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Everything posted by 2cents

  1. Universal Class has one. We're currently enrolled in it. Here is a class description and a link: http://www.universalclass.com/i/crn/33251.htm Film Appreciation for Modern Audiences' is intended as a journey through the world of film, for a sampling of the thought and accumulated critical opinion that forms the basis of the modern stature of 100 years of film-making, as art or culturally important dramatic work. If you love film, here you can learn more about the narrow-passages of film-analysis, discussion of film, the period genres and movements in film-style, and more, for an informed opinion that will hopefully make your enjoyment of the film medium deeper. This course may be useful for professionals who need to be informed and conversant about the film-industry; for the layman who wants to know as much as he can about the world of film for his personal enjoyment; or for the student, hoping to become familiar with the 'lay-of-the-land' for film-criticism. Chapters include discussions on: v How you can get real enjoyment from the films you watch, and why you should care v Early film-history v The process of film-making and how it relates to understanding the films you watch v A look at 100 years of film-styles, genres and movements v A discussion of film-psychology, and some fascinating aspects of the perception of films v A review of 'films to watch', taken in 20-year periods starting in 1900, and moving through 2007, featuring all the classics from each era v General ideas about film and art-theory as a consumer habit v Film composers to know v Film directors to know v How to get your twenty-dollar's worth at the movie-theater v New ways to enjoy film and new audience technologies v And much more ...
  2. Math: M-Th Spanish: Daily History: MWF Science: MWF Grammar & Comp: Daily
  3. A Beka 7 is the equivalent of a pre-algebra. We did A Beka until 8th grade then switch to Foerster's Alg 1. A Beka is about a year ahead on average and that is why we liked it. You might check it out if you haven't already.
  4. I was so discouraged by WP that I won't buy from them at all. They sold a product that wasn't even ready for publication and after months of stalling I made them give me a refund. If I had bought any of their products, I would sell them on Ebay or Half like any other curriculum I purchase when I am finished. Personally, their policy and the experience I already had with them keeps me from recommending or even considering any of their products.
  5. My girls are doing NaNoWriMo and LOVING it! They are consistently making over their daily word count goal and I'm having a blast reading their daily additions! Who knew they would enjoy writing?! They didn't before this project. I thought that our failed venture into 'Classical Writing-Homer' had ruined them. I'm beyond thrilled! :party:
  6. I do. I've had experiences all my life and we continue to experience odd things to this day. I believe there could be residual energy or some kind of conversion of energy forms that may explain ghosts or the odd happenings.
  7. I can do my graphics and desktop publishing so much easier on my MAC. Love it!!
  8. Crazy stuff! Hard to believe that the editor tried to justify her crime. It looks like they took the Cookssource website down.
  9. When the girls and I were going through cake decorating classes we had lots of dessert everyday. Now we're over that and back to normal. Dessert is for special occasions ONLY now....and we're on diets. :lol:
  10. We love that show! It is totally motivating. I think I'm living next to a hoarder. His 'life' is spilling out onto the front porch in a big way. Other neighbors in the know report he has stuff piled to the ceiling in the house and a little pathway that he uses. It is bizarro and we're all wondering what will become of this situation. He is a grumpy/unpredictable guy so people avoid him. The Association always has issues with him.
  11. I like the idea of parring down but looking at the big picture, I think that spending helps the economy and in turn creates jobs and supports industry. I think that keeping expenditures more private out of respect for those who are struggling is a great idea. :)
  12. When mine were younger, I had tupperware containers (Big Lots has great selection and price for this). I organized the toys in labeled containers and stored them in closet. We rotated the toys and they learned to put them away by the end of the day or when they wanted a different one. It helped keep things together and no lost pieces. The children learned to respect their toys and keep things organized. It is something you have to be consistent with or it won't work but it was a great system for us. For other things like bedtime routine or chores, I had a chart that they would check off. We also had a school schedule we followed. We're an organized and sane family with schedules and checklists. :D
  13. I cut out sugar, flour (the white stuff), drinking more water and taking my vitamins and the lbs are coming off and I feel so much better. This week the girls and I are adding a yoga class at the Y and we're taking daily walks. I think the diet change and making myself get out has worked wonders.
  14. :iagree: I couldn't agree more! I think Rosetta is the WORST program for anyone serious about learning a language.
  15. We've made them. Tip-we spray painted the parts in camo colors before we assembled. That way they dry and you can still disassemble any parts that you need to. Painting after might cause parts you want to be able to take apart to stick. Also, don't glue all parts together. Leave a section that you can take apart in case a marshmallow gets stuck inside (just makes it easier to get out that way). Another safety tip, you might consider rubberbanding a mesh to the mouthpiece to avoid the little kids from accidently inhaling a marshmallow.
  16. I like using patterns from Simplicity most of all. For beginners, they have the 'Easy' patterns. They are super easy to follow and a great stepping stone to harder patterns. Here is an online link: http://www.simplicity.com/c-160-its-so-easy.aspx
  17. Haven't tried this because we like our Spanish program but I noticed that Curr-click has added live web homeschool classes for French and German. http://www.currclick.com/index.php?manufacturers_id=394
  18. We like FLVS Spanish. Maybe there is something similar in your state.
  19. The only time grammatical errors annoy me is when they are coming from instructors I've paid for (i.e. the private school we used before homeschooling) or from attorneys that I've employed. In both cases I assume there should be a basic competency in their communication. Unfortunately, the results have been a little disturbing.
  20. My cure: glass of warm milk and reading Moby Dick (zzzzzz) ;)
  21. Mine made me sick too. I didn't stick it out with them but I may try again because switching between two pairs of glasses is getting very old.
  22. Muir woods is a fave spot for me! The Alcatraz tour is also fun and informative. I also like China Town for walking and window shopping. My fave eating spot is Fisherman's Grotto. The chowder is the best!! SF is one of my favorite places. :)
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