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Everything posted by SonshineLearner

  1. Read to her now! (At or above her level) Play :) Fun thing? Check out some Montessori sites for fun things to make for her :)
  2. I suggest either way that you have the floors painted before carpeting next time. It's a special paint, we got ours at Sherwin Williams, I believe. You just roll it on and it prevents smells from coming up through the floors. It also makes it so the floors are not previously "marked" ;) I would not allow the small dog thing, and would be careful. I mean.... I didn't leave my dog in the house by himself for the first 3 years we had him because of being careful, but when I was in my 20's and had my first apartment with a room mate.... Darn... poor landlords...
  3. Some of those numbers should get ported over to the cell :) Our old house number is one of our cells now ;) I never really had that phone number to call forever :( We moved too much.....
  4. How are you? I saw this yesterday, but didn't comment till now. I hope you're doing much better! Lots of people pray that haven't even made a post back to you!! :)
  5. Please have someone with you at the hospital... and for a while. This freaks me out for you because a friend of mine, 38... very good shape...etc. ended up having a 2nd heart attack at the hospital and her family/husband had gone home. It was a mishap between nurses and Dr that ignored the EKG reading.... (is that what it's called?) Anyway, young does not mean that it can't be very serious! :( Take care!!
  6. Did you see how much a month after?? I showed this to my mom and she was wondering that and also how it's different than Netflix... and of course we didn't think you were spam :)
  7. Hey There, I'm looking for some help with meltdowns :( I never really saw the difference between a tantrum and a meltdown, but I think that my son is having meltdowns (as opposed to tantrums) He becomes fixated on something that he didn't "get" like say yesterday. His friend and he fished... and his friend got 2 fish and he only got one huge one that he didn't get to reel in all the way (it got off). My husband actually tried to "get the fish" as it was on the mud where it was almost able to be reached. SO, my husband had wet feet/shoes... (and it was on his jean legs, too) We ended up having to take off because that was only part of the day. In the walk back he was beside himself crying (that gasp/cry/horrible sound) and my husband thought he could make him stop.... So he kinda started getting on him.... I ended up taking him and having him bite the apple. (I knew he was hungry) I'm pretty sure that this isn't meds related, but more age/ADHD in general. He is taking meds, though, for his ADHD. I just read ADHD Meltdowns and am hoping to form a plan. If someone has successfully come out of this stage... I'd love to know. I actually am not the easily embarrassed type (in relation to my kids) but it makes me more embarrassed to see my husband frustrated, even though I understand. :( Hints/Been there, Done that help? Thanks!:bigear:
  8. I'm so sorry for you and your sister :( Yup, I know that "If I could go back in time" bit, too! :(
  9. A decent size of sea salt with that water :) I put the sea salt in my mouth... and then wash down with water. Water alone does not do it for me :)
  10. Ok, I fess up :) I voted other so I could see what people voted :)
  11. I said till college visits. I'm slightly joking :) My son still prefers to sleep with someone; he'd be fine if he had a sibling to sleep with. He's going to be 9 yrs in July :)
  12. Scary :( Sorry... Glad you knew what was going on!!
  13. It also matters if they're "organic" or at least fed food that is organic but just not "certified organic" :)
  14. Very cool!! :) I'm gonna start jogging again tomorrow.... I've lost weight this year and only have about 10 or so lbs to lose... I'd like to do that in the next few weeks. Good Luck to all of us!! :)
  15. You can spank away and it won't break the habit unless it's what his "language" is.... I'd suggest the tomato staking, the time-outs... Do something that you can ABSOLUTELY do EVERY time :) Spanking is so hard to do every time. When I called the Love & Logic line they suggested a 20 minute time out every time. (No fun things in room.... you need to make it so they feel a bit of "torture") Sorry that this is a punitive measure, and not just a short "time-out" but it needs to be "hard enough" that they remember to not hit/hurt. Something else to consider... you may be dealing with a problem that will surface as something like ADD/ADHD when they're older. Not trying to diagnose... just letting you know what you may be dealing with. (Still needs consequence, just maybe he won't have impulse control for quite a while)
  16. I've heard great things about ALEKS :) Khan Academy's system is such that you can go through and pick individual weak spots to work on... :) Highschool Teachers are sometimes available for tutoring for the summer. Maybe someone local could do summer tutoring? :)
  17. I'm wanting seasoned advice, so I came here :D Please :D Ok, so my son is 8yrs old; he'll be 9 in July. I am trying to decide what I should do with him now to prepare him for Highschool/College. He can retell (narrate?) a whole cd/cartoon/book read to him. He does NOT like to read a chapter book or anything more than comics, but he does have the ability to read large books. His vocabulary is advanced for his age, I think. His strengths are Math/ Electronics/Science and SOTW I and II :) I was just talking to a writing teacher yesterday, whose son is in 3rd grade, too. She was talking about her son writing a "paper" each week and his opening. It was actually incredible. :) She's the teacher I'd love for my son in 7th grade and well... I just started thinking about how much he needs to do now... to prepare for later :) I'm sure there are a wide amount of variables, but I'm wondering if this is a situation where it doesn't matter how much you do along the way, it still turns out the same in HS/College. OR, do I need to force him to start writing papers now if I want him to be a great writer, later. I guess the question is, "What makes a great writer, and when do they have to start committing their thoughts to paper?" :bigear: Thanks!! :)
  18. This is funny :) Curious if you all have had seriously messy houses and now keep the messy monster under control :)
  19. Wow, I've looked into this. I think it'd be a great system (I've heard good things about it) and I would be a great tutor :) Just trying to figure out how to jump into it ;)
  20. If you feel a bit unsafe, then shove your bed up against the wall, put the baby there. There are little rectangles that they can sleep in... kinda like a little cot in your bed. Then they are with you, but don't get under (your) covers as easily. Under most circumstances I think it's just fine and not more risky than sleeping alone. (If you're doing drugs... legal or not... or drinking... or have some type of sleep problem that you don't wake up.. then don't...)
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