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Everything posted by acurtis75

  1. A lot of the pdf's I put in iBooks were new so I just downloaded them directly there when I opened them. I just started organizing them in folders. I use Dropbox or emails to move stuff back and forth and don't know of a better way. If I want dd to write on something but also want to keep my place I put the document in both iBooks & notability. I love having math on the iPad for the same reason. Dd hasn't discovered the audio feature yet but she does change colors a lot. I mix it up and we do some days on the iPad because she considers it a treat. Other days I just print her page out. She's distracted regularly during math either way so I have to watch her to the problems if I want them done in a reasonable timeframe. I've never used google books before but I would assume you only need one copy of things. Maybe someone else can give a better answer. I have iBooks, kobo & the kindle app loaded and use all three but they have different books so I haven't run in to that issue. I haven't loaded find the water yet. When dd gets her own device I might add it. I have to confess that I'm doing a better job limiting dd's screen time than I am my own. I love my iPad and use it constantly.
  2. My daughter loves Geography Songs by & Kathy Troxel. Maybe all your kids could do that together. We also used the skip counting cd from mathusee.
  3. I was curious too so I googled it and found this which looks great. I didn't look at all the links yet but I plan to print out some stuff next week. http://runofthemillfamily.blogspot.com/2010/10/middle-ages-lapbook-for-story-of-world.html Eta: this whole blog is awesome with links and information for volume 1 & 2
  4. We have an ipad 2 that I share with dd. I decided I prefer for her to have her own device and considered the touch instead of the iPad for a short time. The desire to do schoolwork on the device is what made the decision for me. The iPad is almost as big as a regular sheet of paper so dd does her worksheets on the iPad easily. The touch is so small that it just wouldn't work for writing on pdf's. We have been doing math on the device for several weeks and I'm slowly working towards doing more and more electronically.
  5. I have found adjusting the brightness in iBooks or reading with the dark background & white text in the kindle app on the iPad to be easier on my eyes. I don't think you can do night reading mode in iBooks but I use it in the kindle and kobo apps and it's nice for reading in bed. I've been putting all my PDF teachers manuals in iBooks and find myself printing less and less. I used to prefer a hard copy of books to PDF but now I'm trying to get whatever I can in PDF because it's so much easier to read on th iPad.
  6. I don't have an answer but the title of this thread made me giggle and think about how people who don't homeschool would think this sounds completely nuts but I immediately thought it was a good idea.
  7. The new muppets movie was good and I can't recall anything inappropriate. Unfortunately, I recently suffered through Happy Feet 2 which had quite a few things I found inappropriate and was terrible.
  8. If she's eager to learn don't hold her back. Before I found this forum I was always worried about moving too fast or accelerating too much. After spending some time on here I've realized I was really holding dd back and boring her. There's nothing wrong with skipping levels when necessary to find the proper level that is challenging without frustrating her. For us this year it's meant skipping FLL 2 and www 2 and moving straight to 3, ditching spelling workout altogether (we were going to accelerate but I bought C & D and she looked at the lists for both and could spell all the words before we started the book) and completing almost 2 years worth of math curriculum in the last few months.
  9. I'm doing fll3 this year with dd6 because when we finished FLL 1 I looked through FLL 2 and it wasn't challenging enough. So far FLL3 is working great for us. It is a gentle introduction in to more formal grammar. It doesn't take very long every day and dd seems to enjoy it. I was planning to skip to the new curriculum that has been shelved so I'm not sure if we'll do level 4 next or just finish mct island and figure it out after that. I said all of that to say it should be fine for a gentle introduction.
  10. Search for recent threads with app, iPad, etc. there were several recent threads that included lots of ideas.
  11. You're definately over-thinking but I can't condemn you because I spend way too much time doing the same thing. Every once in a while dh has to give me a little perspective. He'll listen to my incessant questioning and curriculum issues and then say something like, "you know she's only 6 right?". This generally snaps me back in to reality. If your daughter knows her letters you might just skip the a, b & c books and go to book 1. The before the code books are probably too easy for her and moving on the book 1 might satisfy her desire to learn words faster and she won't be missing anything.
  12. I would think it's an issue of focus more than comprehension. It sounds like she doesn't have any problem with understanding. I don't have as much of an issue with comprehension with dd but we struggle with math because she doesn't like it as much. When she gets the occasional problem wrong it's almost never because she doesn't understand. It's usually because she's daydreaming about tinkerbell or the muppets in the middle of her math problems.
  13. http://www.iclarified.com/entry/index.php?enid=13030 Another potential collaboration app. I don't know if it will work with FaceTime. I also think both "go to meeting" and "fuze" allow you to have webinars and share your screen which would allow you to use doodle buddy or any whiteboard app and accomplish the same thing without FaceTime.
  14. You don't even need google. Just download the free Dropbox app from the app store and then follow the directions for getting software on your computer and setting up the account. A lot of apps have free Dropbox integration so you can just export the file to Dropbox from the iPad. You can also save files on your computer in the Dropbox folder which makes them accessible on the iPad when you have a wifi connection.
