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Everything posted by SonshineLearner

  1. Hey There ;) Who has a good version of Hercules for my son to listen to? I'd love something to download... paid or free ;)
  2. How sad :( She was denied a transplant because "recovery" isn't "possible"? That is incredibly sad for her and her family :( Gosh... makes you wanna hug your kids tighter... and cry for Molly :( and her family :(
  3. Hold 'em tight:) Sorry about guilt feelings... we all have them, sometimes... Hope that overall it was a good day for you :)
  4. I would have to tell my sis that spanking around my children really scares them for their daughter. I realize that that's what their family does, but would it work to punish their children at home. I have to say, I've spanked my kids... I used a wooden spoon... I didn't really spank around others... I did spank in a separate room... But, with a belt... you can hear it. You hear the child screaming/crying.... It does produce a sickening feeling in your stomach. I'm not sure if I'd spank my kids if I had it to do over. I DO know that I wouldn't want someone else to feel uncomfortable being part of something private. If I were going to spank, I would be a far space in the house... I also would only spank for something that I felt couldn't be handled another way, and honestly... most things can be. :(
  5. So I'm curious where you're leaving him here, I've seen the place up "in the hills" advertised, but didn't go check it up. I don't know... I count my pup as one of my children, since I only have a few real kiddos :) and he follows me round like a part of me... but when he goes, he gives a slight look back... and then leaves. When he comes back.... he just lays on his bed and sleeps ;)
  6. It's required... the vaccine.... you'll have to show proof.
  7. Hey Kelly :) Where are you boarding him? We board ours at a spot called Pet Village Turner Road. They train German Shepherds and what I've heard is that you should board once in a while, when they're still young so it's not stressful. Our dog actually likes the place, and for a bit more they'll do training for you. (That's what I'm thinking of next time I have to leave him for a few days) I pay a bit for them to take him out each day and play with him. Do you have his Bordetella vaccine up to date?? :)
  8. The problem with absolutely forbidding it, is that she'll do it smarter next time. Getting an account is not difficult:(
  9. I'd probably put on a joking mood attitude and comment that it "Looks like you like the name....... (fill in the blank) you forgot to add me to your FB friends. Please send a request so I know how to FB friend you and remember to message me your password and such.... You know the rules... See ya later..." I wouldn't get in a big lecture... I would make sure that I kept an eye on it... (which is why you want the log in info) Because.. of course, they can select for you not to get any of their posts... Sorry... parenting teens can really suck!! :(
  10. Out of those, I'd pick Texas :) I also like Oklahoma... but that's not on your list. I'm not exactly sure where in TX, but I spent many years as a child there... and my parents and I have good memories. :)
  11. Hmmmm... well, first I got my feelings hurt, because my bio-daughter told me she thinks it's creepy that I might watch.... my husband's ex-wife's daughter this summer.... (creepy?? her mom asked me!!!) She's 3 and cute and I get to send her home at night... on top of that, she likes me! And my almost 9 year old son loves her... he calls her his "sister's sister"... that's how he refers to her... so cute :) Got to hear about how my step-daughter thinks I do a horrible job with my son and how she's afraid I'll ruin her sister. :( I could go on... but.... I really would love to be with my mom and daughter someplace wonderful tomorrow... :) Instead... I'll be with a larger amount of people... trying to enjoy one of my mom's last Mother's days... :(
  12. I looked at the posts that were linked here. My son LOVES to read the Beast Academy Books. Seriously, he doesn't read anything "for fun" but will read comics. (He reads when instructed that he absolutely has to...) So, when I have books like Beast Academy that he willingly reads... I think that's pretty cool, just as another way to sneak in some reading. He is doing some of the problems... For math level... He's in Singapore 4.
  13. :iagree::iagree::iagree::iagree::iagree: It's important to think of the ramifications of turning a family into the state. One evil (no education) does not necessarily mean the evil of the government system (potential problems) is better. Getting help is necessary, turning them in is a big decision. Do they have a church board you could ask for intervention from? Some churches still believe in holding families accountable..... That would be my first step....
  14. Hey Everyone :) Is anyone going to the OHEN Conference in June?? :) I'd love to have some PDX people to meet up with :)
  15. I say "Diluted".... My mom is from Oregon and my Dad from Texas :) My mom enunciates particularly well, and my dad.... well :) He's from Texas :) My mom also says "wa ter" versus "wadder" which most people seem to lazily say :) .... she also says "ed-u-cat-ed" versus "Ed-ju-cat-ed" and "Dor-o-thy" and "di-a-per"... :)
  16. Oh yeh... doesn't Baked Oatmeal take eggs?? :) Also, if they are farm fresh... they'll stay for weeks in a really cold fridge :) (like someone mentioned)
  17. You can make quiche "mix".... Just mix it up and freeze it. (Use a Foodsaver if you're gonna have it a long time) I also so where someone did Pancake mix in ziplocks... all made up. You take it out and let it thaw in the fridge... You could also actually make Pancakes and Waffles and freeze them. Dutch Babies (German Pancakes) take a ton of eggs :) You could make a bunch of cookie dough :) Yum Tons of chocolate chip cookie dough in the freezer :) (Or sugar cookies!! :)) I've seen people on here do Egg McMuffins :) I'd be doing a whole of of "make ahead" and heat up later things :) My kids love pancakes and such... and I'm bad about making it up in the mornings ;)
  18. This is kinda funny to me :) I went to a school where all the kids were black. In my class there was one white boy and me... and all the rest seemed related... (cousins etc... and went to the same church... etc...) This was Public school, but in Texas. I wanted little animal barrettes and braids like them... I wanted to eat grapefruit like an orange... I wanted to play ball... and they told me no :( When I asked why, they answered that I couldn't because I was white :( I would homeschool her, but not say it was because of color. I'd comment that homeschooling it what OUR family does because it's best for US :) I'd also make sure to hang some beautiful art of black people around... Really... study Africa if you want :) Share how wonderful color diversity is... in a natural and "God makes people different" but the same.... way :)
  19. A vet isn't the one to ask... A dog trainer who is a serious trainer... (or perhaps a behavioralist is) I would NEVER have that dog out with others... it's asking for trouble. Seriously, I would at least spend the $$$ to take it to a trainer.... and get their opinion.... and also commit to serious training. Even with that, a dog doesn't belong in the circle of a group of children. Children hit other children, and such, and dogs defend their people. (Which isn't good in that situation)
  20. We have huge amounts of Jim Weiss Cds... I consider them an important part of my son's learning ;) (And he has huge amounts of various cds memorized)
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