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Everything posted by SonshineLearner

  1. Wow Denise! Good to hear. Lymes Disease sucks! I've got a cousin who got it long ago, and their Dr didn't treat it correctly :( I hear he's steady now... he did the pure oxygen treatments since he was losing his sight ;( It stinks!! :( Hope her body can kick it! It's good that it seems to be acknowledged more now :)
  2. Gosh Wendy :) I keep missing bread and fresh mozzarella from NY/NJ!! And Pizza, too.... The food... is one of the biggest things I miss from there... oh yes, And Friday night meals.... from the Jewish Delis... :)
  3. Well, I can tell you how I get protein down my child... and you can see if any of it would work... I can do 1 cup of Wallaby's Greek Yogurt. (Put honey, Agave, or jam) 3 Tbs of Ground Hemp seeds. (Buy shelled and I grind the whole packet in my Vitamix and stick in the freezer. You can also grind a bit at a time in a clean coffee grinder) I buy Organic Rudy's English Muffins(5 grams of protein), Nutella (BTW, you can get organic lower sugar chocolate/hazelnut spread) (2 Tbs, 3 TBS protein) and, Hemp (3 TBS, 11 grams) Hot dogs with nothing but celery added are a choice, occasionally, if you do those. Greek Yogurt popsicles..... (Yogurt with things added) If you do peanut butter, you could easily make those peanut butter balls with ground hemp seed added.... I think they would be incredible. (regretfully I can't do those... peanut allergy in the house...) Chocolate Milk with Agave instead of sugar... and use cream or half and half for some of the milk... So, I know you have ideas from your DR, but these are just a couple of mine... Good Luck!!! I wish I could make some decent money!! :)
  4. Yes, it was funny!! My daughter asks me why I'm in a bad mood every time I want them to help clean.... :)
  5. I think the sink/toilet on your side.... shower/bath in the middle.... and sink/toilet opening up to the hall sounds awesome, if you can figure that into the plans... and a full downstairs. Honestly, I'd go crazy with someone peeing while I was showering :( As far as the formal dining room... I'm pretty sure it's not required now, although are you having any room (school?) that could be converted if you chose down the road?
  6. Oh gosh... that's sad.... I hope everything works out and you both can sleep through the night....
  7. I'm not sure it's crazy :) Maybe for you, but for me it would work out... If the kids were the same and the parents were comfortable with what I'm doing this year. I'm pretty patient, I've got a decent sized house/yard... and my 9 year old would like the company :)
  8. If you don't want to put a fancy one in the master... at least put a shower/bath small deal with a sink. Seriously, it's a problem for the master to not have a restroom... Especially in a new house. It doesn't take up that much room to have a very small restroom.
  9. We had friends with two sinks and storage in between the two rooms, then behind it a door and the toilet/bath~shower combo. It was great. Then the other room upstairs had it's own restroom.... and downstairs the master and then 1/2 for a guest restroom. :)
  10. I'd tell you for resale value someday... and you really never totally know when... you don't want to cut down the restrooms. Though you may not want to relax in the restroom.... you don't know how others would feel. I would purchase a house with an extra restroom in a heartbeat. I'd love to have a half bath for guests, and then a bath for every two rooms. One upstairs with a shower as well as one in the master is what I'd want... in addition to the downstairs. Also... a bath for your guest room is great. :) Just a thought. I wouldn't remove restrooms from the plan....
  11. Little House on the Prairie :) Didn't the teachers use to be invited to dinner?? (And long before that they lived with families :))
  12. I feel bad for you :( I hope that doesn't happen to me :( I feel sorry for me in advance :( I hear that you lose your son when he marries :(..... How sad :(
  13. A point of use Hot water heater is what would be great for you. That's been what's hard for us... and wouldn't matter if we had 2 or 5 restrooms... with our limited hot water supply :( Not essential, but good for when everyone needs showers in the morning/night... within such a short time. :)
  14. So jealous!! I was homeschooled in TX years ago... I SOOOOOOO wish I could go. Enjoy for me, too!! :)
  15. Hmmm... cancel service and drive it to the dump?? I hate strikes, at this point. I mean... I believe that they were good and necessary before... but now? Seriously :(
  16. Hmmmm... You have A,E,I... but no "O or U".... maybe you need an O... I'm thinking... Olivia or Oliver :)
  17. How about Lydia Renee? :) Depends on your last name... :)
  18. Hi from Oregon :) My dad has been one of the speakers at the Summit held in Colorado for years..... He usually speaks at one session... or maybe more if it fits. We're committed to sending each of our kids at least once. We've sent two so far :) Per day it's actually less than camp, per day... The year our 2nd daughter went I was kinda jealous! I knew who many of the speakers were and would have liked to hear them! My 2nd daughter down still keeps in contact with the friends she met... through FB :) If you want to write a paper after, you can pay extra and get college credit. :)
  19. There are some that aren't ok if you're allergic to peanuts. I buy the Nutiva brand. I like the one with less coconut taste for cooking... more for when we're doing something like popcorn :) I buy... organic :)
  20. So sorry :( That's scary :( Sounds like a good kid... Prayers for him and safety :(
  21. I suggest Emery :) I know it can be male, but I think it's beautiful. I also think there's a French Poet with the name. I know a girl named "Emorie" but I think Emery would be the say most think of the spelling. I also like Avery which one origin is French... as well as Amity :)
  22. I think it's a great idea! If you're not gonna use anything around, I can't see why you would pay $40 or whatever for absolutely nothing. We are self sufficient even with our little trailer... Well, the 24 hr restrooms don't sound bad, either. Even though I don't usually shop at Wal-mart.... I'm sure I could find razors there. They're the cheapest at Wal-mart..... :)
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