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Everything posted by 2cents

  1. She's so cute! She has a feisty gleem in her eyes. Our black kitty gets that same look when he is looking for trouble. :)
  2. I love coffee and drink way too much. If I stopped cold turkey I'd probably be sick for days. So I don't foresee giving it up. It doesn't do much for my energy level though. I can drink it and go right to sleep. Maybe I should try to cut down though.
  3. I think your dh is right. There is a reason the uncle took such a firm stand. I suspect this is not the first time this boy has been in trouble. It may only be the first time he has been publically outed. Dating him in the future IMO is a very bad idea. This is a good way for dd to make a clean break and move on.
  4. Yes! :iagree: I also think that sometimes people use their dedication to religion or calling as an excuse to avoid responsibility that they created for themselves. JMHO.
  5. This is the nutella frosting that I use with my peanut butter cake: soften 16 oz. cream cheese, 2/3 c. nutella & 8 T. butter beat until smooth gradually add 4 c. confectioner's sugar and beat until it is all smooth and spreadable. I like this frosting because pb is in my cake batter so I like a little different taste for the frosting. This is also great with chocolate cake or butter yellow. :)
  6. I think it is more of a case of legal procedure. If he was allowed to die from neglect of care from his suicide attempt then the prison authorities would be guilty of neglect or murder etc. The prisoner's sentence was to be put to death at the hands of state and not because of neglect of care. Personally, in the interest of efficiency I think they should let him go but legally that isn't what the sentence mandated.
  7. I'm not really fond of Nutella myself but I have used it in a peanut butter cake I make for friends that LOVE peanut butter. They go nuts for that cake. I have a peanut butter/nutella cake ball recipe that I plan to try one of these days too.
  8. Haas Avocados from our own tree. They were big and beautiful. Made fantastic guacamole and avocado sandwiches. Tangelos from our own tree. Made a great juice. My mom's Peach pie made with our own peaches. Mom's spaghetti sauce made with our own grown and canned tomatoes. My mom's Charlotte Russe. I make it now and it is just as devine! My own Pumpkin Roll. It is heavenly!
  9. We do lite hs two weeks before Halloween to do fun activities. This year we are doing a Haunted Places unit study. I pulled it together from a Universal Class. We'll also be watching classic spooky movies every day and reading Frankenstein. We're also going to be making some fun Halloween cupcakes (apple cake with caramel buttercream frosting...Yum!) with decorations. We love Halloween so we make it really fun!
  10. Every Halloween we have to watch 'Mad Monster Party'. We LOVE that movie. It is funny and our fave! We also like 'The Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown'. Another great Halloween movie is 'Something Wicked This Way Comes' but that one might be a little scary for youngers.
  11. You aren't the only one. Nobody much liked it in our home either. I wanted to like it but didn't work out that way.
  12. This sort of thing is why I don't do Facebook. There are so many things to be doing instead IMO.
  13. You are in my thoughts. I hope you find the strength you need. :grouphug:
  14. Would your cat let you do the grooming? I have a large male who is very fluffy and I routinely bathe and give him lion cuts at least 2x a year. I wouldn't recommend cutting with scissors but use an electric shaver to avoid accidently cutting the skin. It is hard to see what is skin and what is matted fur when you are using scissors. Petsmart has special pet shavers that are low noise too. My kitty takes a snooze while he gets his shave. I can understand why vets and groomers would want the pets to be up to date on their shots. It is in consideration of other pets health and the safety of the groomer/vet. Some of the groomers that travel to people's home may not have the same requirements.
  15. Instead of dropping why not just stagger the scheduling for some? For example instead of doing wordly wise and ed in chief at the same time do one now and when it is done then start the other. WW has 20 weeks the way I do it so I work that out and something else starts after that. That is a long term schedule adjustment that might work for some of the other subjects as well. As a weekly adjustment, you might try making some of the topics a MWF or a TTH class instead of daily. These kinds of things have made it possible for me to cover a lot of curriculum in the year without having to drop any. HTHs
  16. Work that is in addition to the required coursework. It should be more in-depth and done well. That would qualify for honors for my school.
  17. One of the things I did in our homeschool was to set strict times that the children needed to be done with their math. We also didn't tolerate whining or griping. It may sound like I'm a meanie but I just have a low tolerance for bad attitude. Consequences for bad attitude or wasting time results in more work added. I don't believe that all the classes have to be fun or even that interesting. Sometimes they just have to accept that it is the means to an end and get on with it. :)
  18. I'm with Christine-what company is this? I'd like to know because with the way they have treated you and the money that they are asking for curriculum I want to be sure I NEVER order from them. I wouldn't be at all concerned whether the owner likes refunding the money or not. If he is running a business then he takes the good with the bad and after a few losses, maybe he will start getting his act together. You don't need his permission to get a refund. Sounds like he might be fortunate if you don't report him for 'bait 'n switch' tactics. Ship the stuff back and immediately call the CC company and have them back out the charge.
  19. I do both. I post a hard copy on the corkboard and the girls like marking the assignments as done and they can easily see what needs to be done. I also file that hard copy in a permanent notebook at the end of the week for recordkeeping. I make the schedule in the computer because it is easier for me to add and subtract coursework as we finish or start something new. It is also more readable for me since my handwriting is not nearly as nice as the computer fonts. I like that I can make tables and highlight with color fills and font colors and sizes too. I also keep the schedule in a window in the background as I go through the day so I can keep referring to it. As we finish something I 'fill' the table cell with a light gray to mark it done. At the end of the day I just close the window without saving so the gray isn't a permanent part of the schedule. added: I do my schedule in mac pages.
  20. Lunch is at almost 3:00 and it is chicken nuggets. We're eating while watching Unitedstreaming MS science. I'd rather be taking a real break but we got a late start today. We had Friday and Monday off so we need to get motivated. Hopefully tomorrow will be better. After this, all we have left is math which will be fast. Then I will take MY real break and watch something educational like Young and the Restless. ;)
  21. That just totally gives me the creeps! She needs to get one of those chains on the doors. That way when she is home she can put the chain on and nobody gets in even if they have a key. I would also get a security system pronto! And some motion activated flood lights just for good measure. Wouldn't hurt to get a security cam either. Honestly, unless I had all that stuff going on, I wouldn't feel safe. I'd also think about keeping the dog in the bedroom with me too. She need my attack cat. Or get a parrot. Those birds make all kinds of noise when there are intruders. OMG I am so afraid for her!
  22. Mine is at home. He will probably be going away in about a year but for now I'm happy he is still home. :)
  23. My girls are 12 and 13 and they are taking it this year. They are really good at science and enjoy it so it works for us. I think it depends on the child. Readiness is so variable. :)
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