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Everything posted by 2cents

  1. Maybe you can get some hanging file frame for the drawer. Like this:
  2. I made my own using tables in a word processing program. It is cheap, easy and you can customize it for your own school and subjects. Then I can print and the girls check off what they've done. I keep a copy of it running in the background in my computer and as we go along I 'gray' out the boxes.
  3. My 6th & 7th graders did Apologia General Science this past year and enjoyed it. It was an easy transition to middle school science and the girls enjoyed most of the labs. We did them all 50+ labs! We did the text on an accelerated format and it was no problem. The text was IMO a little wordy but the labs were explained well and easy to execute (we get the kits...a real timesaver!) We also do the Science Explorer series too as an addition to unit studies but our spine is the Apologia middle school series and up. I wasn't a fan of the Apologia elementary series (I wanted to like it but the girls said it was boring...go figure) so we switched to Science Explorer and they have liked that series better. We've used Rainbow in the past and wouldn't use it again. I felt that the material didn't justify the cost. Also used Sonlight one year...a complete bomb. It was all over the place. Continuity was a real issue IMO. Hope this helps!
  4. Unless you really think that those particular labs will impact his overall understanding of the concepts or will negatively impact his readiness for the next science level, I would award the credit. There is no need to indicate illness or personal info on the transcript. If you honestly think he needs to make up those areas then have him complete them and award the credit. You make the call. When you are making a transcript..less is more. Do not over document.
  5. I get Rich's Bettercreme at Gordon Foods. I get it in a carton and it whips up nice and spreads like a dream.
  6. Our classroom wouldn't be the same without Discovery Unitedstreaming Plus, copier/printer, computer, schedule, cable hook-up that feeds images/videos to our large TV.
  7. One of the reasons I schedule in advance is so that we have a pre-planned amount of work for the week and have the peace of mind knowing that it will be finished by the end of the school year. Every week I look at that plan and split up the weeks lessons into 5 days. That way the girls have a finite amount of work for the day and they know exactly what needs to be accomplished. We get up early and the girls check off their work as they complete it. We've never had set times for subjects. My system encourages them to work efficiently so that they finish in time to have free time. But the work is graded as they go along so there is no room for rushed, sloppy work either. Our work is a combo of independent and work that we do together and we usually do the together work first. My girls are middle school age and we usually take a breakfast break and another small break. The day starts around 7:30 and ends around 1-1:30. For younger children, breaks are a good thing since it is harder for them to sit still for long periods. The breaks help them run off energy and get ready to focus again. You can use a plan-ahead system for any age. It is just about having a year plan that breaks things up into manageable units. Hope this helps! :)
  8. Copier/printer. Right up there with one of the things I couldn't do without. Now I want a binder machine. That's on my wish list. :)
  9. We have one and I used to hate the idea of them but it worked for our dog. She is big and smart enough to know when she could get away with bad behavior. She was bullying the cats to the degree that we were concerned for their safety. Our cats are very friendly and trusting so they didn't avoid her either. We saw that Caesar used one once for a cat bullying issue. We tried it and within 2-3 uses, the dog realized she wasn't to get rough with the cats. I wouldn't want to overuse the collar but for serious issues, I see the value.
  10. My dh is such a great help! He never questions my curriculum choices or expenditures. He sits and patiently listens to me drone on and on about this one or that one and why we need it. He is always available to help out with labs too. He is very supportive and appreciates the work we put into homeschooling. He also helps with the housework and does all the laundry! :D
  11. The only thing about citronella candles is that the scent can be so strong and that might be hard for guests that are aroma sensitive. What about decorative torches around a parameter? Do they make any that have a repellant too?
  12. I don't let my kids open the door. I never open it unless I check out the window first. If there is a stranger at the door, I will talk through the window that is next to the door. I live in a good neighborhood but you never know. I worked the graveyard shift at a county court/jail so that may be a big reason for my cautiousness.
  13. Removing is a must. I cringe whenever I watch those makeover shows and they paint over wallpaper. (shudder)
  14. http://www.worldatlas.com/webimage/testmaps/maps.htm
  15. We're doing llflotr in August and I think I am bookmarking this site. Thanks!!!
  16. We have done both. I like both too. My son did great with Writeshop. The girls are enjoying IEW. I think it is a tie. :)
  17. Space Food sticks (loved them! like candy!) Nature shoes (the ones with the front part elevated) Tube tops Shopping and working at the T. G & Y Pucca shell necklaces Mood rings Pants that had the seam that ran up the legs and made a U at the rear. I think they were Dittos! Fruity smelling cosmetics and perfume Jean Nate Splash Beer can crochet hats Elvis died Shag haircuts & carpet Green carpet & avocado appliances (yep! we had it all)
  18. I love being at home, especially after we clean up. Nothing is more peaceful to me than a tidy, fresh smelling house. We sit by the pool, enjoy the sun or watch a storm coming and it is the best place to be. It's even better when dh has the day off. :D
  19. My son did Whatever Happened to Penny Candy but I'm not convinced it is High School Level. He ended up taking an AP Macroeconomics course through the virtual school that he used for his HS transcript and college credit.
  20. Descartes Cove for math is a hit with our girls. They also liked Revenge of the Logic Spiders.
  21. Check out Newport Beach & Laguna. I'm a CA native and we loved Newport. There are great beaches, Balboa Island (has a quaint amusement park) and lots of great shops and restaurants.
  22. Math: Foerster's Alg I, Descarte's Cove & Duke TIP Math & the Cosmos Science: Monster Storms-Jason Proj., Duke TIP Forensics, Apologia Physical or Bio & Science Museum Classes History: Human Odyssey & Unit Studies & Economics & World Religions LA: IEW, Lit Lessons from LOTR, Hake Grammar, Wordly Wise & Latin Roots Foreign Lang: MS Spanish II & Unitedstreaming Educación Española I'm also adding a Haunted Places Unit Study for Oct. (working on that now)& something for Christmas. I haven't decided just what study for Christmas yet but something fun. :) This is the plan so far. Being a curriculum junkie that I am, I'm sure I'll be adding more along the way.
  23. My 6th grader did LL 7 and we found the schedule to be really generous too. We ended up finishing the program in easily less than half the time. That left us needing something more too. I added more books and did study guides. I'm giving Lit Lessons from LOTR a go this fall. :)
  24. That's what my son ended up doing. :) It seemed like a waste though to have bought the whole program just for that. :(
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