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Everything posted by acurtis75

  1. You don't have to put an * anywhere...u just have to post on this board and they'll be gone in no time. :glare:
  2. I didn't retread the entire thread but with no wifi you can use Dropbox to shave the file on your computer for printing. It's an extra step but it works well.
  3. Is it curly? Her hair sounds a lot like my dd. as discussed on another recent thread we use a product called Mixed Chicks that we order online.
  4. I will probably put it in there and use it when traveling but will also print pages. Until I get the second iPad we have to share so dd still does some stuff on paper so I can use the iPad.
  5. I forgot about your switch to iPad so we weren't comparing apples to apples since I'm on an ipad2. Since dd won't be typing on forums I guess she'll be okay with the ipad1. I'm still holding out hope that they will have the 64gb one after Christmas. Maybe lots of people will get new ipad2's and there will be new refurbished ones available. I just can't talk myself in to paying an extra hundred for the one available now just because it has 3G which we will never use.
  6. Currclick has some freebies for cyber Monday. I just picked up this: http://www.currclick.com/product_info.php?products_id=30947&it=1&filters=0_0_0_0_0_24409 I also got a free Christmas unit, cursive copy work book full of Thomas Jefferson quotes and a few other things I haven't had time to look through yet. I glanced over the physics book and it looks fun and interesting. Btw the iPad autocorrect wanted to change Currclick to curry lick. :001_huh: glad I caught that in the title before it was saved for posterity.
  7. I searched first but didn't find anything. I am looking for recommendations for easy to use meal planning apps for the iPad. I have used menu mailer from http://www.savingdinner.com in the past and like the format but if there was a similiar app I would prefer that to just using the pdf menu mailers. What I like about the menu mailer Mis that the grocery list is put together for you, the week is planned out, it's affordable and healthy and the recipes taste good but aren't overly complicated. Is there anything like this for the iPad? For those of you who are using a meal planner I would love to know what you like and dislike about the one your using.
  8. My daughter's hair is VERY curly. I never wash it with shampoo more than once a week. If she sweats a lot or plays in the dirt I "wash" it with conditioner. I tried a bunch of different products on dd's hair before I found this http://Www.mixedchicks.net It works great for us. I use the adult products because we like it better than the kids stuff. Even when we we are out of town or out of the products we use the methods described on the website for whatever products we're using.
  9. I think this is something the developers are working on but you can't do it right now. Fwiw I keep my teacher copies in iBooks so they will be bookmarked and just keep the student copies of things dd needs to write on in notability.
  10. I checked my settings for safari and probably don't have the same level of security that you do. I don't do any online shopping from the browser because anything I would buy would come from the app store, an amazon app, etc. Here are my settings: Open new tabs in background, always show bookmarks and private browsing are all off. Allow cookies is set to from visited. Fraud warning, java script and block pop-ups are all on. Other than cookies, I'm not sure what would impact auto refresh So if there's something else I should check let me know. Before I got distracted in my previous post I was going to say I have lost long replies on my laptop because I get distracted and leave it open too long.
  11. This is usually what we spend on dd but she's an only so I don't think it's reasonable to compare with someone who has 8:lol: we have always tried to limit the number of presents/toys dd gets but extended family doesn't listen very well. This year I want to get her an iPad but dh is making us wait until after Christmas because he thinks $399 is a ridiculous amount for a Christmas present but it's okay as a school supply. We have siblings who either make significantly less money or have way more kids so we try to be considerate of that and not over do the spending. We generally open gifts with my family and his family gets lots of pictures so we would never let her open an iPad in front of family.
  12. I haVen't had this problem with posting on the iPad and I did upgrade to ios5. I always have multiple tabs open. Right now there are 5. I don't have a keyboard yet because I still haven't decided which one to buy so I'm just using the onscreen keyboard. I don't think my tabs are auto refreshing when I return to them. I'm not sure if this is a setting somewhere but you might check. I have had the problem on my laptop if I get distracted in the middle of a post and take to long to finish my post. I
  13. We discovered dd needed glasses when she was 5. She had an eye infection caused by a scratch and she couldn't read the eye chart at the emergency room. Up to that point we had no idea she couldn't see because she was able to see up close and read just fine. When we got the glasses she went around for days saying things like, "wow, now I can see pastor on stage at church...he's not a blur anymore". I guess we would have taken her for a regular eye exam at some point but we felt horrible that we didn't know she couldn't see. If/when we have another child they will get regular eye exams before K.
