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Everything posted by 2cents

  1. Apologia Elementary Science-Boring & not challenging. Biblioplan-Too disjointed. Classical Writing Homer-Got about halfway through but it was torture. Switched to IEW and much happier.
  2. I love Wonder White! Fluffy and wonderful for grill cheese sandwiches. :001_smile:
  3. We're looking at this text for logic later this year: Socratic Logic (2nd edition) A Logic Text Using Socratic Method, Platonic Questions, and Aristotelian Principles Peter Kreeft (Boston College)
  4. When I watch the show I keep coming up with all kinds of legal and psychological related questions. Just my own observation, Mari and #3 seem depressed with anxiety as well. Kody seems smug and controlling. I suspect that if he wants something he will get it. He acts immature for his age (like an aging surfer dude). #4 wife IMO may be the straw that breaks the camel's back. She looks high maintenance (mentally) compared to the others. Can't stop watching. It is such a peculiar lifestyle. :lurk5:
  5. Try Ebay. You can find some using searches for Amish or Mennonite or Plain dress. Good luck!
  6. This is us. We do the chapter questions, labs, and add videos but I don't do tests in my homeschool. The only test we ever give is the SAT at the end of the year. I orally check their comprehension along the way for things like science.
  7. Judging from the responses you are getting from MIL, it sounds like she is trying desperately to stay out of it. Those are very non-committal comments. The kind you get when someone doesn't want to discuss something. It might be a good idea for you to keep the fight between yourself and SIL to avoid MIL being uncomfortable.
  8. This is right. She really wasn't due a refund because it is Paypal policy to send only to the address of record or you forfeit coverage. If she is paying via Paypal it asks if the address is correct and she would have had to notice it. Maybe she should refund you!!
  9. First, BIL needs to realize that you can find 'alarming' statistics for anything you want to vilify. There are just as many children (volumes more) that are abused that are in ps etc. I don't see any evidence in that website that would lead me to believe that there is any overwhelming correlation between homeschooling and adoptive parents. It looks like an alarmist site IMO. Someone's attempt to support a preconceived notion. BIL has a point that there needs to be better follow-up management on foster family placements but that has nothing to do with homeschooling. Any oversight is the fault of the service agency. I've worked in social services and I've seen the result of shabby casework and absent follow-up. This happens in across the board.
  10. I'm so glad you gave an older cat a good home! He looks so happy to have found his forever home! :thumbup:
  11. Well, as someone who has nothing against a big greasy McD cheeseburger, I kinda like that mnemonic. Even better, I'd teach the mnemonic and the whys behind the process while eating a cheeseburger and fries. ;)
  12. I'm a hobby baker too but get lots of requests from friends. I did all the Wilton courses last fall. One after another (I wouldn't recommend that because it was a lot at one time). I mostly considered the Wilton courses a very good starting point and then I joined CakeCentral (free) for advice and feedback. I get most of my greatest tips and techniques from that site. There are a lot of professionals at CakeCentral who are more that willing to share their ideas. For fine tuning my craft, I have CakeCentral and YouTube videos on the net. CakeCentral has one thread that is fantastic! It has tons of links to tutorials on the net: http://cakecentral.com/cake-decorating-ftopict-654103.html Later today I'm trying out a new tip I got to make my fondant super smooth. I'm putting ganache under it instead of buttercream. It is supposed to taste divine too! The experiment: Lemon cake with homemade lemon curd filling covered in white chocolate ganache and Rhonda's Marshmallow Fondant (homemade and the recipe is at CakeCentral too). Fun fun fun!!!
  13. We're just watching the videos. The girls have a few years of Spanish so they are keeping up with the dialogue. The backup materials are optional so we chose that route while we're waiting to be activated for Spanish 2 FLVS.
  14. Baby snakes aren't able to regulate how much venom they inject so that makes them very dangerous. Don't want to alarm you but if this is a copperhead baby then it is likely there is a nest close by. I would be calling a wildlife trapper in the morning to come and have a look at the property just be make sure there aren't any more around. I'm glad you are all safe. Snake bites scare me.
  15. I made a shark cake for a boy about the same age. It was a big hit. It was a sheet cake frosted with buttercream in peaks to look like waves and airbrushed with light blue (wilton can). The shark was coming out of the cake so it was only a head. I made the shark out of rice krispy treats molded and covered in chocolate and fondant. You can make it as scary as you want. I had floating boat parts and a lifesaver with the name of birthday boy on it. It was pretty easy and a lot of fun. http://cakecentral.com/modules.php?name=gallery&file=displayimage&pid=1615391
  16. You might check out the sewing and knitting classes at Michael's or Joann Fabrics. They are short but full of good info for beginners.
