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Everything posted by SonshineLearner

  1. Well, Sarah and David is used in Schuls. I bought it for my son to learn Hebrew. It's not really Ancient Hebrew, but I figure that if shuls use it... it's good, right? The authors are a daughter/mom pair and it seems the main difference is some pronunciation and the writing is a bit different... :) My dad who can fluently read the Hebrew Bible can get along fine with it ;)
  2. Hmmmm.... all kinds of snacks, too!! They have hotdogs(beef organic) if you care for them. Turkey Bacon... Good Chicken... (organic choices, too) Juices... These yummy peach or strawberry juice squeeze things that are frozen. Quiche... YUM!! :) So many yummy choices. Honestly I haven't see anything that isn't really great:)
  3. The little chicken tamales with your own mixed sour cream and salsa. They had a dip they'd mixed together when I was there, but I had to guess at what was in it :( They are absolutely delicious!!
  4. That's so exciting!! I wanted my daughter to think about doing an exchange... but she has no desire :(
  5. Wow, that's hard. Try to get in touch with someone who knows about services there, is my suggestion. So sorry!! Right now I can't honestly say that it gets to be your mom's decision. At this point, she can't probably make the best decisions :( So... very, very sorry :(
  6. Sad that those you trust/trusted most can be your worst luck :( So sad for you :( (and for her family, too, of course)
  7. I ordered seeds to consume. (organic) I ordered shelled but not ground. I wouldn't think that the seed being off would be bad... just the grinding... I'll be interested in hearing about this. I am doing it with Nutella (and organic "nutella" when I have it... ) A Rudi's english muffin (5 grams of protein) Nutella (3 grams of protein) and 3 TBS of ground hemp seed. )11 grams of protein) YAY.... Then I feed my son 1 cup of Wallaby's organic yogurt with some agave. (23 grams of protein) I'm doing this because his Dr mentioned that we might need to do Pediasure because of a 4lbs weight loss :( (He's not even 60lbs and he's 9yrs old) So, I figure that the 40 grams of protein is great. I also don't feed him the English Muffin till night because Hemp is filling... so I want him to eat plenty during the day. What made you think of ordering Hemp seed??
  8. And I'd say to draw out any cash you can.... And make sure you think about access to $$$
  9. We went to a very strict school before. (RAD, Each level has a new color for their leotard. Pink tights, shoes that the teacher picked) Now she goes to a school where pretty much anything goes... I do remember thinking that the kids looked too made up when my daughter was young, but relaxing some by the time she hit these last couple of years ;)
  10. Because my son doesn't want to go to school and do what all the other kids have to do. No joke!! I tried to talk to him about school and he thinks that it sounds horrible. Why would you want to do what everyone else has to do?? How.... can I argue with that?? :(
  11. I've heard that leather and car seats don't mix.... :(
  12. I'd be giving Lysine for cats to my other cat... right away. Since he's licking it up and being exposed too, you want to keep him healthy. Maybe cat probiotics, too. Good Luck... I know how it is to spend money on our kitties... Hope it turns out great!!
  13. Make sure that she's on foods that don't have a chance to bring more allergies... Also, the pollen thing is a good thing to think about. But, remember that a puppy is better to rehome than a grown dog ;(
  14. Hmmm... "We'd love for you to have a Homeschool Program like Colorado's"? I hear that Colorado has elective classes for homeschoolers that you can take and still retain homeschool status. There are some REALLY cool things that you could get if you could use your tax $$$..... Hmmm :)
  15. My 17 and 14 year old probably spend about $500 a year on clothes. I take them shopping 3-4 times for major change of season shopping.
  16. The only thing that would have made a difference is if someone had shot the shooter in the head... Or if some wrestler had been able to wrestle him to the ground... Or if the shooter had been on meds making it so his head wasn't wacked out :( Our son could make it through this movie no problem at 9yrs old.... I'm pretty sure that lack of guns being worn gives the shooter a sense of security. When you KNOW there are guns all over... even concealed... it would hopefully make you think about shooting. Both of my parents can still shoot well and my dad would have died (or hopefully lived) trying. I grew up in Texas.... and at least when you're there, you know that SOMEONE in the audience has a gun and has probably been target shooting recently. That being said, the guy was/is sick and maybe no amount of fear or uncertainty would have helped... :(
  17. I have NO criticism for you!!! (hugs!!) I'm just gonna tell you that parenting even kids without extra issues is hard. I know you have extra extra issues to deal with. For us, I'm doing meds with my son. They've been a miracle for us. He had previously had a couple meltdowns as well as a couple of times after he started (First started) his meds. We talked to him about how he could handle what was happening before hand. He ALWAYS has to have a snack before bedtime. His "go to" snack is Nutella (or the organic when I have it) with freshly ground Hemp seed. The english muffin I spread it on (Rudy's organic) has 5 grams of protein, the Nutella 3 grams and the 3 TBS ground hemp....11grams!! So all together 19 grams! (Sometimes protein helps level people out... don't know if it'd help...) So sorry you're dealing with this. In a kid that had no issues, I'd do some punitive measure. BUT, I'm not sure that's something that would help here... :( So sorry :( I hope something clicks...... :)
  18. You can possibly get an anti-viral prescription. My son had a horrible case at 18 months and finally started the prescription. It was awesome!! Also, as a side note... all over his face...make sure it stays oiled up to help with not scarring. (So Vaseline or I did a witches brew of all kinds of healthy oils. I got them from the health food store. Jojoba oil, essential oils... wouldn't do tea tree oil.. but oils like lavender and such... :))
  19. I've used tons of sitters. My kids were 9,6,3.. with the two oldest being my step kids. The older girls were always old enough to let me know what went on... and by the time I had a baby, even my 5 year old was old enough to tell me. Usually when my baby needed watched, my mom would watch him. Lucky me, now that I have older kids, they usually watch my son if I need them. I guess I just need time off. Oh well. :)
  20. Since you're asking... and you'd try raw, I'd suggest that you warm it up. You can do this with organ meat (heart, kidneys, etc... and then lessen the amount you cook it.) This is the easiest way to do it. When I started my pup on raw chx I cut up the pieces and fed them one by one. He literally didn't know how to eat it. Then it got bigger and bigger. Now I can throw out a whole chicken :) As far as grain free food I like Taste of the Wild. BTW, though I feed almost ALL raw, there are some things not to feed raw. One of them that is potentially very dangerous is raw salmon :( If I lived on a farm I'd raise meat rabbits for my dog. I'm thinking of it even though I'm in town....
  21. Cool... I didn't know Keen were made in the US!! :) As a side note, I'm around Salem... if you are too, pm me. :) We always like to get to know other homeschoolers :)
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