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Everything posted by acurtis75

  1. Biology exam hd is free today and splashtop which lets you access your desktop/laptop remotely & also stream flash content is 99 cents. I think I paid $4 for it.
  2. Have you tried finding a rental instead of a hotel, I have used this site many times. We are going to Disney in February and I just find a house with 4 bedrooms & 3 bathrooms for $600 for the entire week. You could cook, do presents, etc and make it a home away from home. It generally works out less expensive for is than a hotel. http://www.homeaway.com/
  3. I think it depends on th app you view them in. Some apps will have a built in ability to click on the link and hold (like when trying to select or copy) and then will bring up an option to open in browser.
  4. The ipad2 has a camera/video camera. Since I already had the ipad2 it was an easy choice for me to get the ipad1 with more memory for dd since she I will probably store movies, etc for traveling. The video camera is nice but you would have to decide how much you would use it. Now that I have both devices here to compare the only really obvious difference is the size & weight. The 1 is thicker and heavier. It probably wouldn't be as obvious if I weren't looking at them next to each other. Other than that and the camera it would be hard to tell them apart. They also dropped the prices on the ipad2's so the 16gb is $419 (if they have it) and the 32gb is $499 which is the same price as a new one with 16gb. If you want the camera you might go that route to get twice as much memory. I got both refurbished iPads in the mail this week and they look and function as if they're brand new. There's no reason to buy a new one. I had to want the apple store every day to get the 64gb one because it was sold out. I would guess there will be more after Christmas but I would check daily and make a quick decision when you find one available
  5. I forgot to mention iTunes university downloads and podcasts. I also download to listen in the car.
  6. I think there was an option in iTunes for getting the picture on to the iPad it was the other way around I was having trouble with. I'll check it out next time I go to my office where the my laptop with iTunes now stays all the time. I will try the auto play option. I was limiting my thinking to iTunes but the auto play should work fine. I also need to figure out how to put videos from our camera in to iTunes so I can get them to the iPad to edit in imovies.
  7. I find it amusing that you start the post with saying it's easy but then typed out approximately 100 steps:lol: Next time dd goes to Grandma's I'll pull the iPad out of it's hiding place and give this a try. Thanks for your help.
  8. Did you do th iOS 5 upgrade? If not, you should do it before loading a bunch of stuff. The iPad 2 is a much better video camera than camera. It was designed specifically that way because most people have smartphones that take good pictures. The only pictures I have taken that turn out well are outside in bright sunlight. Videos on the other hand always turn out great and I love the iMovie app for editing them. The next step is to search for the many recent threads that list everyone's favorite apps for school and fun. There have been many and I've downloaded about 40 apps after reading them. Here's a few good ones off the top of my head.. Notability Brainpop This day in history Math bingo Stack the states Presidents vs aliens Stack the countries Monopoly hd which is normally $10 is free today Scrabble Sat question of the day Sat vocab free Art puzzles Word wit Geomaster puzzles Singapore math Star walk Netflix abc, NBC & TNT all have apps that let you watch shows on the iPad Don't forget to try FaceTime or Skype Teamviewer or splash top are apps that allow you to access your desktop remotely, my laptop hasn't left the office since I got the ipad That should keep you busy for a while:lol:
  9. I bought them as a gift for a friend's son this year and then another set for dd after reading about them here. I think they will be a big hit but if not I figure I'll just use them as a science lesson.
  10. I'm so glad I read this thread even though I don't have the Fire. I just snagged Monopoly for free and will now be checking Appshopper regularly. I didn't know it existed! I've been following the Fire threads because my mom originally asked for it for Christmas because she thought the iPad was more than dad was willing to spend. We chipped in together & she's getting the iPad.
  11. Okay, so if I understand correctly you have more than one copy of iTunes and they are on different computers but use the same Id? I could do that too but now I need an explanation on how to get apps from one iTunes to the other. I think that would work okay but I'm not sure how to make it happen. We have 2 laptops and several desktop computers. I think the issue with sharing one iTunes installation for us will be a problem for your kids also and that is every time I sync it adds whatever I delete right back. It is less of a problem if they have more memory but my ipad2 is only 16gb and I want to remove all the apps I have for dd from my iPad. I can't delete apps in iTunes because I want them on one device but not both. I think having two installations will fix that. I was hoping you had a solution for the photo thing but since you don't I will figure it out and post what I discover. The way I understand the allowance program is that I set an amount and I'm then charged the set amount monthly and it's available for dd to use. I probably won't let dd purchase apps, just books & audiobooks. Of course it's a little easier for us to keep and eye on dd's purchase since she'll be sharing the iPad with dh and she's an only child. If dh agrees to trying the allowance i'll let you know how it works. Your job is a bit more challenging.:lol:
  12. I have a friend who did just that. I think the iphone without a data plan or connection even works on wireless and is used as a sort of ipod device and her kids still use it for games.
