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Everything posted by SonshineLearner

  1. Bummer... I looked last time and haven't found them yet... Good for you though!! :)
  2. How is 3 days full time? I might very well love the MP school :) Good Luck on choosing... At least you have a choice!! :)
  3. If it was a great one, I'd be all over that :) I looked at one and it's A Beka and Bob Jones... not so much :(
  4. I've been having slight allergic reactions to different fruits/veggies for years. I can have them in different ways, that switch the enzymes or something... Use to be bananas, then it was raw nuts (almonds etc) Now it's apples, raw almonds, avocados, strawberries (sometimes) peaches... nectarines...carrots (sometimes) My throat itches and I have some ear itching etc.... I can have baked apples :) I've heard that the Oral Allergy Syndrome is determined by pollens that you're allergic to. Also PSA: If you're allergic to avocados and bananas, be very careful with latex. If you're not careful, you very well may end up being allergic to latex. You can search about they "whys".... but there ya go...
  5. I agree Denise. I wouldn't want my parenting examined... I'm sure we've all been less than stellar sometimes. I also wouldn't think my child would do anything horrible. They're just not like that... BUT, sometimes things happen. I'm hoping that they act respectfully, even when around others who don't. That's having honor, right? But, I don't think the lady needs $500,000 to deal with it.
  6. Poor thing. I'm so sorry... Hoping for a quick recovery and good answers!!
  7. My lovie name for my brother was Nayfie... and when we named our some, his became Nayfie as well :) Could have been "Bud's Mama" tood :) My mom once asked me if I was going to call him "Bud" when I took him to school :) He's always been our little "buddy" ;)
  8. How much do you pay for your DC's ballet lessons? (I think they're about $9.00 a class.) How long are the lessons? How many lessons per week? Ballet/Jazz/Modern are 60 minutes Pointe is 1/2 hr Is there an annual registration fee or something similar? How much is it? $25 or so? Who teaches the early levels (say about 10 yo and younger) - older students or a trained adult? Owner teaches the oldest, Co-worker teaches some classes like Modern. What do you pay for costumes (or costume fees)? Do you keep the costumes? About $50 per costume. Yay, I get to keep pieces she'll never wear again... (I wish that we collected them and sent them on to poor neighborhoods, or kept them for the next performance they could be used in. The last studio did keep them year to year...) My daughter is doing 5 or so classes a week and helping in another class for little kids. (They give one class for one demonstration class) She's also doing Dance Team for Highschool :) That's another 3 days of meeting for maybe 6 more hours of dancing? She should be in incredible shape. :)
  9. http://www.babygotosleep.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=category&layout=blog&id=9&Itemid=2 This is an amazing cd... I use to buy it for everyone for a baby gift :)
  10. So, I'm on my way out, but do you have family? Around that time I had my husband feed rice milk to my son for a couple of nights in a row so I could get some sleep. I am someone who believes in long term nursing and co-sleeping was easiest for ME because I didn't have to get out of bed. BUT, if you're depressed, you seriously need to give yourself a break. Go to the DR and see if you can get some meds to tide you over. It's not easy having babies and kids... and loss of sleep. Another option is seeing if you can get a teen to come over and be there so you can get some naps. There's nothing like a good nap to let you catch up on sleep. For some reason, naps are sometimes more beneficial than night sleep, when you're sleep deprived. Wish you were closer... I'd give you a break. :)
  11. Well Audrey, I can't imagine spanking a teen. My lucky children don't get spanked, although it wasn't always like that for them. I would probably beat my child (belt them) and then have them take up the labour... which would be brutal and endless. I would want them to realize that being uncivilized brings the wrath of God down on them... I would do this because I DO love them enough for them to be wickedly scared of me and want to never think about being so cruel and heartless again. I seriously think it's the mob mentality. If ONE of those kids knew they'd be beat and put to work for endless hours, they might have had enough brain focus to say, "NO" this isn't right... or worth it!!!! With all the cells, they could have called someone or something. This is just ONE of the reasons I'm glad to have a better system where I live. It wouldn't be put up with here!
  12. They have a VERY micro-managed Portal for Directors and (use to be for Essentials Tutors, too) Personally I found it a bit oppressive. The tutors and others who post on the C3 community are helpful. Seriously, if you've ever found people getting in trouble here interesting... it's nothing like CC's control.... :) There is a lady who has lapbooks that look cool for the different cycles... Already ready to go... (well, you print them) If you're doing CC with kids who like lapbooks, you should try them :)
  13. They have a VERY micro-managed Portal for Directors and (use to be for Essentials Tutors, too) Personally I found it a bit oppressive. The tutors and others who post on the C3 community are helpful. Seriously, if you've ever found people getting in trouble here interesting... it's nothing like CC's control.... :) There is a lady who has lapbooks that look cool for the different cycles... Already ready to go... (well, you print them) If you're doing CC with kids who like lapbooks, you should try them :)
  14. Kids in packs can be bad :( (As can all people) I have to say that I'd probably belt my kid. Doesn't that sounds lovely? I can't even say I'd spank my child. I don't really spank my kids now, and I don't think "spank" is what you do to teens. (Obviously the goal should be to not be spanking a teen, even if you spank in younger years) If paddling happened in school, I'd be there to paddle them. That's how incredibly horrible I think that is. I also would be beyond surprised :( I would probably take them out of school. I would wonder what happened to their empathy, good choices, and all the other questions that I can't even think about right now. I just can't imagine :( So, so, sad!! :(
  15. Sorry for you!! I totally know what you mean... it never ever seems to end.... Wish I could build up my bank as fast as I need to spend it... :(
  16. This is one of the breeds I was thinking about. Here's the thing. Are you ok with training the pup? I mean, spending time socializing it, taking it to training somewhere? I suggest going to a really good training place. Ours was under $100. But, you have to figure in time and such and working on recall and house training.... :) Also, if you're gonna purchase a pup, remember to do your research and pick a reputable place. :)
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