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Everything posted by 2cents

  1. :bigear: I want a binder in the worst way! Thanks for the info on the diff between the spiral and comb!
  2. I would count it as a science if it was a physical geography (landforms, earth processes etc.). Cultural geography (how people live and their customs etc.) is something I would count in history.
  3. Your son and family are in my thoughts. :grouphug:
  4. So far: Math-A Beka 7, lOF Pre-Alg., Descartes Cove & possibly Duke Tip Math & the Cosmos Language Arts-Lit Lessons from LOTR, Wordly Wise, GWG & IEW for Composition. Science-Jason Project Monster Storms, Astronomy, Herbology & either Apologia Physical or Biology and classes at the Science Museum. Foreign Language-FLVS MS Spanish II & Unitedstreaming Educación Española. History-The Human Odyssey vol.1 & living books. Geography-Visual World Geography & living books. Subject to change, but this is the plan so far. :D
  5. We have annual passes for Universal and are spending a week off in Orlando later this summer so we plan on spending LOTS of time in the HP Park. I heard it was crazy crowded on opening day with traffic backed out to the highway and 10 hour waits to get into the HP Park! I hope it is way less crowded when we go. We'll get out there in the next couple weeks for just a day. I want to go now but can't stand the crowds and standing in the hot sun for hours. I've heard it is AWESOME and just like the book.
  6. This is the one I use for dark clothing: Avery Personal Creations InkJet Iron-On Dark T-Shirt Transfers, White, Five Sheets per Pack (03279)
  7. Yes! I just made some for the kids in our Hogwarts Summer Correspondence School. It is super easy and they come out very nice! I use the Avery brand transfer sheets (there are ones for light or dark background). The ones that I buy do not require the graphic to be reversed (mirrored). But making a mirror is not a problem and most word processors or graphic programs do that. When you iron on, remember to press down hard and apply the pressure evenly especially along the edges. Make a 'practice' test first but you should have no problems. They wash well too. We haven't had any come apart in the wash. :)
  8. I hope things work out ok and that you can be reunited with your son soon. :grouphug:
  9. I know that Calvert had an interactive CD for the book. It was very good! I just looked at their site and it looks like they have changed it to an online interactive and it looks like it has added the text too. You might check it out but you probably will need to call Calvert to be sure it has the audible text. Here is the link: http://homeschool.calvertschool.org/why-calvert/homeschool-enrichments/interactive-enrichments/a-childs-history-of-the-world-online-program
  10. Never have done the Life Pacs but we do Virtual courses. I don't do all on virtual because I think it could get dull. If your daughter would do the program independently and keep up at a reasonable pace then that might be a good solution. I think at her age (16) she sounds like she is going through hormone and adolescent changes. I think when they get like that, hard as it may feel when they are ornrey, that is when they need the most attention. I'd try to find a class you can do together that might not be 'academic' but fun to get things going in a positive direction. Example-maybe a sewing or cake decorating class at the hobby store or gardening, really anything that gets her excited. You might also look into getting her into some coop classes. She will have opportunity to meet and spend time with other homeschooled kids her age. Good luck. :)
  11. Life of Fred Pre-Alg. does. We're doing that this summer and is is more entertaining and light. I wouldn't consider it a full biology or math. It is throughly enjoyed by the girls though. Duke TIP has Math & the Cosmos as an independent course.
  12. I've got a few sticky notes going in mine. Looking at: Uncle Eric books and Bluestocking guides (except for Whatever Happened to Penney Candy, I have that set). Drooling over the slide set collections. Forensic Anthropology Text Weather Visual Guide Signs & Seasons: Understanding the Elements of Classical Astronomy Text
  13. I'm not what I consider atheist. I'm probably closer to agnostic but I really hate labels anyway. I do believe that there are things we can't explain however. I feel your pain and I know it is hard to hear those types of sentiments when you have different beliefs. I had a high risk preg. and felt at times the same way. I think a lot of it comes from those people not really knowing what to say to you. They know what makes them feel better (their beliefs) and that is how they think you'll be comforted. It is their way of trying to connect and make you feel encouraged. My thoughts are with you at this difficult time. :grouphug::grouphug:
  14. Mine are fast readers and like science so it they would read the material in about a half hour. The labs went fast as well. The Apologia General science text was IMO not very challenging. I'm hoping the next one we do is more meaty.
  15. How does your dh feel about this? Is he ok with you having contact with them? I'm not implying you need his 'permission' but considering what she did with one child it would be a major concern that he might have that would carry a lot of weight.
  16. They sound like horrible people. If your son isn't going to be with them, how can you trust them to fairly represent your life to him so that he would want to visit or come back? To be blunt, I think you are making a mistake by seeing them and letting them have anything to do with your youngers. Their track record speaks for itself.
  17. :iagree: I don't get a good feeling about these people at all. How do you know they won't show up with a crazy social worker and police in tow to exert some bogus grandparent custody order?? Crazy things happen.
  18. I think it is acceptable to discuss. There is a lot of attention on diet these days and that is probably a good thing. I think that if talking about it helps motivate and encourage people to eat healthier then more power to them. Now if they start talking about their 'bodily functions' that is when I'd get a tad uncomfortable. Fortunately, I've never experienced that level of diet discussion. :)
  19. Wow! I didn't know all that. What about just you going to meet up? I wouldn't allow them anywhere near the other children. They sound unpredictable. Will your older son be with them? If not, I wouldn't go. Is it possible that your son has decided to move back home? This is all so sad! :grouphug:
  20. Oh yes it can get worse! Lots! Seriously, you are saying it can't get worse..therefore implying that the relationship is pretty bad. Why would you even consider putting this on your family at this point???
  21. Honestly, having had to go no contact with npd family members, I urge you to reconsider your choice of meeting up with them. There is a good reason you have avoided them and are panicked about this meetup. Npd's do not change. They are emotional vampires continually looking for sources of narcissistic supply. Npd's are incapable of showing true empathy or remorse for past bad behavior. My advice: Don't do this. Keep your children away from the manipulation too. :grouphug:
  22. :grouphug: One day at a time and lots of deep breaths. :grouphug:
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