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Everything posted by 2cents

  1. These are more like folders. In general, using two file folders glued or taped together you make a folder that you glue little books, specially folded papers, pop-ups etc into. They are theme based. EasyFunSchool has lots of links to look at: http://www.easyfunschool.com/lapbooking.html A google search will bring up a lot of other links too. You can also get pre-assembled or planned templates online. I've done both, made my own and bought pre-planned. Either way, they are a fun and different way to do a study and make a nice finished project.
  2. Honestly, I wasn't all that impressed with the CD SAT Prep. I was hoping for more than we got and more details on how to study with it. My son used it to review points he felt he needed work on based on sample tests he took using the SAT Prep book that you need for the course. I think that might be the way to go. Find out where the weaknesses are and use the CD to review those areas. We didn't find it necessary to go through the whole prep course on cd. HTH's!
  3. I know HAKE Grammar and Growing With Grammar have diagramming.
  4. I have a spreadsheet with 'floating weeks' the we use for for summer travel, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Spring Break, Testing and misc. If our time off falls at a different time, we just swap in one of the floating weeks.
  5. :bigear: I'd like to see what others say too. We'll probably just have the girls enroll at the college and take college level science courses.
  6. Ahhhh...I still would list the courses as he took them. Chances are when presented with the actual transcript they probably won't even question it. I sometimes wonder if they really look at those anyway. I bet she was just confused. I wouldn't worry about it. Just document it accurately as to the time period that he completed the courses and give him the full credit. High Schoolers take accelerated courses all the time so they shouldn't question it.
  7. We did the Chemistry. I'd say it was geared to 3-5th grade.
  8. Exactly! I personally would not alter the dates. It is what it is. He finished in an accelerated pace and credit should be given. My son did multiple sciences in a year and it was not questioned. I'm wondering why this counselor is nitpicking the transcript so much. Our counselor looked ours over but we never had to detail curriculum to that degree. I sounds like you need to talk to another counselor.
  9. Heck No! Your High School-Your rules! I'd absolutely be giving full credit for each course. Just because he finished them quicker does not diminish the intent that each of those is a full course. I'd stand my ground!
  10. We love Sci-Fi! Some ideas... Fahrenheit 451 The Martian Chronicles Clockwork Orange Brave New World 2001 Space Odyssey The Time Machine War of the Worlds Andromeda Strain
  11. :iagree: I was just going to post this. The state is really serious about enforcing this too. The reason being that some gopher tortoises can be infected with a respiratory disease that is incurable and the wildlife authorities don't want uninfected colonies of tortoises to become ill. The gopher tortoise is a threatened species in Fl. They say if we find one to just move it to the side of the road.
  12. That is AWESOMELY FANTASTIC news!!!! I'm so happy for you!!!
  13. We have the history theme books and I bought one for each. I didn't want to have to do a lot of copying.
  14. My youngest has an exercise ball. She isn't ADHD but she just likes to bounce. It doesn't bother her sister at all. She only uses it when we watch videos or are doing group work.
  15. That is similar to what we do. The 'workboxes' are drawers in our case and their texts/supplies that they always use for that subject are kept there. Our drawers are labeled generically (math, science, history etc.). The folders I have are M-F and I use those for loose paperwork or resources that I need for that particular day. So the drawers are really just a way that the girls can find their subject materials quickly. I don't go through the drawers to grade. We do that as they complete a lesson. Example: Today I pulled the Thurs file and in it was an A Beka math sheet for one, UnitedStreaming Spanish worksheets, a weather LAB sheet, grammar worksheets. I hand out the worksheets and the girls go to their drawers to get the books they need. There are no books for Spanish so we watch a video lesson so this is where the folders are handy, a preprinted worksheet is in the folder. Instead of having to spend time printing stuff out, I already have it ready. Saves time. Our printed lesson chart details everything the girls need to complete for the day. I get the folders and the weekly assignment charts ready on the weekend and that takes maybe an hour or two.
  16. We have snack times: Afternoon and evening. They are usually a 100 cal snack, smoothie or a piece of fruit. I had to stop the free feeding because it was interfering with regular meals and getting out of control.
  17. I thought I heard that schools were getting the texts on ipad as a way to get away from actual books...a paperless approach.
  18. I graduated my HS student at 17 but he was in f/t college at 16. I think the norm may be moving toward graduating earlier instead of later.
  19. For example: Math-if it is 169 lessons then I go to my calendar and work out the days we do math and pencil it in. That gives me a rough time frame for finishing. Having a year plan lets me stagger curriculum easier. Instead of doing it all at once it is easier to start some at different times or as one curriculum finishes. Makes for a more consistent workload IMO. It is also helpful in remembering when we want to start a unit study. It is a organized but flexible guideline. Weekly: This is the less flexible further breakdown based on what our year plan has for the week. Instead of already having folders for every week in advance, which I used to do, I found this to offer a little more flexibility. Example-The A Beka math is a workbook so on the Sat or Sun before the week starts I tear out the sheets and put them in M-F file folders. The Alg for my older one is a book so no sheets but her assign is on the assignment printout on the corkboard (as is the A Beka-every assignment is on the list on the corkboard). The M-F file folders are mostly for loose pages or copied material since I don't want to have to hunt that stuff up every morning. Our Unitedstreaming Spanish worksheets I print out from a pdf file would go into the appropriate day folder (in Mon, Wed. & Fri). It just saves time during the week to have it all ready to go. The girls each have a set of drawers-science, math, LA, Spanish, History, Misc. These drawers have their books that they use for the assignments on the corkboard list. Other worksheets that they may need I will have in my folder to hand out at the beginning of the day. Hopefully this helps explain my system...it is really pretty easy and straightforward with flexibility to adapt when life happens. When I did the folders for the year in advance I found that it was a lot of folders and I got tired of the juggling if the schedule changed. With my system now, I can easily re-work things as I need to and still keep up with our year plan guidelines. For special books, labs and videos. With the year plan in place I have time to start getting those resources ready. I usually know at least a few weeks beforehand what I will need and start working on getting things together. It hasn't been a problem. Let me know if I can help or clarify anything more. It is kinda hard to explain without being able to show someone. :) Adding- The notebooks are just for completed material. The girls use them to refer too. We don't do portfolio but I do keep records for 2 years per regulation so they are part of this record. I also keep a notebook that I file the assignment sheets in as well. The notebooks become part of recordkeeping.
  20. When I had 3 to homeschool I had about a 1 1/2 yrs worth of weekly folders in hanging folders labeled by month. In those file folders I would put the work. That worked better when the children were young and their work was predominately worksheets or pages. Now that they are older and using texts and larger books and their work is more involved, I am down to a drawer filing system that has more room. Each child has a drawer for: Language Arts, Science, Spanish, Math, History/Geo, and Misc. Then I have my own files for Mon-Fri with paperwork I need. I have the schoolwork chart on a corkboard that tells us what do do for each subject daily. When the work is done each girl has a notebook to file it in. At the end of the week I file the completed schoolwork chart so we have a running record of the work that was assigned and completed. I do still plan a little over a year in advance but it is done on a spreadsheet. HTHs. :)
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