  14. If you don't mind Christian material the book The Heart of Anger for teens by Paul Tripp is a great resource for dealing with attitude problems. I have use the book that is aimed at younger children frequently to discuss attitude issues with my much younger daughter. I haven't btdt yet but I just want to encourage you to persevere. I'm visiting relatives for the holidays and having to deal with full grown adults who act just the way you described your son. When he's grown and out of the house he will appreciate your diligence in training him.....or at least other people in his life will.:) ETA one thing I appreciate about the book is that it offers specific advice for parents on how not to "provoke your children to anger" or in other words how not to make it worse.
  15. Have you considered going with the iPad and just getting a keyboard for it. There's another thread about this very topic. http://www.welltrainedmind.com/forums/showthread.php?t=327255
  16. Reg could probably provide a more technical answer but my answer on speed is that most things I do on the iPad and my notebook are faster on the iPad. I can't explain why but there is a big difference on some things and a smaller difference on others. I use web applications for work and they are substantially faster on the iPad. I'm not a programmer and don't use fortran but here are a few links to check out that might answer your questions. http://blog.revolutionanalytics.com/2010/09/running-r-on-the-ipad.html http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6931958/is-it-possible-to-compile-fortran-code-for-ipad A quick search in the app store for programming apps came up with close to 200 options. I would imagine some of them would be applicable but it's not my area of expertise.
  17. If you have a fairly new printer there's a good chance there is an app for your printer that will allow you to scan directly to the iPad. My epson workforce 615 allows me to do it. I sometimes get documents on there that way. If it's something I already have on the computer I get it to the iPad using the free dropbox application. I can also print directly to my printer from the iPad or email the file if needed.
  18. You can also use the google spreadsheet program or download the app that lets you view and edit Microsoft office products on the iPad.
  19. Yep, me too. I love the reminder app that came with the iOS 5 update. I have lists for all kinds of stuff. Library list, curriculum to check out list, field trips to plan list, ebooks to buy, Christmas shopping list, home & office to do lists, a planning list for upcoming trips, etc. It's so easy to keep up with in the iPad and it's always with me at the store.
  20. It's also an option to get the wifi version and upgrade your cell to one that acts as a hotspot or to buy a separate hotspot. We have one from Verizon thatwe pay about $40 per month to use. It allows us to get all devices on when we are traveling instead of just the iPad. We don't use it that much though and both dh and I will switch to cellphones that can be used as hotspots when we upgrade next year so we can drop the service.
  21. Targus and Logitech both make good ones. I saw one at the mall the other day that allowed you to type with the iPad in landscape or portrait mode and the keyboard was removable. I forgot to write down the brand name so when I went to search for it online I couldn't find it. I'm traveling but plan to do back to the mall to look again when I get back.
  22. If you need something before ssl2 comes out you might consider Prima Latina. I used it after we finished SSL because my dd wasn't ready for lfc yet. It wasn't as fun and doesn't have as many bells and whistles as SIL and lfc but it served a purpose. Like SSL it is vocabulary based and doesn't really touch on grammar other than to identify that the weekly lists are nouns or verbs, etc. The program covers a lot of derivatives. LFC is definately a big step up in difficulty. It jumps right in to grammar covering declensions and longer lists of words fr each lesson. We really like it and I think it's worth the money but it requires a pretty big jump in work required to learn the lesson material.
  23. The storage issue is the main reason I can't see ditching a computer all together at this point. As I mentioned on the other post I can envision a single computer or server for the family in the future. We'll see what happens when the laptops die. You explained the app concept well. I was trying to figure out how to word it and didn't come up with anything that made sense so I'm glad you chimed in. I love the portability of the iPad. We're on vacation and everyone is asleep but me. I can quietly read or browse the internet without disturbing dh who is eight next to me snoring or dd who is in the same room.
  24. I forgot to mention that I can leave the iPad on all day. It goes to sleep to preserve battery but only takes a second to turn back on. My notebook seems to take forever to boot. I can pull the iPad out of my purse, do what I need to do and put it right back in my purse with no waiting for start up or shut down. Battery life is another big plus. It really does get up to 10 hours. I normally use it off and on from about 9am to 9pm without charging. It would of course be a shorter time if it was continuous use but either way it beats the heck out of my notebook.
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