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Everything posted by 2cents

  1. The part about hiring the landscaper to harm the boy gave me the chills. This is very specific info. I just hope the little boy is ok. :(
  2. I used to drink a lot of Crystal Light but noticed I was getting horrible headaches and felt like I was dragging and foggy. One of the threads here at WTM made me wonder if it might be the Aspertame. I cut it all out and within days I felt a lot better and no more headaches. I think there was a connection. Now I'm just doing water and if I want a little sugar, I'll just add some honey.
  3. I'm using UnitedStreaming Spanish - Educación Española:middle school for an 11 yr old and 13 yr old and they have had no problems at all with it. We also do FLVS Spanish during the year but the Unitedstreaming Spanish program is easily a complete program if you use the worksheets and tests along with it.
  4. I just went with National Optical Microscope #131 which is the one recommended by Apologia. Sonlight also has a microscope that gets good reviews.
  5. The lid looks like the easy part. That is a pastry board that is just decorated with frosting and other decorations. It doesn't look edible but it would be pretty easy to make. You could make a pastry board out of cardboard but it isn't food grade. But you could make one if you made sure to cover it well with food grade wrap and then decorate. I'm sure the cake will be fab! :D
  6. I use a white almond sour cream doctored box cake recipe and almost never have the 'bump'. If you do get one, never flip until you have trimmed or leveled that bump off. Here is the recipe, you can tweek the flavors to work with chocolate or other flavors: http://cakecentral.com/recipes/2322/white-almond-sour-cream-cake-wasc Once a cake cracks like that, it is hard to put it back together even with frosting. If you are familiar with fondant, you might be able to shore up the sides with a fondant ribbon. :)
  7. We had a young man in our area a couple of weeks ago. I felt sorry for him and gave him some water. It was brutally hot and he was lugging these books around. I looked at his books and told him that we wouldn't need any of it because we were homeschoolers and already had curriculum. He was telling me about a new-fangled math book that has the problems illustrated and fully explained. I told him that wasn't anything new. He seemed depressed. Poor kid...he is selling a set of dinosaurs IMO.
  8. Once you subscribe and your Discovery Streaming is activated just do a search for Elementary Spanish (Elem.) or Educación Española (Middle School). You'll find a pdf of all the worksheets and answers and teacher guide under 'related materials'.
  9. Worked as a name taker for the stenographers pool at a Boilermakers Convention. I had to run up and get the spellings of the names (from their tags) of the guys talking. Many of those guys were just plain disgusting and very disrespectful! They acted like I was 'interested' in them. I had to field advances all day just to get names. I got so angry that I told a few off and got reported for my 'attitude'. I felt sorry for their wives back home. It was awful and I quit after I was reprimanded for my 'attitude'. I was only a temp and there were other jobs that didn't entail being disrespected by convention-going boilermakers. Horrible job.
  10. We're using Visual World Geography. It is based on memory devices. The memory stories are silly but the girls remember them. It has worked great for us. It does include info about the countries but is somewhat limited. We backed it up with a cultural geography course that the girls took via FLVS.
  11. I'm going to try this with ds! We pay $25 a month for meds and honestly I really dislike the idea of him being on meds to control the acne if vinegar will work. Vinegar may not be completely natural but it has been around a lot longer than the meds he takes and in terms of long term side effects, I feel more comfortable with vinegar if it works. Thanks for the tip!!
  12. :iagree: I see so many hs'ers that go from A - C and lose B in the process of trying to move too fast. Moving a an accelerated pace is fine but not if it means a solid foundation is lacking. It's like building a house...a firm foundation and everything up from there. ;)
  13. I wanted to teach the children Japanese but alas it did not work so ds did Latin and the girls are doing Spanish. I also wanted to progress past CW Homer and that didn't happen either. It was replaced by IEW and that is working a whole lot better. Also wanted the girls to continue with chess and do some tournaments like their brother but it just isn't their thing. Oh well, it's still all good. :)
  14. Humm...I see what you're saying. I'm not sure because SAT is a measure of aptitude and ACT is more of a measure of achievement. How the guides approach a review and how that could skew the results I'm not really sure. Hopefully someone else might know...sorry. :(
  15. My son took the ACT and one of the main differences that I remember was that there is a science component to the ACT. There are some other differences but I just remember that one. My son used one of the ACT study guides when he was preparing.
  16. I'm an INTJ and normally stress makes me rely more on my planning and thinking tendencies to the point I can overanalyze/overthink things. I don't get emotional but I do get controlling, focused and dh says I micromanage. ;)
  17. I'm hoping to have mine take as many as they can. They can take the AP classes via FLVS which offers 14 AP classes so far. I'm also planning on getting them started on CLEP's too. The more classes they can test out of the better. :)
  18. I get in the corners and along the edges on hands and knees and use a mop afterward. I hate that the mop pushes yucky stuff in the corners so that is why I do them by hand before I mop.
  19. Me! My son will be going away to finish his college degree after this year. I'm not ready for it. :(
  20. Twilight Princess & Animal Crossing are my girls faves. :)
  21. I'd love to live in Savannah, GA. I've visited and love the history and just everything about that city. I'd love to live in one of those historic homes on a square.
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