maybe your state offers online courses? Ours are free to homeschoolers.
  20. All of mine hated manipulatives. When I started hsing I had nice sets and wanted to use them but the moans and groans got too much for me. What worked best for mine was to just let them work it out for themselves. They seem to relate to a minimum of 'teaching'. I fought it at first but finally gave up and they were happier, had no problems with the work and the sky didn't fall. :) It's ok not to do manipulatives.
  21. Good post! I've been hsing for over 10 yrs and my list would look huge BUT...I hs year-round and with the exception of core courses, we do many units and we stagger curriculum to begin as one ends. It all adds up but daily it is very manageable. :)
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