  17. I make this every year. It is soooooo yummy and everyone loves it! Pumpkin Roll 3 eggs 1C. sugar 1/2 tsp. cinnamon 3/4C. pumpkin (from can) 1T. baking soda 3/4C. flour 1C. chopped walnuts 8oz cream cheese 2T. butter 1C. coolwhip 1 1/2 t. vanilla 1C. powdered sugar Mix first 6 ingredients. Grease spots of jelly roll pan and line iwth wax paper. grease and flour wax paper. Pour in batter. Bake 15 minutes @375. Cool in pan 5-10 minutes then turn out onto lint free towel dusted with powdered sugar. Roll up and cool that way for 2 hours. Mix last set of ingredients to make filling. Unroll roll and spread in filling. Roll back up and chill overnight. Slice and enjoy!
  18. We're doing Universal Class's 'Haunted Places' study. We're also creating a plan for a Halloween theme decorated cake and making completely homemade pumpkin pie. We're also listening to Frankenstein on Audible. In the mornings we listen to a Radio Mystery Theater show (the girls love this!). These are some of the things we're doing. My girls are middle school age so the activities are geared to their age. Links: Radio Mystery Theater http://www.oldtimeradiofans.com/template.php?show_name=CBS%20Radio%20Mystery%20Theater Universal Class-Haunted Places http://www.universalclass.com/i/course/explore-real-haunted-places.htm
  19. This is what I use when I need caramel sauce. It is from CakeCentral. Stacy’s Dulce de Leche Ingredients 3 cups of granulated sugar 2 tbsp light brown sugar 1/4 cup of water 1 tbs. corn syrup 2 cups of heavy cream 1 oz of butter 2 tsp of vanilla extract Instructions Place sugar, water, and corn syrup in heavy sauce pan stir to combine and with a pastry brush, brush down the sides of the pan to make sure no sugar crystals fall into boiling sugar syrup. Boil to caramel stage ( use a candy thermometor if you not comfortable eye balling this) remove from heat and carefully add heavy cream and butter. stir until smooth put back on low heat and cook stirring constantly for 5-10 minutes until sauce thickens slightly. Remove from heat add vanilla extract and pour into heat safe bowl. Take a piece of plastic wrap and place right on top of caramel sauce as to avoid a skin from forming place in fridge Until completely cool or over night is best.
  20. You need to listen to your parents. No more walking at night. Stay within feet of lights and homes with people. I also think that in addition to mace or pepper spray, you need a 'screamer' device. That is a hand held personal security device that when activated will emit a piercing screech. Screaming or loud noise is one of your best defenses. Also, be cautious of the friendly stranger. Sometimes predators will try to gain your trust by becoming a familiar face. Always be cautious and trust your gut.
  21. I got the lead on the MIT cooking class from other WTM folks. My girls are 12 & 13 and we have another friend also 13 who is doing the class too. There is reading but that has been interesting and not a lot. It is easily a class for tweens and teens. It is completely free except for the text which we got on half and Amazon has it too. We do the reading one week and add in some videos we find on the net (you tube has a lot of good cooking videos that can go with the lessons) and the next week all the girls get together and cook. The cooking assignments are: Lesson 1: Guacamole, salsa, make your own hot sauce, and quesadillas Lesson 2: Cookie - death by chocolate Lesson 3: Pancakes Lesson 4: Bread Lesson 5: Scones and coffee Lesson 6: Meringue Lesson 7: Jams and jellies Lesson 8: Three bean chili and corn bread Lesson 9: Cheese Lesson 10: Molecular gastronomy Lesson 11: Wacky cake Lesson 12: Ice cream Lesson 13: Peer teaching Lesson 14: Pasta, meatballs, and crème brulee
  22. We're working though the MIT Kitchen Chemistry course http://ocw.mit.edu/courses/special-programs/sp-287-kitchen-chemistry-spring-2009/ After that we're doing the teen cooking lessons at: http://www.kids-cooking-activities.com/kids-cooking-lessons-junior-chef-intro.html The Kitchen Chemistry is very interesting and a lot of fun too. We also did the Wilton cake decorating classes together last fall. That was a lot of work but we all learned so much and it was fun too. Joann fabric and Michael's offer the classes and you can use the coupons too.
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