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Everything posted by acurtis75

  1. I started on the alpha level and we're now on delta. Dd loves the videos, Mr. Steve and the blocks. The program has worked well for us.
  2. It's good to hear this plan worked for someone else. I tried multiple spelling programs and because dd is a naturally good speller it seemed like they were a waste of time. We only tried this plan for a month before we moved in to our holiday schedule which is a lot lighter but it seems to be working well. At least I feel like she's learning something since she can't spell all the words right before we start the lesson! I plan to start back in January.
  3. I have had the same problem. I don't know about a particular scripture but a read a really good book that helped me called Eight Stone Gates. I loaned it to someone so I'm not sure about the author's name but I think it might be Dan Manningham. It's about controlling thoughts and although it didn't fix the problem totally it did help. The author has another book on worry & anxiety also.
  4. Other than knowing that they have a coffee machine at the office I'm not sure. It seems like I should know more about them...we've spent time hanging out on company trips but I talk to him way more than her on a regular basis. I may end up with a gift basket if I don't come u with something more inspiring soon.
  5. I need gift ideas for a married couple in their late 50's. The husband works with dh and I. He doesn't technically work "for us" but we are responsible for his supervision and we get paid off of the work he does even though he runs an independent office. I would like to get them something nice that shows our appreciation for his work. It isn't too expensive. Maybe $50 or so. We have traveled with them for company functions but I don't know the wife all that well so I'm stumped.:confused:
  6. Our schedule has always defaulted to a loop because I try to do too much in one day. I have never intentionally scheduled a loop but I'm planning to try it in January. For us the every day subjects will be Bible, Memory (which thanks to the iPad and Andrew Cambell's book will now be an actual organized daily assignment), and math. We also generally do a brainpop video a day and a few other ipad activities. The rotation of other subjects will be: Spelling lists from the local just for fun spelling bee FLL WWE MCT Island Sotw 2 Apologia Anatomy & Physiology LFC a Song School Greek Fun science videos from the web Mindbenders Geography songs and country unit studies Handwriting/cursive I'm also checking in to adding a few other subjects on the iPad like piano and art. Eta: we will also have non-fiction assigned reading several days per week. I don't really have o assign literature or fiction because dd would spend the whole day reading if I let her.
  7. I have just started to research this idea for our homeschool but I'm finding quite a few apps that will be useful. I'm not sure what language you teach but so far I've found resources available for Greek & Latin which we are currently learning and for Spanish, Italian, French & German that are just for fun at this point. There are also apps available for Chinese , Arabic, Japanese and various other languages I haven't checked in to yet. I think you will be able to find a lot of options and resources available.
  8. If you really want to give it to him buy it on your number and then just switch phones. You would need to verify with your carrier that this is okay. I am with Sprint and know for sure they allow this because we've done it before. We just bought the phone we wanted with my updgrade and then went to Sprint and told them to switch and assign the newer phone to dh's number and the older one to mine. Then 6 monhs later when he was eligible we did the same thing again to upgrade mine. It's a few extra steps but if you really want something to wrap up it will do the trick.
  9. I don't know how long washing and conditioning takes and whether it's realistic but for my dd who has curly hair we always wash after swimming in either chlorine or salt water. We might only wash with conditioner (like recommended on the curly girl website. If we don't wash out the chlorine or salt it gets way to dry and breaks. eta: if her hair is coarse enough that you can rinse it out and it will still stay in the braids then that might be okay along with conditioning. My dd's hair won't stay braided after getting wet because it's not coarse enough.
  10. Dd likes Math Bingo. There is a game component where you sling some kind of bingo bug around to get coins but you have to do the math drill bingo to earn the bugs I think. The version we have is for multiplication and division but I think there is one for addition & subtraction. S-Kruis Tafels is a little different but dd enjoys it and it's more pure math vs. game. There is a practice tables mode that just works on whatever multiplication table you select and a game mode that dd really enjoys. It is like a puzzle where you fill in missing variables for multiplication facts. It's hard to explain but she likes it and it's good for drill. eta: I'm not sure if these meet all your criteria but they are worth checking out.
