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Everything posted by 2cents

  1. I liked 'Rabbit-Proof Fence'. It was well done. Also liked 'The Boys: The Sherman Brothers' Story'.
  2. I'm totally impressed!!! You did great! The only thing I've 'delivered' in a cat has been a string. My crazy cat ate some yarn and lucky for us, I was able to slooooowly pull it out. You should be very proud of yourself and that is a lucky kitty mom! :hurray::hurray::hurray:
  3. She is in my thoughts!! Please keep us posted. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:
  4. I don't measure. I just try to eat very low carb and as long as I'm keeping to that, I don't mess with measuring and keeping track. It's one of the nice benefits of low carb. :)
  5. WOW! Great work! You might have the next Buddy V (the Cake Boss) there! :hurray: Happy Birthday too!
  6. :iagree: I'd just put the info out there and see if anyone notices or has any questions. I think having the most correct and understandable info available to the teachers would be something most would appreciate. :thumbup: to the OP for not skipping over this lesson. :)
  7. Grades k-4th The testing was a lot shorter. I'd estimate we would have ended the test day after a couple of hours if we did have our older son testing too. Grades 5-up: We have generally spent around 3 solid hours testing and this year (grades 7 & 8) we started at 9 and ended at 1:30 and the breaks were short (around 5 min).
  8. Way To Go!!!! This is fantastic!!! :hurray:
  9. We're using FLVS Spanish for our main course. But between courses we reinforced with: 1. Las Puertas Retorcidas http://www.amazon.com/Las-Puertas-Retorcidas-Twisted-Doors/dp/0971022720 2. Mi Vida Loca (BBC site) http://www.bbc.co.uk/languages/spanish/mividaloca/ 3. Discovery Streaming: Elementary Spanish & Middle School
  10. Mine do the SAT 10. We just did it for two children with a private tester. She normally charges $100 for two half days of testing but we get a discount on that since we've been testing with her for 10 years. We also have to get the test sent to her from BJU and that is a separate charge paid to BJU. The test is not timed so the children can finish as quickly as they want. Mine are older so we encourage them to re-check etc. When they were the age of the op's children, they finished up quickly and could take some nice breaks but we still scheduled 2 days so that it was not a long day. There are more oral components for youngers so there is more tester one-on-one for those years.
  11. :iagree: This! And adding that I think it is a little 'cowardly' of him to have shifted the blame for HIS actions on the fiance and it was really shady for him to contact op's sis for relationship advice. Basically, his shady actions were to blame for the baby being thrown out with the bath water. There is something about his behavior in all of this that just doesn't sit right. My advice to op is to 1. change will 2. fully respect the no contact request. 3. be glad your sis is not in a relationship with him.
  12. Passing along for those with Elementary age-Freely Educate sent this out today in email: http://www.freelyeducate.com/2011/04/free-grammar-curriculum-for-elementary-grades.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+FreelyEducate+%28Freely+Educate%29&utm_content=Yahoo%21+Mail
  13. No school here today or tomorrow. We're taking a mini-vac from school and I'm using the time to plan school for the next year. :)
  14. So I'm playing around on Project Gutenberg and stumble across this book: The Foolish Dictionary by By WALLACE GOLDSMITH Executed by GIDEON WURDZ, Master of Pholly, Doctor of Loquacious Lunacy, Fellow of the Royal Gibe Society, etc., etc. http://www.gutenberg.org/files/1989/1989-h/1989-h.htm It is funny! I liked the definition for Brain... BRAIN The top-floor apartment in the Human Block, known as the Cranium, and kept by the Sarah Sisters—Sarah Brum and Sarah Belum, assisted by Medulla Oblongata. All three are nervous, but are always confined to their cells. The Brain is done in gray and white, and furnished with light and heat, hot or cold water, (if desired), with regular connections to the outside world by way of the Spinal Circuit. Usually occupied by the Intellect Bros.,—Thoughts and Ideas—as an Intelligence Office, but sometimes sub-let to Jag, Hang-Over & Co.
  15. Our girls did a First Tee golf program for homeschoolers at that age and they LOVED it! Golf is a great game!
  16. There was no way I was going to teach my son to drive. I am way too high-strung for that and I know it. My dad was the same way and he tried to teach me. Dad was HORRIBLE at it and the lessons usually ended up with me in tears and him not talking. Sooo...knowing all this, we put ds in a local driving school and he went out with a driving instructor. He did very well. I couldn't risk turning into my dad if I had tried to teach him. DH took him out some but mainly worked through Safe Young Drivers: A Guide for Parents and Teens by Phil Berardelli with him. I didn't want to try to get him in the local HS program because it is very hard to get a placement. We spent around $200 and the private program was great. The instructor took him to the driving test too. It was blissfully effortless for us and ds is a fantastic driver.
  17. We're doing the Yale architecture course! It is one of the best!
  18. :grouphug: This gal sounds like she could be a stalker. I wonder if your area has any stalker laws that could be applicable? I would really press for a restraining order. Whatever you do and no matter how much she pushes you, DO NOT deal directly with her. It sounds like she is trying very hard to provoke you to doing something she can nail you or your dh for. I would explain to the children that they are to stay far away from her too. Her parking in front of your home is a blatant attempt to make you flip out. DON'T...count to ten and breath deep. The street is public and she knows you can't do anything about it. You said she was renting, is there any way that you can contact the owner of the home and notify them that their tenant is harassing you? Tactfully explain (preferably in writing by registered mail) that their tenant is acting in a manner that could become a liability for them. I would also explore the possibility of charging her with abuse of police and emergency services. The police have got to be tired of dealing with her. I know from working in the court system that we were able to act on people who filed frivilous lawsuits. I think it might be the same type of thing. It is a kind of obsessive illness and the courts will recognize that in some cases. I think the time is right for proactive solutions. She has to be stopped.
  19. I'd take him in or call in if they have a nurse-line. Hope he feels better soon.
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