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Everything posted by 2cents

  1. As one who has BTDT I can tell you that teaching doesn't have to stop if you dual enroll. My son was dual enrolled but I still had him doing classes at home too. Also, since dual enrollment didn't cover summer courses, he homeschooled summers. So don't stress-you still have lots of time. :)
  2. I've hs'd our son through HS and into college and I used to worry about him having social opportunities. As it turns out, I found that he liked hsing and didn't want to go to school to find friends or activities. We provided him with opportunites to play sports and he made friends there. He volunteered and early enrolled in college. All these activities kept him busy, connected and created friendships for him. It sounds like your boys are content with hsing and I think that is important. If they are happy and want to continue then I'd give that a lot of consideration in the decision making process. Good luck with whatever you decide. :)
  3. Thank you sooooo much!!! I've been looking at this binder. Your review is so helpful!! :thumbup:
  4. I make a plan for all the weeks of our year and then get detailed about a week to two before the actual assignment date. Throughout the year I am constantly assembling resources that I file or bookmark. When I do the week plan, I check the resources and assemble everything for the coming week. That way I have flexibility for the week but still have the peace of mind knowing we still have a solid plan for accomplishing our goals.
  5. I live for researching curriculum! :) It is like a hobby for me. I spend a lot of my free time researching, planning and creating curriculum. It's my fun stuff!
  6. I think having the math facts down solid will make LOF more interesting. Part of the reason we like using it as a supplement is that the girls are able to solve the questions quickly. If LOF were frustrating, I think it would detract from what we use the book for...fun. Hope this helps! :)
  7. I did when I first started hsing, was a big Saxon fan. But not now. Textbooks and curriculum changes with the years, influences and owners. I continually re-evaluate and while many of our choices remain constant, that is only because the text still meets our expectations and not out of a sense of loyalty.
  8. If you have Discovery Unitedstreaming, they also have the videos. :)
  9. I'm secular but have been known to tweek non-secular curriculum. :)
  10. I believe in Karma...to an extent. I'm not so sure there is any 'mystical or mysterious' about it. It is IMO simply that people who strive to be good and kind will be rewarded in kind. People who are negative and mean eventually will find that their life may not be as rewarding as it could have been.
  11. Cats are very adaptable! I'd take him along. When you get to the new place you should plan on keeping him inside for a few days to let him get used to the new digs. Just because he has been an outdoor cat doesn't mean he couldn't become an indoor one. I'm a big proponent of not letting cats roam. If you do let him out, I'd do it in small doses and keep tabs on him so he doesn't get confused or lost. If you take him with you, plan on taking full ownership too....shots, tags, the whole thing. It sounds like you've pretty much adopted him already. :)
  12. My son used to have TONS of legos and I tried elaborate sorting systems twice. Twice that failed. After that, I just resigned myself to keeping them in large buckets and when he wanted anything he poured them out. Then he got tired of Legos and they sat in the tube for a long time and then a bad cat did number one in the tub and ruined them all. :glare: One cat actually ate a Lego-it reappeared in the litter box. :glare: That was the end of the Lego chaos for good.
  13. During summer we add Hogwart's Summer Correspondence School. A friend and I write and assemble curriculum for areas that the children are interested in. Last year we did Honeyduke's Home Ec, Potions (science experiments), Charms & Spells (crafts and reading). This year we're doing more Honeyduke's, Calligraphy, Herbology and Astronomy. The girls love this fun summer tradition. They all meet once a week to work on the projects together and go swimming. There are yahoo groups for this and they are helpful but my friend and I have more fun making our own 'texts' and assignments. We usually follow a theme.
  14. I look at classical as more of a curriculum choice and unschooling as an application of a homeschool method. I think that unschooling with a classical curriculum might be challenging because classical curriculum tends to require IMO more routine and might not jive well with the interest-led goal of many unschooling models. Impossible-no, but challenging-IMO yes.
  15. I always just divided the work by the number of weeks I had allotted for that curriculum. You can always adjust later. :)
  16. You can get them at any office store and I think Wal-mart, Target & Kmart too. :)
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