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Everything posted by SonshineLearner

  1. All I know is Shepard is suppose to be better than Apologia, having some topics that are more current than just Apologia ;) Good Luck!! :) And, I've heard wonderful things about Chalkdust!! :)
  2. It's true!! It was written into the State Constitution!!!! It's a great spot to live... :)
  3. Oh... here they just lose credit for what they give outside of the system..
  4. But if it's court ordered... someday you'll most likely get it... especially if he ever tries to sell his house or files tax returns... right? At least that's how it's worked for me :)
  5. It takes a few paychecks, sometimes, for them to start garnishing wages. It can work out to at least 2 months. I've had that happen before... And yes, I think he could be in the dark about how much he pays for each child. Especially if he's stressed and just accepts it as taken....
  6. You are SOOOO missing out!! They are incredible!! We did the plan where he got one every couple months for a year... it was awesome! :) He has so many hours of creating. Seriously, I know what we'll get him for his bd :) Starter kits are contagious and start the lego bug... ;)
  7. Yes, she asked if I wanted to drive to our spot next. I have dreaded the day, because I'm like carseat crazy... and she's not. She'll be the passenger which is why I'm freakin' out. She's already told me that that's how they do carseats, so I'm more comfortable with her driving. My son is already really seatbelt safety conscious... so no worries there :)
  8. Thanks! :) I'm just searching for ways to interest him.... Can you do Latin in an "Unschooly" way?? :)
  9. Can't wait to hear about the new Beast Academy books :) That's it!! Any reviews yet? Or maybe I missed threads?? :)
  10. Ok so, Poll to follow. I'm trying to figure out how I feel about other people's kids being in my van. I have just given up my son's carseat, and he's 9yrs old. (I do mean a 5 pt harness) So, my turn to drive to somewhere and I know my friend doesn't use all the parts of her carseat. (the middle between the legs part) It kinda freaks me out, because I think that means she could slip out of it. The other parts weren't very tight either. I know I'm an uptight freaked out person, so tell me how you'd deal with it... or to calm down. Her daughter is 3yrs old. I'm not sure her 6 year old uses a booster still, either... (Multiple Choice Poll)
  11. Pretty simple... Looking for activities to share with my son.... Kinda thinking an assortment of choices for him to look over :) Comments/Helps/Suggestions welcomed :) He's in 4th grade (9yrs) and loves Robotics..
  12. Just look at HOW you're suppose to drink it... you start off with a certain amount and increase as pregnancy goes along. My mom knew a midwife who would only agree to deliver babies... if their mom's drank raspberry leaf tea during pregnancy...
  13. CRAZY... although if you're gonna buy it... leather would be a better investment, right? :)
  14. Well, I'll chime in with my experience :) I really don't care to cook ANY meat. I have my husband usually deal with putting it in the Traeger Barbequer.... and bring it back in. Mostly he debones it too, and then I pull it already cooked to use in my food. I don't need chicken to make say... quesadillas or most other foods. I think that SOME meat is good for you... I do like some, now that I've been eating it again. I'd suggest purchasing a smaller amount at somewhere like Trader Joes. I purchased organic and it's not too expensive. I'd just add a bit; more like Asian cooking. Adding steak was something I did while driving through Wyoming. It was weird... just like.... "I'll have a steak!" I don't eat any ground meat at all... ok... well a few years back I had some hot dogs (kosher beef ones) and now I've been thinking about having another one... But I don't add ground hamburger... snack on chicken nuggets..or anything like that... Like I said... small amounts of only white meat chicken is what I'd suggest. If you want to do the chickens... Cook them all together in the barbeque... pull them off... and use them later :) It's not like you have to eat the whole thing. :)
  15. So sorry :( It's just sad.... and when we watch "Hoarders" I go into clean mode... I have a hard time getting the house clean... ever... but not that bad :(
  16. I was... due to resistance on my part I "unschooled" from 7th on. I was homeschooled with A Beka for 6th... I did Saxon... but hated it :(
  17. Yes, they are young. I'd have them really understand that the toys aren't to be borrowed because they are cool. You don't take things that aren't yours without permission. It's like a lie and stealing. I'd have the older work longer than the younger, and let them know that that's the deal.... because the older is the younger's mentor. I would also consider this a problem worth "punishment" besides consequences. (so that'd be the whole shebang.... apology, taking back, buying a toy a piece for the nursery, and making sure it's not something they want to play with.) I'd also call before we went to give the manager a "heads up" that I'm coming in and how I want him/her to respond. It's not the toy... it's the habit and it's a character problem that you want to nip before it grows :)
  18. I WOULD click on yours if I hadn't seen them before, but have never clicked on any... except on accident. They annoy me, actually, but like I said... I love PHP :)
  19. Yup, I'd share that I have two perfect spots for them! :) I'd have one stay in one room... and one in the other. What they choose to do under the radar would be their business, but I'd hope they could respect my values for the days they were there... I'd probably say it in a gentle way, "I know that sometimes we don't make the choices we had hoped to when we were young, but I'm hoping that (your daughter's name) will choose to date and get married before living with the man. With that in mind, you're welcome to stay with us as singles... or I'm more than happy to give you some hotel spots nearby. We're SO excited to see you and can't wait to see you." Or... "You know how important you are as a role model of "Katie's"... and that we're praying she will wait till she's married to live with her husband. Since you're someone she looks up to, how do you think we can make these two things come in line. (not living together and you staying with us while you're here)
  20. That is absolutely awesome!!! :) My son is doing Kempo... and wants to one day become a black belt... it's still years away :) Happy for you!! :)
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