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Everything posted by acurtis75

  1. :iagree: It has to be legible but I pick and choose what I require to be written in her best handwriting. I'm not sure but that might actually be a suggestion I read in WTM.
  2. I know. We'll see how long they last this time. I believe when Reg posted they sold out the same day. Now I just have to convice dh not to worry about what the rest of the family things and to let me wrap it for dd to open Christmas morning. He thinks the family will think we're ridiculous for buying a 6 year old an ipad. I say it's fine because it's for school. He wants to give it to her but not for Christmas. I just can't imagine giving it to her a week before we open presents. I'm thinking I can wrap it as a joint gift for the two of them and that will make it seem less ridiculous. We are pretty conservative financially and probably haven't spend $400 total on her presents the last 2 or 3 years.
  3. Just bought the 64gb refurbished first generation iPad from the apple store so dd and I no longer have to share. This is my Christmas present to myself. I am very excited about this. It also means that Reg is now forgiven for apple selling out after he posted about them last month. I've been checking every day since they sold out and they just reappeared today.
  4. I never heard of that app before so I just downloaded the free app to try. The reason that I prefer notability to the other apps I've tried is that the writing is smoother and the zoom box for writing works well for dd. I'll try this out to see how I like it for longer pdf's.
  5. My 6 year old is exactly the same. I think if i remember correctly our 6 year olds are both accelerated and using similar curriculum. She can write neat but it requires more time and focus and she just could care less about neat work. She turns in one assignment that looks fine and the next one is terrible. Letters are different sizes and crooked and look sloppy. Math is especially bad, one page has neat numbers reasonably close to the size of the ones on the worksheet and the next is almost illegible. I stopped making her re-write everything and just focus on neatness during handwriting assignments. We also use hwot. I have seen a slight improvement since I allowed her to start cursive. She's been asking for a year and a half but I was waiting for her printing to I prove. I finally gave in since she kept asking and her cursive is better than printing so we might just switch to all cursive when she learns all the letters. I think we may have less of a problem once we switch over.
  6. I will add another vote for Latin for Children. I'm using it for my child that's working on a third grade+ level. We used SOng School Latin and then Prima Latina because we weren't quite ready for LFC when we finished SSL. I haven't looked at Lively Latin but dd enjoys the dvd's with the kids doing the chants for memorization and the little animated stories. Dd also occasionally plays the games on the website.
  7. Here's a pretty good review for photon. I'm going to try it for amazon streaming when I get a chance. http://itunesnotes.blogspot.com/2011/09/use-photon-app-to-watch-amazon-instant.html
  8. The new update I just uploaded added a new night reading theme. This was a topic of discussion a few days ago so I thought I would share. Era: it works in books only not pdf's
  9. So how do you use it for planning? I looked at the website but didn't find much about capabilities.
  10. Load Dropbox on your computer and then save the files in the Dropbox folder on your computer.
  11. This is the second time I've seen this mentioned recently so I'm adding it to my list to check out.
  12. There is a little up/down icon on a blue tab on the right side of the document that lets you go to another page. The developer posted on another thread that the next version with have an option for going directly to specific page. I usually put a copy in iBooks so it's bookmarked and then the one in notability that we write on. That way I know what page we last completed.
  13. Which test did you use? I gave dd one today after reading the thread yesterday but it only had 36 questions. I didn't find any grading instructions so I just figured the percentage right. The section I looked at started at third grade so you must have used a different test.
  14. Dd6 hasn't really asked for much this year. Today my mom called and asked for suggestions for her and my grandparents so I asked dd to give me a list. She would like a Bullseye horse doll from Toy Story 2 but mostly she would like to catch a live fairy and th ability to fly.:lol:
  15. I think it is actually called Reminders. It showed up when I upgraded to ios 5. http://www.apple.com/ios/features.html
  16. Did you upgrade to is 5? I really like the new free reminders app for keeping track of lists and to-do's. I have a bunch of lists in there. Library books to get, books to buy, apps to buy, curriculum to check-out, shopping lists, field trips to plan, etc. you can check things off when they are complete. I've been checking in to some of the homework apps to make lists of assignments for dd when she gets her own iPad. I would be interested to hear how others are using the calendar apps for planning. I've been trying to think through how to use the calendar apps for planning and also specifically for figuring out a plan for memory work. I have the Andrew Cambell memory book and it suggests a file system for memory work that I would like to somehow implement on the iPad so dd could just click on a button and get today's memory work. Hopefully I can get some ideas from others and spend some down time during the holidays figuring this out.
  17. It's the easiest way unless you are getting the PDF online or in email. From there you can just open in Notability directly.
  18. I think I remember reading some other threads about this and that you had to contact the publisher to get it fixed. You might try searching. I think it's a problem specific to the ipad but not necessarily notability and it's not anything you're doing.
  19. The thing about the ipad is that it's very user friendly. The first time dd6 picked it up she just knew how to move around and make things work. It's very intuitive. There are also numerous threads on here with ideas for apps and how do do various things that others have already figured out which makes it even easier.
  20. I like these from Amazon http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B004HO86P6/ref=oh_o01_s00_i00_details It doesn't necessarily work better than the $20 one I bought at Best Buy but it's just as good and because it plugs in to the headphone jack we've managed to keep up with it. We lost the Best Buy one in less than 24 hours.:confused:
  21. I have pdf expert too and like it for some things but notability is better for writing. In PDF expert the writing doesn't look or feel as natural. PDF expert works better for me if I want to type on a document. They are both good apps but I use them for different functions.
  22. I don't think it is necessary to do it for years and years but I don't think it's harmful. I feel like right now I'm taking advantage of my dd's eagerness to learn. Latin is one of dd's favorite subject. After seeing in her Latin book that they had Greek materials, she asked for a year to start Greek before I let her. I thought it would be too much for us to do both at the same time. I was wrong. It's hard for me to keep up but she's not having a problem and loves it. Why deny a child who is enjoying subjects from learning them? I understand it's not required to do it in the grammar stage but it's working for us.
  23. I'm glad I'm not the only one who has a child always correcting them in their foreign language studies! It bothered me a first. Now I've just decided it's okay and unless I'm willing to study harder than her I'm going to have trouble staying ahead. I'm reworking my schedule now so I can have my own memorization period every day to get Greek letters and Latin vocabulary down. Reading this made me realize that math is the only place dd makes mistakes too which explains a lot about her attitude about it. I think we're past the hurdle of her thinking she's bad at it but it book several months of conversations about it, letting her accelerate and do few worksheets which leads to fewer mistakes because she's day dreaming less and incorporating living math books so part of math time is a little more enjoyable for her now.
  24. I don't drink coffee but my aunt gave us a Keurig a few months ago and we love it. We make coffee for guests and tea, hot chocolate & apple cider for ourselves. I'm not sure which model we have but it has 2 options for cup size not three. My parents have 3 options for cup size but never use one of them so I think 2 options is fine. I agree with pp about the water tank issue. Ours is large enough for 4 or 5 servings I think. It would be annoying to have to fill it between cups. ETA: Availability of K-cups is another big plus. They have lots of options available at grocery stores and Walmart now and a large catalog for mail orders. I'm not familiar with the Mr. Coffee machine but if it doesn't use K-cups I would check on availability of whatever is uses.
  25. I suspect this might be dd's issue too. It's not even very hard for her. It comes easier to her than probably 99% of kids but it's the only part of her schoolwork that seems to be even a little challenging. I told dh a long time ago that for us math is about character training more than the arithmetic right now.
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