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Everything posted by 2cents

  1. My dh rigged up a cable so that the program plays on our big tv screen. The quality is quite good and the kids like watching it this way. We used to play it full screen on the computer but the TV made it a lot nicer and the sound plays through the tv too.
  2. I see no reason you couldn't do them together. We're doing HS bio with our 8th and 7th grader this fall. It is easier to keep them together for a lot of the classes since they are close in age (17 mos apart).
  3. This is me! I used to work in the courts at night and worked closely with law enforcement. It is a very tough and scary job. The 2x I've been pulled over for traffic violations I felt like I was going to die. I felt so guilty for taking up time and having done something stupid. I've been lucky that the officers must sense my pain and mortification because they were nice and very considerate. I probably would have passed out if they were mean.
  4. We like the Discovery UnitedStreaming Spanish courses. They have all levels and each level has around 50 lessons that are 30-45 min in length. The worksheets and all supporting material is included. It is a great value! On top of that, you have all of the other educational videos at your disposal. We use it everyday.
  5. Not hard at all. We used it secularly with no problems at all. We really enjoyed the Colonial Unit that we did. :)
  6. I had a Dyson and hated it! It cost a fortune and never lived up to the expectations. Heck, it never even lived up to the performance of the crummy vacuum it replaced. I wouldn't go into debt for a Dyson-no way! I would however go into debt to replace my carpet with some tile. I am so OVER carpet! ;) Get a Furminator (cost less than $20) and furminate the dog. You can even furminate the carpet-seriously, if you run it over carpet it picks up the fur better than a vac.
  7. We're doing the middle this summer too. It is fantastic! Normally during the year we do FLVS online but thought this would be a good thing to keep things fresh. I honestly think the girls are getting more out of the Unitedsteaming course. It is great!
  8. First you have to make sure you are in Discovery Streaming. Go to your subscriptions page and you should have a link there. Make sure your password works etc. Once you are on the United Streaming site you can search for the spanish course. The Middle School course is titled: Educación Española: Spanish Instruction The Elementary course is titled: Elementary Spanish Once you find the courses you can put them in your "content" for easy access. Be sure to click on the "related materials" because in there you will find a pdf file of all the planning pages, teacher helps and worksheets that are presented in the lessons. I print out the worksheets for each lesson as we go along. The answers are toward the end of the pdf file. The videos are 30-45 min long. Hope this helps!
  9. I'm wondering if the Dept of Immigration might be able to weigh in on this. According to the article the children are US citizens and the parent are dual-citizens. If the judge rules that the dad can take the children out of the country is that almost like a deportation of an american citizen? Could the mom have recourse there? I wonder if there has been a guardian-ad-litem assigned to the children. Someone needs to be representing their rights in court to that lame-brain excuse of a judge. This case needs to be higher profile because this kind of ruling is only indicative of what is probably a pattern of her judicial abuse and stupidity.
  10. I totally agree! I think routine has a lot to do with it. This is also why we homeschool year-round. ;)
  11. I was at a Target and bought a box of fire logs and put them on the underside of the cart. Honestly, I don't know how we all missed it but when I got to the car I remembered them and sure enough, they weren't on the reciept. The kids and I marched back into the store with the logs and I had to ask 3 store personnel before they could tell me what to do. Finally I got a manager at customer service and he told me nobody ever came BACK with stuff that was missed at the register. I just wanted to do the right thing but honestly, their reaction was making me feel like I had done something dumb. It was strange (the store reaction) but I wanted my children to see a good example.
  12. My oldest is 19 and we never had any problems. He is quiet and a homebody and is a lot like his dad. He is doing great in college and we're very proud of him. :) The girls are getting into the teen years and things are going well. It is nice to have their older brother as such a great role model. :)
  13. I'm in shock that a judge is even considering that! What must she be thinking..or NOT thinking??!! I think the judge needs a wake-up call in gender issues relating to the Middle East culture. There is no way I would allow my children to travel out of the country under those circumstances...no matter what some obtuse judge says! This isn't a 'happy' family. This is a family with issues and the mother will be at serious disadvantage to protect her rights as a mother and those of her children in a traditionally VERY male biased society. :mad:
  14. I think you did right just on the basis the machine was not functioning correctly. Even if there was no overexposure risk, there was still the question of whether the xrays would be accurate given the trouble she was having with the machine. Either way, I think changing to another machine was a good decision. Ms. Grumbling X-ray tech might also learn to act a little more professionally next time since there are people who are actually listening and watching her. :thumbup1:
  15. :iagree: I bet there are some administrators that would like to know that their volunteers are being treated in a shabby manner. I would absolutely call and tell them to reassign her to a more competent mentor or she will find a more receptive and appreciative place to volunteer her time.
  16. This site looks like they may have what you're looking for. Good luck!
  17. Awesome!!! You give me hope!! I've been off the sugar, flour, carbs for 3 weeks and I'm afraid of the scale. Things are fitting a lot better but I'm paranoid that the scale will depress me so I'm going to stay off for another week. But I love hearing a success story like yours! :)
  18. WOW! This happened to me last week!! I thought it was majorly CREEPY! I was only checking out their state history disc on the website. Never even carted it or anything. Next morning a guy calls and tells me he knew I was looking at their curriculum. I politely (half in shock) told him I was only looking and that if I wanted something I'd let them know. I didn't like that. Found it on Ebay a lot cheaper and bought it there instead.
  19. OMG I would totally declutter the house! Not having people mess it up as I worked would be a dream come true. Then I'd put up an Ebay auction with all the declutter loot and buy more books. Aaaaah. :)
  20. Well....to be honest I never really give mine a choice. I must be a meanie. ;) I have had curriculum that we weren't crazy about but if I see value in it then I have them continue through it. The only time I will reconsider a curriculum choice is if it is a bad match for their ability (grade level etc). Mine don't like to write either but I wouldn't base changing a choice on that alone. I have had some curriculum that included a lot of IMO pointless busywork writing and at that point I'll tweek it. Maybe do less of the writing or maybe different types of writing instead of the assigned. I personally wouldn't want to get in a habit of getting kid approval of curriculum choices. Some things just aren't going to be fun. HTH
  21. This is why we only use LOF as a fun supplement. I know that some use it as a standalone but I personally don't think it has near enough information for me to be comfortable using it as our only math curriculum.
  22. I like to bake so I personally don't consider chip ahoy to be a real choc chip cookie. That said, I have also personally NEVER turned one down lol! Me likes me sweets...good and not so good. :D
  23. Yikes! How could they possibly think that was ok to do???!!! What is the status of the case??
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