  13. This is basically what I'm doing too. The only reason I didn't initially say just go for LFC is because I wasn't sure about completing three levels in 2 years and I was thinking you would want to go for as much mastery as possible in the shortest time period. I used Prima Latina between Song School Latin and LFC and we also found it boring. I just looked at our LFC A to see how many lessons are in there. We go a little slower than the recommended schedule because my dd is young and we're in no hurry so I wasn't sure about the length. It has 32 lessons. Theoretically I guess you could probably get through all 3 levels in 2 years. I think adults learn Latin in seminary in less than 2 years. So far my experience has been that dd (who is 6) learns foreign language more easily and retains more than either myself or any other adult I know so I guess it can be done. DD loves LFC and I think if we were pushing we could spend about 20 - 30 minutes a day and finish at least one lesson per week. The videos are engaging and she enjoys the website and activity book. It's one of her favorite subjects. I have no Latin background. I took 2 years of Spanish in high school and 1 in college but don't remember much of it and I haven't found teaching LFC to be difficult because of the dvd's and format of the curriculum.
  14. I'm pasting my question here and making a new thread so hopefully Reg or someone who knows what they are doing can help. Reg - can you give me a quick overview of how you are managing apps and books. I have googled and looked at apple help but so far can't find instructions. I set up dd's new ipad in my itunes and it loaded all my books and all the apps on there automaticallly. I am going to do the ios update today while she's at Grandma's and I have some time to work. I would like to have some music, books & apps on both devices and others on either hers or mine. I'm not sure how to accomplish this. Also, I don't think my photos and videos from the ipad2 are backed up automatically. How are you managing those files? I would like to get them off the device and on to my computer either in itunes or some other way since they take up so much memory. Do you use iallowance for itunes? I'm considering trying it for dd to buy books. I may end up having to use it for myself if I look to closely at my itunes bills for the last two months.:001_huh:
  15. Is the pain still constant or is it intermittent? If it isn't unbearable and seems to be getting better you might just wait a month or so and see if it improves. Minor tears in healthy people often heal on their own. An MRI is an expensive test to pay for and then be told she needs to avoid strenuous exercise for a few weeks until she feels better. I had similar knee pain at that age. I was athletic and played several sports but the doctor said it was normal for growing girls, for the most part it got better with time and I just lived with it. A serious tear will not get better with time so if it's still causing her a lot of pain after a month or so you can get the MRI. My dh had an acl and meniscus tear years ago and it required surgery but the pain was so bad he couldn't stand on the leg.
  16. Bumping so reg can see this and rescue me from my efforts in iTunes management futility...
  17. A few years ago dh was getting frequent colds and a relative suggested probiotics. They seemed to do wonders for him & dd. I think th brand is primadolphalis or something like that. I don't know much about them but I know my aunt told me to be strong enough to work they needed to be the type that require refrigeration. I bough them at the vitamin store and they were about $18.
  18. No, we bought mom the iPad2 with 16gb because she will probably use the video camera and she has an iPhone 4s with 16gb already. I don't think she'll have any trouble running out of memory. Did you return your iPad? I certainly have no intention of returning ours. I'm going to do the iOS upgrade today but the initial setup on the 64gb went fine. It is a little heavier and bigger but I doubt I would have noticed as much if I wasn't comparing it side by side with the iad2. I do think the 3 is coming out next year. My husband might end up with one see he let dd and I both get ours first even though he could use it for work.
  19. Apple is now sold out of all first generation iPads AND the 16gb ipad2. Glad I didn't hesitate when I looked at the site last week. I rec'd dd's new first generation and have already started setting it up. My dad & sisters and I all chipped in to get one for mom too. I can't wait to see how excited they both are Christmas day. I'm also very excited not to have to share anymore but I think I mentioned that. :lol: As an added bonus dh and I can now play scrabble on the local network option instead of pass and play. Now I can read while I wait for him to play which takes way too long.
  20. We live in Houston a few hours away but we have friends in San Antonio and when we visit we attend their church. We go to a very small traditional conservative church in Houston but love visiting their big church with the big worship band. Music is great and the message is biblically sound. It's very different than what we're used to but we really look forward to it. I'm attaching a link. http://www.communitybible.com/
  21. I think the rn's theory is flawed. Everything I've ever read about children who avoid drugs has nothing to do with when or how they were exposed but rather with whether or not they made the decision about what their boundaries were BEFORE they were offered alcohol or drugs.
  22. I think the issue of thoroughness is really an issue of scope & sequence. As the pp explained the mastery aspect of mus and the s & s are different than other programs but you are on schedule after 3rd or 4th grade. I wanted to add that I use mus for my advanced dd because it's easy to accelerate. Lots of people mentioned using it for children who struggle and it is great for that but it's not the only audience at benefits from the teaching style. My daughter appreciates the straightforwardness of the teaching and enjoyed playing width the blocks. As a mathy person myself i really appreciate the way mr. Demme clearly explains the why and not just the how of each concept. There is an emphasis on knowing when do problems not just how. We've completed beta, gamma & half of delta over the last year and a half. I recently gave her our state taks test for 3rd grade math and there was one problem out of 40 that covered an obscure topic that we haven't covered but everything else was covered. I can't remember what the topic was right now but she got 90 percent right on the test.
  23. I would teach him while you have the chance. I would just plan 2 years worth of study possibly even using a program geared towards getting to translation and lots of derivatives quickly. I think Henle might work for that objective but I haven't looked at it because we're using lfc and don't have the time limit you are working with. I know others here are using it and could probably provide better details. I think you can cover a substantial amount of Latin in two years.
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