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Everything posted by SonshineLearner

  1. I would let her tweeze her eyebrows. I honestly think that's fine as soon as you can see a "Uni" :)
  2. Freakin' mentally insane... I'd love for someone to make a point with that Judge.... He/She needs a logic course... or another job :(
  3. Anyone going? It's in Portland :) http://www.ohen.org/convention This is an inclusive Home Education Conference. There are workshops that are really interesting, and children have their own spots to learn. The Conference is $20 if you early register and that includes one child. Extra pre-registered kids are only $5. :)
  4. Oh my gosh!! Must be because they were "so big" and he thought they needed fed :) Oops :)
  5. Well, I would suggest asking if they'll let your son do 6A with the school... (or whatever one year ahead would be) I think that your son and daughter could do some of the same Shurley... the grammar part at least. :)
  6. :iagree::iagree::iagree::lol: Have to say, that was great!!! Wish it could happen for her....:grouphug:
  7. There has to be a book about weeks like that, right? :(
  8. Did you put the neighbor's info on anything to go to the insurance? Seems like they'd go after something if the bill is high enough...
  9. We use Klean Kanteen's... I did notice that Starbuck's Coffee has nice Glass "cups" that are tall and kinda skinny with a nice cover :)
  10. So... I know her... she's one of my bestest friends... for sure not a troll or anything :)
  11. Just wanted to comment that this is one of best friends and not a troll or anything... At least a couple people on here know that I'm for real :) Although perhaps odd :)
  12. That is SOOO sad. Good for your cat that your husband was there... Good for him/you that he wasn't hurt too badly :(
  13. There is hardwood that has a textured feel... incredible!! My friend has some... Maybe something like this :)
  14. So sorry :( Hoping what's right "comes to light" ..... Best wishes!!! :)
  15. Thanks for the post :) I posted, and I think you commented on that thread. My daughter is going next Friday to the Children's Hospital here. I'm not sure what kind of regimen they'll "prescribe/suggest". I do know she'd love massage to be included :) She dances 4x a week. Next year she's been accepted to the Dance team with is 4x a week and then she'd like to take 7 classes:) Too bad she won't have that much time. I've been depressed the last few days about not knowing until now, with the end of her growth coming soon :( But, I do think that doing dance must have helped... or at least not hurt... (Hers is a 24 degree curve) I will have my son checked when he's much younger... I found out only because my daughter had a sport's check-up. :(
  16. So, for a friend I love... I'm posting :) We're wondering what type of "Therapy For Emotional Maturing Past a Traumatic Experience" would be called. She has a son who is now 19 who hasn't seemed to mature emotionally since he was 8yrs old. He was a slender child who had problems with his feet. At 8 yrs old he had <extensive>surgery that corrected problems with his feet that seemed to stunt his emotional growth. He ended up gaining weight enough that he was a considerable amount overweight. He also seems to be a bit depressed, although he's got a great smile when happy:) We're thinking that he for sure needs to have blood work to figure out if there are hormonal things going on... Anyone had similar situations? He's fine as far as intelligence.... (and no learning issues that I know of..) Ideas??
  17. I'd start with "why" are you going to pull them out? (Are there problems that you are not ok with?) This would be part of my response :) My first thought is that once they're in Highschool, I wouldn't pull them out against their will...
  18. I don't pass most things on... I feel like if I pass it on, it may not be put in the "don't pass on" part of his brain. He would never pass it on... on purpose, but I think it's harder for guys to remember what's a "secret" :)
  19. Did he have chiro care? I was never thinking of doing chiro without other... just as a possible "chiro too" or Ostheo Care, too :) with whatever else is suggested ;)
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