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Everything posted by 2cents

  1. http://www.chemeddl.org/collections/ptl/index.html Nice site that has a lot of info and videos for the chemical elements. :)
  2. You probably chose the 'world processing' layout when you started. You'll need to be doing this in page layout 'blank'. The 'blank' layout gives you more graphics control. Construct a table in 'blank' layout and then you can drag your text box that has the vertical letting into whatever cell you choose. You'll most likely need to adjust the size of the cell you are pasting into. It works...I've done it hundreds of times. :)
  3. Insert a text box. Put in your text as usual (horizontal). Click out of the text box then click back on it to show the lines around the text box. Put curser on a corner (try the rt bottom) and while you have curser on that corner hold down the command key. The curser will show a curved line. While you hold down the command key, use the mouse to drag your text box around 90 degrees or whatever degree you need. NOTE: if you change the text, it will revert to horizontal but when you click out of the text box it will return to the vertical setting. Hope this helps!
  4. I do. I have notebooks that have all the weekly lesson plans filed for the years we've homeschooled for each child.
  5. I take my books to Staples and they put them in a machine and cut the bindings in one cut. Neat and straight. :)
  6. In my own family we are sensitive to it so that colors my opinion. What I've read though makes me think that in society in general gets too much wheat and flour in their diet.
  7. We're multiple sciencers here too. :) This school year (started in summer) we have done herbology (Universal Class), astronomy, weather (JASON), forensics (Duke TIP) and this fall we're doing Apologia bio, Kitchen Chemistry (MIT)(many thanks to the poster who posted this cool course!), and primate studies...so far. The girls love the sciences so we go with it. We're eclectic with our sources and that makes it more interesting IMO.
  8. Feeling tired and the other symptoms sound a lot like mastitis. I got a bad case of that 2x. It might be in the early stage and even though you are able to bf from that side it still could be a clogged duct. What helped me the most was to switch positioning on that side. Do some different holds to make sure you are getting equal and all over drainage. Warm compresses are helpful too. Hope you feel better soon!
  9. PBS has the reality show 'Colonial House' the British one is called '1900 House'.
  10. Mine enjoy diagramming! It is like a puzzle for them. :)
  11. We have both and what I really like about US is that the videos are searchable and you can watch segments if that is all you need. I also like that you have access to the worksheets and teacher helps. I use it for images too. There are interactive games as well. It is diff from netflix in that the videos are usually shorter because they are used in a school setting and need to be shorter. There is more selection than netflix for the videos too. There are thousands. I like to research and pick videos that will go well with our weekly plan and put them in a special contents file. It makes things easier. It is not associated with the Wii or any video game system. It is an online subscription. HTHs!
  12. Fantastic! I've waited for them to come out with this and we should be circling around to that time by next summer. Perfect!!!! Thanks for posting!!
  13. Pillsbury Grands Biscuit Pizzas: 1 can of any type Grands Biscuit, Instant pizza sauce, shredded mozzarella cheese. Heat oven to 375. Flatten the biscuits onto a lightly sprayed pan, spoon on some sauce, top with cheese and any other toppings. Bake for 10-12 min. Easy, fast & the kids can do it themselves too!
  14. Yikes! That would make me really angry too. The passive-aggressive side of me would start taking the car to a shop for fixing. That would get the message across.
  15. I'm glad you posted this. It makes me feel good to know there are others around who have the urge to pull out the red marker. That shipping label was crying out for some color. Good work! :D
  16. My adult brother has Aspbergers. He is working and living an independent life. There is quite a lot of variation in the whole spectrum of Aspbergers, from low level function to very high functioning. There are a many people who might qualify as higher functioning but because of that have never had an actual diagnosis. As a result, the statistics of those with it are fairly unreliable. If you suspect you have Aspbergers, the only way to really know is to have a qualified physician (one who specializes in Aspbergers-not just autism). Aspbergers also mimics other conditions so an official diagnosis is the best route. If you do have it, there is probably not much you can do to 'cure' it. It isn't something you cure but you can understand it better and help others too. Many very successful people have Aspbergers. It is IMO more of a personality type rather than anything else.
  17. We have done things like celebrate Cinco de Mayo. We visited a local panaderia and bought some mexican breads. We've experimented with different Spanish and Mexican recipes at home. At Halloween we'll celebrate Día de los Muertos and will be reading Las Puertas Retorcidas/The Twisted Doors by Kathie Dior. We have also used Hayes School Publishing- A Trip to Spain and A Trip to Mexico. I pull in a lot of Unitedstreaming videos too.
  18. Thanks Asta! Love the links, especially the Howard Hughes Medical Institute. DD is interested in medicine so we like that! :D
  19. I thought I heard Ebay had lifted their ban on selling teacher manuals. Bummer! I'll remember this when I put my next auction up. I have never had one yanked but I use words like: teacher guide, solutions, help manual or simply take a picture of the solutions manual and have it display and be sure to tell the potential buyers to contact you if they have questions. They'll usually send an email and verify there is a solutions manual.
  20. I do my prep for a few hours on a Sat while DH and I watch tv. The kids are older so they entertain themselves.
  21. We tried it for a total of 3 days. The reception was horrible. It was a complete bust for us. We have Vonage and love it.
  22. This! When we did the pocketbooks and lapbooks, I did the majority of the cutting and prep work. Maybe that's why it worked for us. The children weren't crazy about all the cutting, pasting etc. so having it done just left the fun part of learning and actually using the items. That was probably the key for us since the children and I have a low tolerance for crafty stuff but liked the idea and look of a project like that. The projects were quite good once you get into them. Their value really ends up depending on what you make out of them. For us, they were a great addition to our studies. :)
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