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Everything posted by 2cents

  1. This!! There is always hope. Stay strong. :grouphug::grouphug:
  2. I made Pioneer Woman's Famous Cinnamon rolls. They were fantastic! The recipe makes a lot too. DH gets to take a tray of them to work tomorrow.
  3. I cook and bake better than my mom. She had some recipes and we had the same thing over and over again. She also used a lot of canned items and things just didn't taste or look appetizing. Once in awhile she made something for work and those things looked really good but we didn't get any. :( I try to make a variety of foods and more fresh.
  4. Mac n Cheese. I've never made that from scratch. I get the Country Crock microwave stuff or Stoffers frozen.
  5. We do FLVS (Florida Virtual-not the FLVA). The girls (7th & 8th) have taken the science, cultures, keyboarding, 2d art and reading. This year they're taking MS Spanish 2. The middle school spanish 1 & 2 satisfy year 1 of HS Spanish so this summer they'll just go into HS Spanish 2 and have the foreign language requirement completed. My son took FLVS classes too. He took the Latin instead of Spanish. It has been great for us.
  6. Fruitcake cookies. I LOVE them! Not very many people I know like them as much though. :(
  7. Look at it as an opportunity to be an influence that makes things more enjoyable for all. It doesn't have to be uncomfortable at all. Just try to forget any unpleasant things you've heard (there are always 2 sides to every story) and have fun.
  8. That's crazy! We never ran across anything like that! What's to evaluate??? Like you said...chemistry is chemistry etc. Sound fishy to me. :confused:
  9. I'm so sorry. I was hoping she would hang in there. :( :grouphug::grouphug:
  10. I'm afraid that if you call her boss it would only make things worse. Unfortunately dealing with these kind of people is the 'real world' and aside from giving her pointers, I'd let her work her way around the situation. One thing you might suggest is that she try to find another place to work in the meantime so that she can leave but have another job. While I think that learning to deal with workplace bullies is something we all need to learn, I don't think it means enduring their behavior forever if there is the option of finding another, more pleasant environment. I hope things get better for your daughter soon.
  11. :lurk5: My 7th grader would love to do something like that too!
  12. Hummmm, that might be something I could use for my cakes. I'll have to check it out! :)
  13. I've done several. I just put the breast in and sprinkle some poultry seasoning on the top. I don't add any liquid. I use a thermometer to let me know when it is done. I use the boneless turkey that looks like a roll (not sure what they call it exactly but it is in with the big turkeys). Turns out yummy!
  14. I've seen the picking up thing a lot too. It is very common and accidents do happen. I think that offering to help with the medical would be a nice gesture and probably the most economically helpful. If they don't accept that, then I think the video game or something helpful like some meals might be nice. Don't beat yourself up over this. It could have been worse. :grouphug:
  15. Same thing with us! We had been using the built-ins from when the house was built. They were like 20 yrs old and finally the oven died and the micro door handle just fell off. We got new appliances. It was like Christmas! Love my oven! Now I want my dishwasher to die. It's getting there. :)
  16. Unfortunately that is the same thing my son found. :( We've always been strict about obligations so this was a shock to him. He used to come home with stories about how some of the other students blew off tests and projects and the instructors would dock their grades and it still seemed to have no effect. My son has only missed 1 class in all his time in college and that was when a hurricane was expected and he had already turned in his assignment. :)
  17. I have a spreadsheet that I update every weekend with the new assignments for the week. The days of the week run along the top and the courses are listed along the left side. I keep the same format and just change the date and assignments weekly. I post the assignment schedule on our corkboard and we check off as we go. Easy to make and maintain. :)
  18. I've done Hogwarts Summer School with my girls for the past few years and have files at http://www.hslaunch.com. You might get some ideas from what I've designed. I'm CEA Academy or just do a search of 'Hogwarts'.
  19. Ok...I just tried it again and it still won't play unitedstreaming via the wii. We can log on and all, just cannot play the videos. We tried everything we know. I will say that even if they did play, I'm wondering what the resolution would be like. Our cable wireless hookup gets really great reception.
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