  15. I don't have any answers but I am interested to see the responses because I'm starting to wonder the same thing for dd who is 6. We've done a few week long summer classes at our local homeschool store/school but I don't want to put dd there for the regular classes they have because she's several years ahead in curriculum and they are covering stuff we finished already. I can't see paying $1500 a year just for dd to hang out with other smart kids. She gets along well with kids and adults and recently I've started taking her to a larger church in the are for art/drama and Awanas. I put her in a grade ahead and she's having lots of fun but I know as she gets older she's going to realize the children around her aren't interested in the same things as her.
  16. Thanks for posting. I had no idea these apps existed. I just downloaded the grade 3 to check it out.
  17. Mikaela and Sylvia seem to have a lot of similarities. Apparently, we did well matching them as pen pals. I agree with the pp who suggested starting wwe. If Mikaela can't answer questions I have her read the selection again but it's happening less frequently as we move further along in wwe. In general she understands what she's reading but tends to filter out what she considers to be unimportant details. if these details are in the narration questions I just have her read it again. Also, I don't know if this is an option for you since your older child is doing wwe2 but I skipped level 2 because she really wanted to read the stories herself instead of having me read to her. Level 3 seemed to be designed to use that way so we went straight from 1 to 3. Btw, we received Sylvia's second letter when we arrived back in town today and Mikaela was delighted. She mailed a postcard from Colorado yesterday but it will probably take a few days because we were in a small town.
  18. Dh and I skipped Thanksgiving once by going on a cruise and it was awesome. We got a last minute deal ridiculously cheap and just left. I think it was $500 each for 11 nights. Family was irritated but it was worth it. I think we had Thanksgiving dinner on the ship after spending the day on the beach in Honduras. That was before we had dd and I'm pretty sure my parents would be way more upset about Christmas. It's a lovely thought though.:001_smile:
  19. I have an iPad not iPod. I think the same apps work on both so here's a few dd 6 loves. They are mostly educational but that's just what we loaded and she prefers. Also definately search the forum because there are several recent threads with lots of ideas. Stack the states Math bingo Toontastic (this one might be iPad only) Hangman Brain pop free video of the day Latin hangman Presidents vs aliens Jungle coins
  20. I don't have a perfect answer because I'm still finding myself spending more than I want because we finish stuff too quickly but here's what I did. When dd was at about the same spot you are in I used ETC because it was cheap and we could just get the next book as soon as a book was completed. I know a lot of people use ETC as a supplement but I found that because dd learned quickly I didn't need anything else. We did the lessons in ETC and then just read a lot of books. DD was reading chapter books around her 4th birthday. Sometimes fast learners don't need all the bells and whistles that some of the more expensive programs include. Reading was actually the easiest thing for me to adjust. Spelling, Grammar and other subjects have been more difficult. I've skipped levels several times and I'm still not sure that we're exactly where we should be but I've decided to just complete what we have and reassess when we're done. We use MUS for math and I love the program but it's pricey for us because we've done Beta, Gamma & are 6 lessons from completing Delta in the last year. I make myself feel better about the money spent by passing the materials on to my sil when we're done.
  21. We use http://www.generationsofgrace.org and like it. It is from a pretty conservative viewpoint and covers the entire Bible over a 3 year period.
  22. If it's really coarse and wavy you might try the mixed chicks stuff anyway. She will probably end up with nice spiral curls or waves if you follow the instructions on the website. We use the adult products not the kid's. My dd's hair is curly but after I first wash it it looks shiny and just wavy. It gets more curly and tangly by the minute if I don't have the leave-in conditioner. Usually if hair is coarse and thick, it's dry. My hair is fine and straight so dealing with dd's hair has been a challenge but now with the right products her hair is easier to fix then mine.
  23. :iagree: I also think that education level isn't the only or even the best way to determine how "educated" homeschooling parents really are. I know I might be an exception but I don't think a degree alone necessarily tells you much about a person other than they have a good work ethic. Dh and I started a business while we were in college and ended up leaving school and pursuing the professional licenses needed for our careers instead. Since then we've taken all kinds of continuing education and various college level classes but neither of us ever felt the urge to go finish our degrees. I am co-owner of a successful business, I am an excellent student & have been my entire life, I read constantly, I pursue opportunities to enrich and educate myself frequently, and I take my responsibility as a homeschooling teacher very seriously. I have many friends who have degrees who haven't read a book since college and spend their lives watching tv and reading magazines. I consider myself to be qualified to teach not only my daughter but myself. I have friends in the education field who would disagree strongly but that is their rot. In Texas where I live you can't teach with just a degree and be paid a full salary. I know a person who had a masters degree but was being paid $1100 until she finished the expensive classes for her certificate. You have to get a teaching certificate on top of your degree which requires additional time and money and is ridiculous in my opinion.
  24. Search recent iPad, kindle and android threads for app suggestions and ideas for ways others are using their tablets.
  25. We've never been skiing but I want to plan a trip next year. We are in Colorado on vacation right now and went to Rocky Mountain National Park to a free sledding area today. We bought a $16 toboggan and had hours of fun. Since today is a school and work day we were there by ourselves for most of the time. It was awesome for our family. We're from Texas and considered this an easy first step to see if we wanted to pay for skiing. Maybe if the price of skiing in your area is too much you could try this instead.
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