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Everything posted by SonshineLearner

  1. Hmmm.... I totally believe that guns should be legal. BUT, if we had a gun it wouldn't be able to be accessed by our teens. Their brains just haven't reached adult hood, and I don't want them making life altering decisions. (life altering for themselves & the people these teens are shooting :() The needed action is NOT, in my opinion, to keep legal guns from law abiding citizens. It's to keep guns out of the reach of those not old enough to own them :(
  2. With my son who was beyond crazy active... ERGO!!! :) It was my friend. He was pretty good in it, and it was something I was willing to demand he stay in while shopping. It was my sanity :) If you have a spot right by you to corral her in, it might work, too. And train... I'm not saying spank... but ask for something to be done... and then help her do it. Spend the time now... "Come to Mama" and then if she doesn't... Go and help her "come to Mama" :) All with a happy face. I swear dogs and kids are like each other. You want to be the one she looks at to please :) It's hard... it's tiring... That's how it'll be for her life, maybe!! So, spend these times when there aren't SO many distractions... and encourage cooperation. You literally can't get the energy out... so you have to work at it... My son can wake up at 8am and be awake at 11pm.... :)
  3. This may or may not be a good suggestion. I've heard that if you allow yourself a set amount of time to grieve each day, that it allows healing but yet moving on. So say, from 4:0 to 4:30 you think about how you don't like what happened... and yet the rest of the day you focus on what will happen... (and be positive :)) I'm really sorry... relationships are harder work than anything else!! And there are no "go home" times like with a job... :(
  4. This is SOOOOO cool!! I"m waiting for your review! :)
  5. Yes, I always think about what we have to talk about. Kilts or no kilts? Spanking is hitting or not and should you do it? Cutting off a child's foreskin is incredibly life saving... or not... All homeschoolers are moms who wear jean skirts? You MUST use Saxon or you're going against homeschool law?? When you eat cupcakes you MUST NOT let your child have sprinkles on it with artificial Color!!! And lastly, don't put your meat in the MICROWAVE after it didn't cook fully in time after it had been in the crockpot!! :)
  6. Sure, I always listen to others when it comes to what should happen with my children. Yup, "they're" the ones who are to blame if I don't like the outcome. (or my kids don't) With choices come responsibility. I'm pretty sure I'll discuss, as will my son's dad, that with intact parts comes responsibility. Regardless of parts missing or not, you need to be careful about s*xu*lity. :) It's best to ride in a parachute protected... it's safer not to ride at all :) We make all of our decisions knowing our family's values, and that our children may not carry them. We also don't shoot all vaccines in our children, regardless of "suggestions". If they travel to countries requiring them, they can make that adult decision. We don't cut body parts out of fear. Funny thing... for those who do, there are actually views/disagreements on what length cut to make.... :) I think this article is interesting. Maybe it's all wrong, but their are interesting points, along with the fact that what is typically removed is about a 3x5 size of skin. That's a ton in my view. It also talks about what can possibly be removed, so if I were going to circ, I would be the one to choose how much and what parts would be cut off. (I wouldn't just choose a Dr to make such a delicate decision.)
  7. As I posted in a post above, I too can eat some fruits...sometimes.. and not others. I have SOOOO many things I can't eat (fruits/veggies) that I eat what I can.... when I think I can get away with it. I can't do apple... But baked apples are yes. I can't do sugar snap peas... but when I got them ready for the freezer after blanching them.. and I did just fine!! I was so excited. Then I tried blanching cherries... and it didn't work. etc... :)
