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Everything posted by 2cents

  1. My youngest liked hide n seek and she used to sneak around and she called it "neekin".
  2. I know very little about horses but that is amazing! I loved the last part when she ran off the horse followed without any ropes etc. So sweet. :)
  3. :iagree: I have precious little time as it is so 2 forums right now is 1 too much. :)
  4. I make my detailed plan the week before. I put in things like: text pages to cover, worksheets (make copies of worksheets, maps etc. ahead too), Unitedstreaming videos to watch, field trips, crafts and labs, lit tie-ins, unit studies.
  5. One of our Taekwondo instructors wasn't very good with managing the kids and it was getting dangerous. So I stepped in and corrected a situation that could have endangered my child. The instructor didn't like it but he also knew I was a Black Belt so he didn't say anything. I did notice that he started paying more attention. I will definitely step in if I see that a teacher isn't being effective and it is interfering with learning. This goes for any classes.
  6. EB doesn't give very good trade-in value. They avg. about $5 for trade-in. From what we've found, your best best is to sell on Half or Ebay. We've had the best luck with Half. If they don't sell on Half, then we might trade-in at EB. :)
  7. No. My first reason is that we don't want to lie about her age. Rules are rules. Another reason is that I've seen my friends daughter become obsessed with it to the point it has caused problems with people she knows and she is constantly checking it. I don't need that kind of distraction in my home and school.
  8. Me too! I love it when I need to go to Staples for something because I browse around and usually come away with something new to add to the school supplies.
  9. "Dumb as a stump" and the completely baffling... "Deader than a doorknob" my parents used to say this when something died, like the toaster or lawnmower. I used to say it too until someone asked me when was a doorknob ever alive or even close to it. They had a point. :lol:
  10. I do a rough plan for over a year in advance mostly because I like to see when we're due to start a curriculum and finish it. It gives me time to accumulate things that will go along with or that will add to the curriculum. It can also save money because I have more time to shop Ebay etc. for the things I need. It also ensures that I will use the curriculum that I buy. :) It is just one less thing I need to worry about on a weekly basis. I check the rough plan-know what we need to do in each area and the daily schedule practically writes itself. It has nothing to do with what the ps teachers do at all. It is just a system I developed after years of homeschooling. It is for my peace of mind.
  11. Spanish History/Geography Math Grammar Literature Writing Science Misc.
  12. For us, diagramming is very important. It helps tie it all together and it is fun! The girls make a game of it to see who gets the sentence diagrammed most correctly. I think it is fun too. :)
  13. I didn't do the workpages for a couple of reasons. First is that I couldn't snag any on Ebay. :( It worked out ok anyway because the girls love the text and I think adding worksheets might ruin that. I do add in videos from Unitedstreaming, unit studies, and literature.
  14. :iagree: What's done is done and the only direction to move in is forward and the future is what you make it. There is no reason the future can't be beautiful. This is just a curve in the road-life's full of them. :grouphug:
  15. Philosophy. If you get the right teacher, it is fantastic. I was lucky when I took it. As for communication, can you CLEP that? If you can CLEP or DANTE test out of either, you would be done and save some money.
  16. I think you should try to avoid thinking the worst until you see the specialist. Maybe it is something that won't require full replacement. That is easier said than done unfortunately. You're in my thoughts. :grouphug:
  17. The only time I've heard the term used now is by elderly people. My dh's grandmother used it and even though I reminded her not to use that term she still did. She had Alzheimer's and that was understandable. It still made me cringe every time she would use it though. She didn't mean it in a derogatory way. It was just the term she grew up with and was too old to change.
  18. Get in a tub of warm water (enough to cover your legs) and splash on your arms and sit for awhile with an ice pack that you hold on your neck and head. The idea is to warm up your extremities to direct the blood flow downward to lesson the pressure on the veins in the head (migraine). Lower the lights (migraines can be light triggered). Try to relax and spend some quiet time in the tub until you feel the pain lessening. I've had LOTS of migraines and have learned that this is what works for me. :grouphug:
  19. We got our son his computer when he hit High School but the girls got their computers in Middle School because they were taking computer programming and keyboarding classes.
  20. My symptoms (migraine level headache, foggy etc.) didn't start right away. It happened after several days of drinking the Crystal Light. I also ate other artificially flavored foods at the same time because I thought they were 'free' (no calorie) for my diet. It was only after I eliminated the sweetners that I started feeling better. It was a big surprise to me because I didn't realize up until then that something as little as that could make me feel so awful. To the OP-if you don't have any side effects then no harm done but just keep an eye out for some of the problems that the posters brought up because it can take time for them to develop. :)
  21. Our online courses are free from Florida Virtual and we do that combined with dual-enrollment. Dual-enrollment is free except for the books. We have to pay for them. Other classes I teach at home are paid by us as usual.
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