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Everything posted by 2cents

  1. That gal clearly unstable! Aside from the lie she told, it just floors me that she would try to put her children in somebody's car like that. She knew really nothing about you (since she really didn't hire you!). So to have such a irresponsible attitude toward the safety of those children IMO is hedging very close to neglect and endangerment. I'm glad you held your ground! :thumbup: My prediction is that the fruit-loop doesn't show again. If she does though and has the nerve to get uppity with you in any way, I'd get in her face with a demand for retroactive salary and an apology for lying!!! YOU are the one who should be furious-not her. She made you miserable for weeks.
  2. She is being incredibly rude! If all else fails, you could 'babysit' with a tote filled with sugary, gooey, messy candy and let them color with Sharpies. That should discourage her! :D
  3. No not at all. Most corrections are legit corrections IMO. I had braces in order to bring down 2 teeth that were stuck in my jaw. To leave them alone would have created huge problems. Two of my children have had braces to correct narrow palates that were inhibiting proper eruption of their adult teeth.
  4. I was having the same concerns. We also uses Foesters alg. I'm doing a separate review in addition. We do annual testing with the SAT9 so I don't want the other math concepts forgotten.
  5. I'd go but stay and try to get to know the parents a little more. In view of what you do know of the history though, I wouldn't allow the sleepover and would continue to allow only monitored visits to the boy's house.
  6. Unfortunately they do need math. Losing one's mind isn't so bad. I lost mine a long time ago. :grouphug:
  7. Maybe a 'let down' headache? I used to work in a super stressful social work job and during the week I'd be burning the candle at both ends. You would think I'd have had the headaches then but I used to get killer ones on the weekend. Dr said it was a combo of let down and delayed caffeine intake on the weekend. The let down headache happens when the stress is relieved for some reason. I guess I was just too busy during the week to have it then. :lol: Dr didn't have much in the way of a solution for the let down headache except to maybe find a way to relieve some of the work stress (wasn't going to happen) and get more active on the weekend.
  8. Mine are 17 mos apart and I keep them both together at the very minimum grade level for the older one which is 8th. The only subject they differ on is math. The younger is in pre-alg and the older one is in alg. It is more time efficient for us to keep them mostly together.
  9. Something very similar happened to my mother. My sibling and her dh used her as unpaid childcare for many years and she was too intimidated to object. She complained to me ad nauseam and voiced her fears that if she complained she would not be allowed to see the children (I had heard those threats before for myself). I offered help and advice but she never confronted the situation. Unfortunately this kind of abuse was only the stepping stone to worse things to come and over the years my mother's inability to stand up for herself played a big part in that. Sometimes the only people that can help themselves just won't do it and you can't do it for them. :(
  10. I don't think you have anything to worry about. My girls are close in age and shared a bedroom. We used to have headaches every night with the talking, arguing, giggling etc. until I hit on a novel solution. I would warn them and tell them that if they had so much energy that they could do some homework for tomorrow since they would be so tired in the morning. They didn't take it seriously and had to get up and do homework only about one night. After that it was nice and quiet. :D
  11. :grouphug::grouphug: I have a friend who's story sounds exactly like what you're describing. It got very scary fast. Ultimately there was direct physical threat and harm to the other children in the family and my friend made the difficult decision to disrupt the adoption. It almost tore the existing family apart. She is doing well now and reports are that the child (now in college) is doing well too. Do what is right for yourself and your family. Put them first. Everything will work out.
  12. Unitedstreaming is also known as Discovery Streaming. It is a subscription site that has tons of educational videos and teacher tools. I love it because after we read something in science or history we can search up a video to watch on that topic. There are lots of language and math videos too. We use it everyday. Homeschoolbuyerscoop.com usually has a discount deal on it if you want to get a subscription. Their discount is good. https://www.homeschoolbuyersco-op.org/index.php?option=com_hsbc_epp_order&Itemid=1036
  13. Science History Unitedstreaming video & breakfast Math Grammar/Lit/Writing & assigned reading Spanish & Cherokee Language Test Prep & Flashcards We also do Yoga 2x a week and Science museum class 1x a week and Science Jim classes for some science fun. The days are long right now but we like our curriculum choices so it is going really well. :D
  14. I've known some people who are really clever seamstresses and they seem to know where the deals are and are super smart about altering patterns etc. and can use their fabric and leftovers very efficiently. They might be saving money by making clothes. I personally can sew pretty well but I am an over-estimator and that means I tend to overbuy and have too much leftover. It also takes me a long time to sew 'just right' so adding in time is a factor. So for me, making my own clothes would not pay off. It has paid off though in terms of making costumes. I've made some very cool Halloween costumes and period clothing for a trip to Colonial Williamsburg.
  15. Does she really have to change at all? When mine were young like that, I had them wear their swimsuit under their jeans and tops. They could just take off their clothes near the pool. Lots of moms did this. After swimming, they are wet so I had terry cloth robes (super thick and long) and they covered up in that for the ride home. They wore crocs for their feet.
  16. http://signup.cherokee.org/LangClassInfo.aspx http://www.cherokee.org/ We're going to do this! Starts 1/10 and there are 3 levels. You can choose from a live class 2x a week or a pre-recorded class that is 2x a week but the class will be available for viewing all day (we chose this for the flexibility). It is FREE too. We have Cherokee ancestry so this is especially interesting for us.:D
  17. I found one at Currclick. It is called Constitution Law. It is middle school. It is by Intellego Unit Studies. Originally it costs $18.95 and on a current regular sale they have it discounted to $14.95 BUT using the Whisper Sale link I got it for a further discounted price of $7.48! Here is a description of the program at this link. BUT if you want to buy it, make sure to link through the Whisper Sale link to get half off. http://www.currclick.com/product_info.php?products_id=38265&it=1 Currclick Whisper Sale Link: http//:http://www.currclick.com/cclick_wintersale.php. You'll have to search through all the offerings (they are in alpha order) to find this particular program to get the Whisper Discount price (it has to link through it). There are lots of good deals! Hope this helps!
  18. I confess that I'm creeped out with my toilet. I always check to be sure there aren't snakes or spiders coming up from the bowl. I read a story about a snake slithering up the plumbing somewhere and it has messed me up ever since. And once we flushed a HUGE spider down the toilet and it popped back out after the flush! (shudder!) :eek: I actually found a green tree frog under the bowl one morning and almost fainted and now my 'checking' issue is even worse.
  19. They look nice on some people as long as the shirt is long enough. Personally, I've never done skin tight or spandex. That said, I am really curious about 'Pajama Jeans'. Those are the jeans that are like pj's that have been advertised on the TV. Those sound really cool!
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