  8. Oh.... gosh... lettuce??? I hadn't thought of that. I can have some guac... sometimes.... I do love it!!!
  9. How about saying something like, "That is an interesting assignment. If we can work through all of our schoolwork, the kids may be able to get to those" :)
  10. I do too!! For years my best friend said that I was just "sensitive"... made kinda fun of me... saying it wasn't an allergy. I first saw the Kaiser brochure about it being an allergy and felt validated!! I can have bananas again and have for a few years.. Here's a "FYI" if he becomes allergic to avocado look up the need to be careful about latex!! I'm not awake enough to explain it, but there's a correlation between those allergic to bananas and avocados and those who can become allergic to latex... so if you're careful, it's possible that won't happen... I became able to eat bananas when I moved to OR from TX... I have a huge list of not able to eat. I can usually eat carrots again (raw) but not yams (they are so good raw..) Red/Green/Yellow peppers I can sometimes eat... Sweet Peas I can't... BUT, I was able to eat them blanched!! I have a lot of other fruits including apples that I can't do raw. I'm sure you know that he can probably eat it cooked... It changes the enzymes... ::)
  11. I think it's odd that she's UU... (is she?) and so off about someone else's choice. Just a thought about her being (not) open minded... Perhaps she's just so into "the village" or perhaps she's just trying to justify her own choices. I have my own misgivings about homeschooling... But it's just that I'm tired. :( I don't think that one thing works for all people. There are times that it works.. and then sometimes it doesn't... I think she's pretty darn strong about her disliking homeschooling. I think... that before I totally dismissed her, I might ask her about her blog. Sometimes people are just in a bad mood!! Or put their foot in their mouth... (and sometimes just stuff their leg down, too!!) I had a rather awkward conversation today. When I left I just realized that I am not always the smartest person when it comes to not running off at the mouth :( And I totally appreciate the person for a HUGE favor they're doing for us... I just... spoke without thinking!!! :( Perhaps this person just wrote... but was not meaning exactly what she blogged... more like rambling? :( HUGS... I hate it when something like this happens!! :(
  12. Hey there ;) Thanks for the info so far... I'd love some more opinions... or options for trying an "Experience Based" curriculum :)
  13. I think if my husband asked for 8:30, I'd ask him to take the boys on a half hour jog before we start.... Hmmmm :) It would really help the kids settle before they started school... Hmmmm :)
  14. Anyone used or hear of this curriculum? I'd love some reviews :) Moving Beyond the Page
  15. Everything is different when you're older, right? I mean... to me... Is the person I'm with honest? Does he treat me well? Is he kind hearted? Does he work to provide what we need as a family? (financially, spiritually, emotionally?) Not everything can be perfect all the time, but is he working to become the person he was created to be? If he's making money, not cheating on you.... and comes home at night.... well... that's the start of being proud ;) (And yup, my husband meets that and the "working hard to be who he should be part, too" :))
  16. I love waldorfy products!! If you order enough... like large amounts... Mercurious has discounts... So... for next time you can stock up :)
  17. Great for you both!! SO great when your "mama's heart" is comforted!! May the bullies fade away, and the happiness continue coming back. My mom's next door neighbors have a DS child. She's happy, starting to be extremely independent, and has a nice job now :) Good Luck!! :)
  18. If she couldn't avoid it, it's better that she wasn't looking, most likely. You don't tense that way... Kinda like why drunk drivers sometimes don't get hurt as bad as others... Yes... it's all just down to "She's ok!!!!" :)
  19. I think it's a question for the Divorce Attorney you need to be working with. Putting them in school is setting precedent, and unschooling doesn't look good to judges. I'd say using a curriculum that's acknowledged by others, and schooling in a more "serious" way works on your legal side. Remember that people don't usually get divorced because they can work well together, or want the best for the other person. Children are often used as pawns, and plans that were "mutual" before turn to "battle grounds" in the land of divorce. Sorry :(
  20. I'm actually "looking" for a school that he could succeed with and not be bored... My husband said, "Maybe the next year" :) He's happy with him home... funny how he was pretty much anti-homeschooling and now he's pretty much anti "school".... :) Our town is small so it's kinda hard. Our whole town is centered around the schools....
  21. I like practicing Number bonds with manipulatives :) 5 is 2 and 3 :) 5 is 1 and 4.... ect... When you see 4 and 2 you're thinking 5 and 1. Hopefully I'm saying that correctly... :)
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