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Everything posted by SonshineLearner

  1. I think of myself as VERY conservative :) I can see guys in kilts and think "Wow, good lookin'!!" without wanting to have s*x with them. If my husband can look at another woman and think the same... fine. In fact, I'm pretty sure that almost every guy, when seeing an attractive woman, notices. It's what they do with that visual that is the problem... or not. I mean... I see many beautiful flowers... but it doesn't mean I have to pick them all :)
  2. Just thinking with you... A taller fridge means more space inside... I love our bigger fridge and not having space above it, is worth it... just a thought ;) Also, there is appliance paint :)
  3. The problem with this is that you need to get them done before everything "sets". There are things that can be done while your child is young, that aren't possible when your child is an adult. Also, it depends on how your child's self esteem will be affected. My son thinks that his front two teeth are cool looking... "Like Beaver's teeth" he said... but when he's a bit older and some other kids comment on them... he may not think that's so great....
  4. I liked my hermit crabs :) (Where's the poll? :))
  5. I like that I could multi vote. I voted mixed schooling (public for the girls and home for the boy) & kilts :) Son jumped around and escaped to the outdoors when possible!! Bio daughter got herself all together and did well in school... Step always has done well... Summer looks like it will be relaxing, although looks are often deceiving. :)
  6. At least you didn't get smooshed by any animals :)
  7. Sounds good except I don't eat Pork and my daughter is allergic to nuts/peanuts... :)
  8. If you're not against using a pinch collar (the really small ones for your size) you'd just leave the little "leash" that is a just a few inches long (not long enough to get tangled) You just give a little "correction" when they jump and say "off" :) Reminds me... I need to do some follow-up with my pup... He's getting too excited and jumping and twirling when he thinks he gets to go "bye-bye" :) (But, he's 70lbs, so it's more of a problem :))
  9. It's such a relief when you're right!! :) About the story, I've spanked my kids... I don't spank my son anymore.... I never spanked my kids for normal behaviour. I would remind my children that they weren't in trouble, just to tell me the truth. How did so and so happen?? I have one child who lies just because it's something that's fun for them... I have one child who tells the truth even if they think it might get them in trouble... I don't believe that my reaction is different between them. Actually, for the one who lies.... I am more careful to show that they aren't in trouble. It's still just easier for them to lie. I can imagine giving a spank to the child who cut the wall hanging... I can't imagine that it's beneficial to spank them for 2 weeks... Good think it didn't go on a year!!
  10. Just something I remembered after my last post. If you get a dog trainer who is recognized, like ours was/is, they may very well be able to speak up on your dog's behalf. Our trainer had worked with police... (had trained police dogs) He had a story of a dog that had bit? and when he was contacted by animal control, had said that the dog was NOT a dog that needed to be put down, that he would train the animal. If it was my dog, I would spend today searching for a trainer that could see it ASAP... Even if not to start training today... could do a screening of it....
  11. We use to keep a large kennel downstairs just so that we could do this. I would also put him in when little kids came, just to be careful. Mind you, my dog is almost 70 lbs, but little dogs can do damage, too. I would NOT just hook the dog up when guests come, as leashes cause a dog to go ballistic, if they're not properly trained.... :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:
  12. Seriously? I would IMMEDIATELY sign up for a class with a reputable trainer. I would NOT sign up at a Pet store or somewhere like that. I would spend some $$$ on this, because if you don't you'll end up spending $$$ anyway, but not be able to keep the dog. To keep this dog, I would have to get it so I could "sit/stay" it. Honestly, I think that all dogs should have serious training!!! (Especially the yippy white rats across the street :))
  13. So sorry :( Hope she finds out what's wrong :( Best wishes for healing!! :)
  14. That's awesome... although I don't know what they are :) Enjoy... :)
  15. This part would be pretty much ok... not texting a ton... but a bit. The boys interested?? Seriously?? Not till she's at least 15 or 16... Dating is ok after Dad talks with boy and shares the "I'll hurt you if you look wrong at my baby..." :) Hair highlights? Hmmmm.... 14-16??
  16. Hey Shelley, I'd love to hear how it goes... I would purchase either of these in a heart beat if I thought they'd work :)
  17. Wow, I'm really sorry :( Prayers for you and your family!! :(
  18. Callirobics looks really good, too. I'm curious about the differences...
  19. "Thanks to Apple's additional discount" Can you tell me about this, pls? :) Also.. we have threads about the other covers but I don't have the links :)
  20. There are two movies... Neither of them would be for younger kids, in my opinion. Your 16 year old would be ok with the newer one... I'm not sure about the older one... It's amazing, but harsh... depends on what they're use to...
  21. Looks incredible. Gummy Bears and Marshmallows are offered around here for icecream :) I'd check and see if there are peanut allergies, if you're inviting people you don't know about :) (Course, have to add that, as my daughter couldn't eat the stuff if there was.... Easy solution for her is to go before contamination :)) Looks incredible!! :)
  22. Salmon Wrapped in Filo Dough I've eaten something similar to this. I've always wanted to try making it ;)
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