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Everything posted by 2cents

  1. I totally know what you are asking. I tried the same thing about a year ago and it didn't work. I was able to log into discovery streaming via the wii but the actual videos weren't supported at that time. They were supposed to have worked that out by now. I'll see if my kiddos can get anything up and post my result. We ended up connecting to our tv via wireless and remote keyboard. It is awesome to be able to watch discoverystreaming on the big screen. We run our online Spanish classes on the TV too since both girls take it. We watched the Plimoth Plantation webcast that way too. Ok...off to see what we can do with the wii. I'll post the results.
  2. It is sad that she spends so much of her efforts on downgrading others (that she doesn't have knowledge about). She must have a very unhappy life. Unfortunately, her blog supporters keep egging her on. It reminds me of a person on a ledge and the onlookers are yelling "jump". The 'supporters' want the entertainment as long as someone else takes the risk and looks foolish.
  3. You might check out Keystone. It has been many years since I checked it out but I seem to recall that they will give credit (very flexible) for what has already been done and they offer an accredited program and graduation diploma. It doesn't sound like she needs much more to graduate and with Keystone, she might be closer than you think. Might be worth checking out: http://keystoneschoolonline.com/
  4. We did Colonial Life a few years ago. It is a lot of printing and getting supplies but the finished product is fantastic! My girls and I really enjoyed the project.
  5. Ds started dual enrollment when he was in 10th. He was able to take as many classes as he wanted and only had to pay for the books. It is a great deal! 2 birds-1 stone. :)
  6. My testers son graduated from Full Sail. It is one of the best! My son is going into video game production and we researched Full Sail too. We settled on the graduate video game design school at the University of Central Florida. It is right up there with Full Sail. Ds will be attending probably next year. His local college program in Digital Media feeds into UCF's program. Ds has 100% Bright Futures scholarship so that makes UCF the better choice for us. Back to Full Sail. It is a fantastic school. My tester raved about the program. It is very expensive though. He did amazing work while he was there and there is no doubt he learned a lot. He had difficulty finding a job (may have been the economy too). He enlisted in the service after graduation.
  7. Meringue cookies are supposed to be a good diet snack. Only about 10 cal each and zero fat grams. I made some recently though and they tasted yucky. Maybe the store bought ones taste better. My dog loved the ones I made. That dog has no palate.
  8. Not sure about this. Even if you miss the webcast, there is a lot of other good stuff on the Scholastic site for Thanksgiving. Bumping to remind too. :)
  9. Hummm, It is ify. It depends on what it is and how cold the fridge was when the power came back on. I would toss milk and products with milk. Eggs would prob be ok. Butter would be ok. I would toss meat unless it was semi-froz in the fridge (I defrost in fridge). HTH's!
  10. I'm an early riser so I'd do early morning exercise. Unfortunately, everyone I know wouldn't relate to getting up so early. I've been thinking about signing up for bootcamp at our Y. It meets early and I'd find a lot of like-minded folks there.
  11. Tuesday, November 16th 1:00 ET (10:00 am PT) A thirty minute online field trip to meet a Pilgrim and a Wampanoag—straight from Plimoth Plantation. Watch the field trip from your classroom—or pull a few classes together in the library to take this exciting trip to visit Plimoth. Your class will also receive a series of letters from a Pilgrim and a Wampanoag.Check out the great Thanksgiving teaching ideas and teacher’s guide on our NEW Thanksgiving Central. Be sure to check out the amazing teaching resources from our friends at Plimoth Plantation. http://www.scholastic.com/scholastic_thanksgiving/letters_signup.asp
  12. No. That is not what I am saying at all. I am simply saying I do not have objections to it. I have yet to see evidence that it is not a helpful security measure.
  13. Why do I have to have a problem with it if I clearly don't? I don't need to go into detail or justify my position. For my own purposes and from the research I have done, I don't have any problems with the security measures at this point.
  14. Seriously, it doesn't bother me. I've worked in a field where we were exposed to patdowns as part of the job so maybe that is why I don't get upset. I see it as part of someone doing a job. It is very easy to hide dangerous items on your person and patdowns, while they are admittedly uncomfortable, are designed to give the best opportunity to discover dangers. Sorry, I don't have a problem with it if it makes me and my children safer.
  15. I had 2 pulled under a local. DH had 2 pulled also local. Son had all 4 extracted this summer-all under local. We never do the twilight stuff. If they numb you up well then you won't feel any pain at all.
  16. Absolutely YES. The laws may be different depending on the state, but a 16 yr old is held to a higher standard of conduct in the courts than a 13 yr old. Just from a legal standpoint, his involvement with this young girl puts him at risk.
  17. I dunno, maybe I'm in the minority here but I feel more comfortable the higher the security measures. The patdowns don't bother me. It would be uncomfortable from a mental standpoint but I'm willing to do that. I'd also feel better know my fellow passengers were deemed safer as well. Once you're up in the air, there is pretty much no turning back. I'll give up a few of my rights (it really is questionable in this case-airlines are private companies) to feel safer in the air.
  18. We treat it as separate from the core subjects. It doesn't replace anything. It is just added. We call it an enrichment course.
  19. Today has been wonderful because we got everything done that we wanted done, I stayed on my diet and exercised too. Then we took dog to the dog park and the kids played hide and seek with her. They had a blast. Then we came home and painted the dog toenails and dressed a cat. Fun day!
  20. Having BTDT, I finally learned to say NO. Life is too short to spend the holidays enduring anxiety and torture. Stay home and make your own pleasant traditions. :)
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