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Everything posted by 2cents

  1. Mine used to love the 'Brand New Readers'. They were short stories that came in sets of 4 books. We used to have all of them and the girls would read them over and over again. There are a lot to choose from on Amazon. :) After that, they loved the A to Z Mysteries and Magic Treehouse chapter books.
  2. I'd try for 50/50 but ultimately dd would have to pay 100% if roommate is unwilling. DD didn't have insurance? It is a sticky situation because the dog has the run of the property when roommate is home and a dog is unpredictable. There is an assumption of the things that can happen with the agreement to allow the roommate to have the dog. The glasses were in an unusual spot and may have fallen to the floor before the dog found them too. Personally, if roommate is unwilling to help with the cost then in the interest of preserving the peace I would not press it. But I'd want to make some rules regarding future responsibility for the dog and any destruction caused by him (like pet deposits or refunds, property damage, spraying etc.).
  3. Haven't had time to read the other responses so this might be redundant. Glad you reported it to the authorities because he used his position of trust to embezzle funds. This was a business arrangement and he committed a crime. There is IMO no difference because it was committed in a religious atmosphere...it makes it even worse in a way. If he 'moves on' without sanctions and a record, he will do this to another group.
  4. I didn't count dual enrollment as AP. I'm not sure that it makes that much of a difference.
  5. Thank you Julie! I had decided on Jacobs for Geo next year and was starting to 2nd guess. You set my mind at ease. :)
  6. I LOVE Peeps! I love them in all the cool colors. I could eat them all day!!!
  7. I just googled it. Apparently there is a man who used a high-resolution camera that has detected evidence of paint strokes indicating there were not only eyebrows but eyelashes as well. He says they just faded over time. I think I remembered this from an FLVS Art class the girls took a few years ago. Don't remember any info on a hairnet though. :D
  8. I thought I head somewhere that she originally did but that somehow through the course of time they wore off or something like that. :confused:
  9. Cake decorating? I took the Wilton courses at Michaels a few years ago with a friend and I've been learning new things ever since. Once you get the basics, you can learn most anything else on the net. I only make them for fun and an outlet for creative expression. There are a lot of bakers (all experience ranges) on Cakecentral.com which is a free site for learning and sharing.
  10. It has been a long time ago but I remember we had a lot of fun with it! It was a keeper!
  11. I've already started because our next year starts in the summer.
  12. I wonder if it could have been a precursor to a migraine? I will feel warm and nauseated prior to some of my worst migraines.
  13. I will NEVER EVER make another 3 tier formal wedding cake as long as I live. I enjoy NO STRESS caking and a wedding cake is not that. ;)
  14. So far the plan looks like this... Math: Jacobs Geometry History: Economics & Government and Units in World History Literature: Lightning Lit British Lit Writing: IEW Science: Apologia Chemistry Foreign Lang: High School Spanish II via FLVS Logic: Traditional Logic (so far) Art: Art of the Western World (Annenburg)
  15. Many moons ago we did Explode The Code for phonics and for reading we began the BOB books. It was a nice transition.
  16. My sister was the favorite. I was middle and brother was baby. Being the fave made sister super needy and to this day, she cannot do anything by herself and has an entitled attitude that has driven her family away from her (even her children). Brother had birth issues and he was coddled a lot. Fortunately he was able to get away from that and is doing very well on his own. I got away from it all as soon as I could. I only keep in contact with my brother. Mom and Dad are out of the picture. It was a unhealthy and highly dysfunctional environment. I had to live in it as a child but as an adult I won't put up with it. :)
  17. We just watched Roots for our history a few weeks ago. Mine are in 7th and 8th and it was a good time for them to watch it. It was really looooong so if I was going to do it with younger ones, I'd probably do it over a few days. :)
  18. Aaaahhhh...sweet kitty! I have a couple of kitties that take care of us like that too. Pets are the best!! :001_tt1:
  19. I had to do this a few years ago when I found that we had so much that it was too much and too distracting. I found that staggering the projects and curriculum have been beneficial. I still have a lot I like to get through but schooling year round helps out with that.
  20. If you have a light mister, you can spray the crusted bc lightly and then apply the fondant. Personally, I would bite the bullet and apply the fondant right away though. I just finished fondanting a cake about an hour ago so I sympathize with you. I am exhausted and my arms ache now. It reminded me that I really don't like much about fondant. :D
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