  11. I haven't had anyone ask specifically if it's illegal but I think when people ask what kind of regulations and rules I have to follow they are hinting around the subject. I've had several people ask me how homeschoolers are monitored to make sure we are teaching our children properly.
  12. My mom's new phone came in last week and she had to sync it and do set up before she switched to the new one. I would think you could just wrap up the new phone for him and let him do the set-up after he opens it.
  13. I have no idea how I didn't know he was homeschooled. I had to google it:lol:. I was already a big fan so that just puts it over the edge for me.
  14. I have no idea how I didn't know he was homeschooled. I had to google it:lol:. I was already a big fan so that just puts it over the edge for me.
  15. We travel a lot and are always running around town even when we're not traveling. For us, the iPad has been a huge help. I can load work on it for dd to do in the car. I also have brainpop for her to watch videos and a lot of books on there. This prevents me from having to bring SO MUCH STUFF everywhere we go!
  16. I agree with pp. MM is probably the most affordable option for acceleration. I use mathusee. We pass it on to relatives after we're done so I don't mind going through multiple levels in a year. We watch the DVD, work a few problems and if she seems to get it I just let her take the test. We've been moving at a slower pace the last month or so because of travel and visiting relatives but if we hadn't slowed down we probably would have completed a year's worth of lessons in 2 or 3 months.
  17. Was it your math curriculum? I remember some recent threads about problems with a PDF math curriculum loading improperly on iPads and macs and requiring some sort of work around that is available on the publisher's website. I think it was either MEP or Math Mammoth but I'm not sure.
  18. I don't know if this one is the best option but it works well, is cheap and I didn't lose it the first day like the $20 one I bought from Best Buy. http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B004WB7IAS/ref=oh_o03_s00_i00_details
  19. If it's something you are accessing in the browser on the iPad you can just use the "open in" option at the top right of the screen. I do this to put pdf's in iBooks if I'm just going to read it or Notability if we need to write on it or both if we need both. For things that are stored on my computer already I use Dropbox or email it to myself.
  20. 1. Trip to Puerto Rico 2. Riding on a tube behind a really fast boat in Maryland 3. Having a profitable year in business after 5 or 6 years that were a terrible struggle just to stay in business 4. My new iPad 5. My dad miraculously surviving his heart attack despite being hard headed & not going to the doctor for a month after this symptoms started.
  21. I use the shark handheld steamer and basically work from top down and then finish with vacuuming and steam mopping. The only thing worse than dust for us is smelling chemicals so the steam cleaning has been great for us. It's quick and efficient. I start with croqpwn molding, then above doors, blinds, etc. and then cabinets and counters before moving on to baseboards. Eta: I've always hated dusting too but somehow doing it with the steamer attachment seems less like dusting.
  22. :iagree: I would make sure that's the focus when you have the conversation with him. I would do it in person, after he returns and start the conversation by saying, "you are an adult and don't need my permission to make plans like these.." and then I would go on to explain that part of being an adult is being considerate of others whom you live with and communicating your plans to those you live with so they won't be worried.
  23. I love the ipad so much that I just bought dd her own so we don't have to share. If you search additional threads for ipad and apps you can discover all the ways various people are using it for school. My netbook hasn't left the office since I bought the ipad. It is infinitely more user friendly for children than using a netbook. The battery on my ipad lasts 2 to 3 times as long as the one on my netbook. We travel a lot so this was a big plus for me. Movies look better on it. It's easier to hold for long trips. The only advantage of a netbook is the keyboard and you can get a keyboard for the ipad if you find the need to have one. I have decided I can live with the large on screen keyboard. Today my dd did her math while we were driving around doing errands. She did it by writing on the pdf worksheets in Notability. You can't really do that on a netbook. Check out the apple store for refurbished options. If you don't care about having a camera you can get a first generation ipad with 64gb of memory for $399. You save $50 on an ipad 2 and they come with the same warrantly as a new one. ETA: I haven't found one thing I NEED to do that I can't do on my ipad. I like to watch movies that require flash and you can't do that in the Safari browser but there are some apps to work around that and watch flash content. I haven't had time to try them yet but they get good reviews so I'm pretty sure they work.
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